[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Excellencies are always good. It's your basic bread and butter stuff--you'll use it a lot more than you'll use anything else, and it's required for charms elsewhere. Investigation would be immediately useful (but then, so might Martial Arts!)

Reduced Wits to increase Perception and Int (1 was ridiculous).

Swapped Archery with Investigation, and selected 3 Investigation Charms.

Especially for how I see him and the half-idea I have for the Prelude, I needed BH to have some social combat proficiency, so I go with Investigation.

Aurethius, let me know if it's ok.
Fine by me. Broken Heron is still in his 'grace period' for character sheet alterations. Keep up the good work!
I have begun a new Act, and locked the old one. This will help us move along in the next step.

Experience will be awarded soon. Remember to follow the rules for experience expenditure.

Remember that the Experience Thread in this forum is where your experience is awarded.
Well, folks, I'm heading out tomorrow and packing tonight. It looks like the trip is going to be extended a bit, so I won't be able to post until next Wednesday at the earliest. Aurethius, you're welcome to run Nkemdilim (or get someone to run Nkemdilim) while I'm gone if you want to keep things moving. I hope you all have a good weekend!
With some luck I'll be leaving in a few days too, and Brick logged in last time four days ago.

Shall we freeze the game until we're all back?

Btw, adding a coupla limits for the disappointment about Miss Fang.

I'll let him get past the anger with his high Conviction.
Yeah, lets consider the game on lockdown until everyone checks in in this thread, saying "I'm back for good."
Could we in the meantime have some xp awards & expenses ^^

Some of our traits are cheap, and can be raised instantly (virtues willpower some abilities). All of course in the downtime available... that is 1 night :lol:
Forget about attributes man, it takes month of training to raise them... and by training I mean regular training. Double that if you have no master.

But to me, training for wits would be Mc Gyver style, going hiking with not much to eat and survive there alone and unhelped... or go in a foreign city where you have no ability to easily communicate with the locals and survive a month there... anything where your instincts practical logic and quick thinking are needed.
Or getting down a hole with a psychotic ghost and a socially-challenged team of solars and hope to survive...
And stay there for months... There are however some nice War and Lore charms that can reduce this need to a single week, but you still need the xp.
BH has wits 1.

It's one month.

And all I have to do is keeping him into danger.

And alive, possibly...

Just to make sure we all wait to continue until all players are accounted for, I am locking the Act 2 thread.

Waiting for H@B's return on Wednesday. Until that time, I'm waiting for a GO message from Mylinnia and TRB.
Fabulous. Remember, while we wait for H@B to return from his trip on Wednesday and for TRB to check in, we can work on backstories and fanfics. This is a perfect time to do so, especially for you xarvh.
Myllinnia said:
Mylly is always a go. Well maybe not always.
This sounded horribly slutty of you. =P

I'm (hopefully) leaving in a couple of days, and be back for good the 17.

While, nerd as I am, I will probably check mail/forum at least every 4 days, and I will spend my time building stories for BH, but I will really try to get out of my head and enjoy the islands.

If you guys want to proceed without me, I can prepare some templates for BH's chat with our friend down the hole, or just leave my PC in the claws of the ST.
Hrmm, I'm afraid that I have yet to fully digest your character in his entirety. Personally, I would not feel comfortable taking him over and playing him completely at this time. If you can get on and play him, it'd definitely help. I'll take over if necessary, but like I said, I want to be able to understand Broken Heron before I try to fill in your shoes, even for the tiniest amount of time.
Hey hey hey,

Just a bump to say I've been very busy lately, dunno why I've started to reform the mass combat and mandate of heaven system... since it can help in this game in a near future, I suggest you take a peek ^^ (find them in the Temple Courtyard)

Comments and critics are more than welcome.
I just wanted to let everyone know I'm back! Looks like I didn't miss much. Nkemdilim is sitting around being kind of creepy, as usual. I'll wait to post with him until someone else has set the scene. He's going to be a bit more reactionary to this event.
I'll be away from the 18th to the 24+th getting back to france and going to see my gramps for their 60th anniversary of marriage (try to beat that :lol: )

Will probably have access to internet though, but not sure I'll be able to post frequently between the flights trains and family meetings.

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