[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Personally, I feel that Miss Fang would decide that the Mercury Ants are the perfect solution for the Avalanche idea. Mercury Ants are capable of communication over great distances, especially underground. One Mercury ant could burrow to a position under the mountain, and the other Ant could wait with Miss Fang.

When it receives the signal, the Ant under the mountain could dig under the precariously perched pile of petrified precipitation and send half of the bloody mountain tumbling down onto your enemies.

As Miss Fang is still under my control while our dear Cyl is adventuring in the world, I'll have her prepare this. She can also begin the movements to bring the camp into the mountain, like Cyl suggested she would do.
To clear up any confusion, if there is any, below is my list of currently ongoing backstories. I gave them titles, rather than having a bunch of "Prelude to" cluttering up the subforum. Looks more professional this way, I think.

Star-Crossed Killers - Broken Heron a few years ago

Forged in Bloody Fire - Nkemdilim's childhood

A Star in An Teng - Sapphire in her 'home city'

The One In Charge - Miss Fang at Fanghensk Manor and beyond

Soon to come is Lost Mountain's Prelude, which will be titled Much Has Changed.

Stay active in these Backstories. Some of you have already recieved a few experience points for you work, and your pasts are more relevant to the current storyline than you may believe. Trust me.

And if you're not reading the backstories of your fellow players, tell me now so I can punish you immediately. :wink:

Don't be afraid to compliment your fellow writers. Even if it sounds corny, the simplest "That sounds neat" can give a writer more confidence in their own talent and creativity.
I was wondering about the realitive position between us and our attackers, are they reachable with one movement or will it take a good amount to time to reach them, also where is dexten's possition within the scale is he marching in front as a comander would or has he reorriented into the ranks now that BH has posed himself as a threat.
Ahh, okay, yeah I oughta break this down.

The scale is a good 300 yards away from the camp. Broken Heron is about 100 yards away from the scale, and 200 yards away from the camp.

Dexten is closest to the camp, as he is on the end of the line that the Scale is formed up in. The line of crossbowmen is perpendicular (kinda) to the camp.



(camp) [Hill]--------300y---------Dex*****45sol****----EdsFang ----------------------------- Jacob's Peak --->

So a bit like this. If I had the resources on this computer, I'd make a diagram with Excel or something, but I'm not at my home computer.
It will make things much easier if, when everyone posts during combat, to set that initial line like so:

--Dexten, Tick 0, Aim Action, Speed 3--

--45 Soldiers, Tick 2, Aim Action, Speed 3--

--Dexten, Tick 3, Wait--

Name, the tick you're action on, short description of your action, and then the speed. It'll help everyone keep track on when they need to act, and helps me know when you're acting again. Also, it means you don't have to interrupt the description of your action with "This is an aim action" or "Attacking three times with his sword".

I've done this myself for LM's post, and I believe Nkemdilim took a Sprint action, but I don't remember the Speed for that. When you get a chance H@B, couldja put that in your post please.
Ack... didn't even notice how Azure Sapphire Star would go as an acronym xD

Anyway I will postie Sapphire's action tomorrow morning. To tired now to write clearly xD
I wouldn't worry about it, because it seems that combat is ending.

Not all bad guys in Exalted are suicidal, nor should they be. Not every Terrestrial is going to drop everything to come at a Solar one on one, unless the Immaculate Philosophy in the mind of that Terrestrial is absolute (which often it can be) and their fanaticism drives them to forego logic. Even recently Exalted Solars still take a whole team of Wyld Hunt members to take down effectively and without serious losses. I knew going in that these soldiers from Jacob's Peak were probably going to surrender or be butchered once you guys showed your power, and I think it makes sense for them to do so. Dexten fully expects you guys to cut his heart out and eat it, and then descend upon Jacob's Peak and turn everyone to Hungry Ghosts. He's giving himself up for the sake of his men. Unusual, isn't it?

I expected your game to be mostly made of child-eaters and greedy lawyers, instead Dexten is almost making me weep.

Uff, opportunity for a coupla cool stunts burned with this hippy "make love not war" thingy... do you people know how hard is to make social 3-stunts? =P

Also, it makes perfectly sense for most living beings to avoid getting butchered when possible, only Immaculate nutcases go for sure death against the Anathema.

The problem is that now we'll care for both Dexten and his men, and we'll go to great lengths to avoid them as many problems as possible with the Wyld Hunt.

At least, that's fully BH's intention.
You still have the option of killing him, and there's a very pretty avalance waiting to be dropped on an unsuspecting Scale of innocent soldiers, who only wish to go back to their families.

Things are different in the North, even for Imperials. When you're cut off from the bullsh*t philosophies and the constant propoganda, even the most rigid of minds can start thinking for itself, thinking ABOUT itself.
Now, that could be a problem.

I mean... How can we kill the families? oO

Bad Anathema, bad!
Now, the interesting part of this is, what do we do with this fort of non-suicidal soldiers? Sure, we could probably keep them cowed until Alaura's crew recovers, then make a run for it, but I'm trying to think of something a bit more proactive. Handled correctly, we could make some nice allies here.
Yes, that would be nice.

I think the big problem will be to provide Dexten and the soldiers a free pass from the Wyld Hunt, they won't be happy that Dexten didn't uselessly sacrificed himself, his soldiers and the village against the Anathema...

Not sure that just beating him very hard would suffice.

He could disappear for a while, and then go back to lead his men "unofficially".. and it's better for his men to consider him dead, so we could do some show for them...

He can just come with us, but those NPCs tend to die fast.

Bonus points for who comes up with an idea that involves him parting from his artifacts (no, BH does not need them)! =)
I think it might be better for everyone involved if the Immaculate Order just didn't find out about this little run-in.

Alternatively, we give them a bigger bogeyman. "Solars, yeah--Look, a Deathlord!!!"

Edit: By the by, Nkemdilim is a mere 13 XP away from an instant heal Combo. 6 ticks, 3 or 4 HLs. Feel the power!
The problem with the Wild Hunt is that they have Sidereals astrologers backing them, and we made such a mess that there is NO WAY they won't be coming this way.

And when they come, they will grind Dexten hard, before killing him for blasphemy, cowardice and consorting with the Anathema.

Mmmh... I like instant heal combos!

We could still horribly beat Dexten and have him survive because tha bad Anathema were hastening towards something terribly important....
xarvh said:
Bonus points for who comes up with an idea that involves him parting from his artifacts (no, BH does not need them)! =)
He's already parted with them. He gave them to his soldiers. You guys could just mercilessly slaughter the lot of them, and take what you want. That's what a REAL Solar would do.
I thought he still had his stuff.

Man, this guy's serious when he want peace!

And we need a Lawful Good excuse to have him part with his weapon, as part of our elaborate plot for the Greater Good!

If we really really really have to play greedy, we just send in our Queen of Thieves (Hell, even BH could pull out the theft without a drop of blood...)
Aurethius said:
With the surprised and awe-stricken stares of his soldiers, Dexten hands off his several weapons to a young soldier, and stands with arms apart. Their respect for his remarkable bravery written all over their faces. He was going to sacrifice himself to the God-eaters to save them!

Aurethius, wouldn't be possible to get some sub-forums within Acrotomo?

Like, one for the main chapters, one for the preludes, one for the sheets...?


What does "Acrotomo" mean!? oO
I have no idea how to create subforums, and I can't find a guide on this site to do so. Maybe somebody who's been here longer can tell me where to find that.

And Acrotomo is a mangling of what I think is the latin term for amputation. I just think it sounds neat, and its not all flowery like the titles of other Exalted threads. "Rivers of Redemption!" or "Pansy Picking Star Seekers" just didn't fit.
Aurethius said:
I have no idea how to create subforums, and I can't find a guide on this site to do so. Maybe somebody who's been here longer can tell me where to find that.
'Think we have to ask Haku.
Dexten hasn't yet seen all of us or all the camp.

I'd like to keep what the Realm (and the Wyld Hunt) know to a bare minimum.
I won't make you re-use Sagacious Reading of Intent, you had already used it to study him here moments ago before you two sat down.

"The words are spoken matter-of-factly. There is no intent to decieve there, and for whatever reason, he is steadfast about not making any oath with Broken Heron. His reasons are unclear at this time."

The above line is what your Sagacious Reading told you. You already have some great social skills, and you can always write something like "Broken Heron pays special attention to blah blah blah as he makes the offer" and get a stunt bonus. Or you can just ask in Code or seperate with ******** and say "Hey, could you describe his reaction when I say this please?"

It's your essence, but I don't want you blowing it when you could just RP, stunt, or just plain use your skills to the same ends.

The Imperial Presence in Jacob's Peak is that of House Tepet, NOT House Cathak. Dexten Thaird is a Tepet member as well. Fixing all posts with that problem immediately.


I can't wait until you guys get to meet some of these characters I'm working on. I've always enjoyed seeing the 'Meanwhile' stuff in novels and movies, and now that I get to use it myself, its very exciting. I hope its the same for you guys.
Myllinia, I would consider having Saph hasten to take the powerbow from the soldiers.

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