[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Welcome back xarvh! I missed you!

But I won't miss with my next shot, I promise...

*takes aim*

And on the Jorune topic, I will admit that what is to come is NOT something I had planned, but it is something that has developed as a result of recent events. That's all I will say.

Your Judge's Ear Technique works flawlessly, and you are absolutely certain that Jorune is not lying, or even half-lying. He honestly believes that he was called "Fallen from the Sun" in his odd verbal flashback, however JET only verifies if what the person said was 'true'. Whether or not Jorune IS "Fallen from the Sun" has nothing to do with this charm, only that, somehow, he believes what he says is true... (very hard to explain, but I hope you understand, heheh). Broken Heron, Your intuition and clever use of charms leads you to be Absolutely, 100%, no-doubt-about-it positive that there are pieces of Jorune's memory that are missing. Parts of what he can remember have either been removed with precision, or his memory is very specific on what it doesn't want to keep. This is the only explanation for the inconsistencies in his stories. His thoughts, his words, his feelings, they're all fragmented. Even his memories of who he was are broken. Was he a mortal, or was he a Solar? What is he now? There is certainly no doubt (and this is coming from the ST), that he truly does not know, CANNOT know. Miss Fang is beginning to realize this as well.

Trust me, all I need is one scene to bring this all together so it makes sense, but something has to happen first.
Just a reminder, I'll be gone for a week or two starting tomorrow :)

Home... here I come !
So, my buddy has fallen victim to the new account limitations put in place due to the spammers, which is why it's taking him a while to get signed on. It will probably be a few more days.

I'm working on a way to get him the core rules, but he's probably going to need a bit of help adjusting to the new system. We mostly played d20 products, so Exalted is going to be a something of a shift for him. Does anyone know any good tutorials or quick reference sites he might use (and, for that matter, that I might use to brush up on the stuff I don't do all the time).
On another note: attuning to a demesne, even abyssal, has never hurt anybody... maybe we should try this too... perhaps our five essences resonating with the demesne energies would tamper things.

Also, if we all burn motes here, I mean quantities of them during a week, the demesne geomancy would probably change rapidly.
Well, happy France then! =)

cyl said:
Also, if we all burn motes here, I mean quantities of them during a week, the demesne geomancy would probably change rapidly.
Faster or slower than the Wyld Hunt gets us?

The ST warned us already.

I don't like when the ST warns me... =)

(But it could be worth a try!)
YES! Jorune is finally released! Alright, give me a little bit to write this, I thought I had more time. Heheh, things are gonna get good!
And so, Jorune has been released. I purposely left out many details, mostly so that I wouldn't have a post absolutely crammed with stuff. You can attempt to elaborate on things in your next post, as your characters are no doubt confused and perplexed by what just happened. Was Jorune really released? Is he gone now? What happened to the demesne? Was there ever a demesne in the first place? What is this cube? His chains were his memories all along?

What the heck is gong on?

You can ask these questions in your next post. I just wanted to spread everything out, and give your guys a chance to react and give your own theories before I just hand them to you. Heaven forbid I prevent my players from solving mysteries on their own, not that this one should be a mystery any more.

Again, I totally did not plan on this from the start.

Oh, and Licurgo can now post here. Let's get him started ASAP.

Licurgo, if you're out there, post in this thread so we can meet you, and we'll get started on fixing Lost Mountain so that he's more to your liking.
I'm likely to make a reference to the crone shortly, so I figured she should have a name. "Ramla" means prophetess in Swahili, so I think that'd be appropriate.
Howdy yall, as yall may or may not be aware of I am Horatio's friend. I wouldn't call myself a veteran RP'er but it not a new concept either, so hopefully I'll be able to blend into yall with as few seams as possible. Fair warning to one and all I am new to the system and not up to snuff on all the rules and regulations, so any helpful knowledge would be greatly appreciated, for the sake of everyones sanity lets hope I dont walk myself into a situation were intimate game knowledge is a must. Other than that I hope to have fun and bring something to the story that makes things interesting at the very least.
Nice to meet you. I'm the storyteller, which is synonymous with Game Master or Dungeon Master. Your situation is unique, seeing as you're coming into a game late, which is of course not your fault. We had this happen recently with Xarvh, who has started working with us seamlessly. I don't expect you'll have any problems that you don't get into on purpose (like some of our guys have, heheh). You are replacing the player TheRealBrickWall who was running the 'Warrior' type character named Lost Mountain.

Now, as far as getting your character going, you have 3 options. You can:

Jump into play immediately, keeping Lost Mountain's stats but editing his personality so that he's more 'your character'.

Edit Lost Mountain's stats to your liking so that his abilities are more 'yours', though his name stays the same.

Or we can have Lost Mountain fade from existence itself, and magically replace him with whoever you create.

Or we can combine elements of the three, it's up to you. If you're not familiar with the system, you have a wealth of system and storyline knowledge available that I myself have depended on since the beginning of this game. We also have our mutual friend Horatio, hopefully you have a decent amount of contact with him so he can help you more closely.

In the first post of this OOC Thread you'll find my rules for the game, basically house rules, roleplaying rules, and character creation rules. Do your best to read it, I have some guidelines in there I don't want you to break when you're making/editing your character.

If you're new to the system, I assume that you mean you've never played a white wolf game before. I hope that you have, it'll make integrating you much easier. It won't be a problem either way, the white wolf d10 system is very simple. Dot equals d10 that you can roll! More dots means you roll more d10s! A 7 or better on a d10 is a success! Very simple. It's when you start reading about Pings, and defense, and attack rolls, that things can get confusing. Don't worry, I intended for this to be a newbie game when I started it (don't take offense to the term).

So, not knowing anything about the setting, tell me what kind of character you want to make. Anything at all. Likes, dislikes, scenes you want him to be in, thins you want him to excel at... the usual stuff that helps a player flesh out his character.
hi hi! ^^ And welcome!

Oh ya in a belated note, I've add a wishlist thingy to my C.Sheet. Its small, insignificant cause for the life of me I can't think of anything more. And I've been sitting on it for what months?
Myllinnia said:
hi hi! ^^ And welcome!
Oh ya in a belated note, I've add a wishlist thingy to my C.Sheet. Its small, insignificant cause for the life of me I can't think of anything more. And I've been sitting on it for what months?
lol its fine! Your character will develop her own things that she wants to do. As your environment grows and the world actually 'gets going', she'll find things that she will want to do. Solars sometimes have that inherent drive to 'Fix Creation', but each one inevitably finds something they personally want to fix. Don't stress over it, it's NOT a requirement, trust me.
I think it'll be simpilist for me to just use Lost Mountain as is, and just adapt the personality of the character. I am familar with some of White Wolf, so the d10 system isn't intirely new, but like you stated Horatio and I have been friends for a good long time, and I'll probably use him as a crutch from time to time, when the situation calls for it.

I've actually been trolling your forum as a guest ever since Horatio made mention of me, so I've had a little time to get acquantied with the character backstories and current story arc (I hope that doesn't offend). As far as stepping into a warrior caste and following group dynamics I'm sure Horatios can back me up when I say it shouldn't be a problem for me. Following your guidlines shouldn't be hard, might have to pick a new dialogue color as I'm not intirely sure i can match what TRBW was useing, but I assure you I'll keep it similar.
Not a problem, and I'm glad that you've been proactive in getting acquainted with the story! Troll all you like, as long as you pay the toll, heheh.

And Please Please Please play the character however you like. All of our players WILL not find your 'new' personality strange. We'll retcon any and all of Lost Mountain's actions or words that do not fit with how you play the character now. Lost Mountain is now yours to do with as you wish, and you can begin play at any time.

One of the first bits of work I want you to do is copy and past Lost Mountains character sheet information into a thread of your own. That way you can edit it however you like. Also, I suggest that you make any changes you want to his backstory now. I still would like to do some background stories with you at some point, to get a one on one feeling of the kind of roleplayer and writer you are. We can do this whenever you are comfortable.

And any time is the perfect time to ask questions.
I'ld be more than happy to do a one on one anytime, I'm generally popping in and out between 4pm to as late as 1am (CST) during the week, and practically all day on the weekends. As far as the backstory goes I'ld like to leave it unchanged, a nod to the fact that its not entirely my character even though I've taken over the reins, that and i kinda like it as is.
Welcome Licurgo!

Probably the best for you will be to play Lost Mountain the way it is to get acquainted to the system, and modify it as you discover things.

All our PCs are recently Exalted, it's just obvious that their new being and powers have not fixed yet! =)
Hi buddy! Glad you were able to join the game!

TRBW and I developed a bit of friction between our characters, based mostly on the fact that Lost Mountain thinks Nkemdilim is a pushy jerk who represents the worst that a Solar can be. Of course, Nkemdilim just thinks he's acting like a Lord of Creation should. We're Solars, we don't have to take crap from some ghost. Anyway, we can continue with that, but it does color some of Lost Mountain's attitude toward the power he has. He's shown himself to be a bit reluctant to use it, which may or may not fit the way you want to use it.
If it's one of those plots where the good guys have to spend the entire game fixing the mess they've done, I'm not going to ever trust the ST again. =P

Feels like one of those too many games where you get to the end only to discover that you spent the game slaughtering good guys that were guarding some untold evil...

I really, really hope that the total balance of BH's influence on Creation will be more than zero, despite considering that we went down to minus one billion right now.

Adding 3 limits to BH.

Red Rage of Compassion, here I come!!!
Hey guys, I've landed in the land of hairy girls and necrotech enhanced smelly cheeses.

Good to see my folks again and to read about our new recruit (wise choice adapting a pre existing character) but.. well the deathlord thing just finished me (along with the jet lag).

I gotta read all this again with more than 2hrs/30 of sleep... 'cause... a deathlord trapped there in the end of the first age seems... strangely off.

ST: excellent interpretation job... I recognized my character perfectly ! :mrgreen:
cyl said:
Hey guys, I've landed in the land of hairy girls and necrotech enhanced smelly cheeses.
Good to see my folks again and to read about our new recruit (wise choice adapting a pre existing character) but.. well the deathlord thing just finished me (along with the jet lag).

I gotta read all this again with more than 2hrs/30 of sleep... 'cause... a deathlord trapped there in the end of the first age seems... strangely off.

ST: excellent interpretation job... I recognized my character perfectly ! :mrgreen:
Hang in there guys, all will make sense. Besides, you now have a pre-existing relationship with Jorune, for good or for ill. Whether or not he's actually a deathlord might still be up for debate (although you can be pretty sure he is). If you spit coffee when you finally realized it then I am happy.

There is more than one mystery locked in the "Door in the Mountain", and it will not be resolved any time soon. You guys are still new Solars, and I recognize that, I'm not going to drop a deathlord in your lap and make you fight him.

And I'm glad I played your character alright cyl. If you're able to post from where you are, please do!

And Broken Heron, "Aww Crap" was exactly the reaction I was looking for. Thank you for making my day, heheh. Jorune's true identity was meant to be a secret that you were going to unravel, and I didn't want to have you guys figure it out so soon, so I kept some things from you.

And don't forget the presence of a large cube of Starmetal. That's an interesting clue.

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