[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Well you know, latin did pretty much the same thing in its own era... and since then a collection of derived languages did the same... it's within the nature of man to take back what has existed, polish it a bit and create something knew...

But I remember Peanut saying "polish a turd... it's still a turd..." :lol:
The charm says that others cannot detect the character with any sense save touch. Do you think that means talking as well? I've never seen this charm used, so I've never had to think about it. When a Solar uses an 'invisibility' charm like this one, does it prevent them from communicating with speech?
I would like to be able to speak when using it.

It opens a lot of possibilities, dramatic and utilitarian, and does not screw up the game.

I'd leave this up to the ST to decide whether the troubles it causes offset the fun.

For a more technical argument, charms are usually pretty smart and I would expect it to be able to discriminate between voluntary speech and involuntary noise.

Also, what would happen should the PC drop an item on the ground?

I would expect the voice issue to behave in a similar way.

If the object stays invisible after being dropped, no voice.

If the object becomes visible after leaving the PC, voice should work, possibly giving away the PC position to an acute listener.

Last thing, since I plan to make large use of this charm and we're on it.

What happens if someone throws random attacks around or (in this case) snow, and the PC dodges it with Seven Shadow Evasion and personal essence?
The charm Seven Shadow Evasion is an 'enhancement' to a physical motion, ie Dodge. 'the Charm is a dodge that perfectly defends against the attack, even if the attack is un-dodgeable'. Movement disrupts Insivible Statue Spirit, so I say nay using the two tegether. Even if you made a Combo with it, motion removes the charm's effects.

If the PC drops an item to the ground, he or she has moved, and thus disrupts the Charm.

If an item simply falls from him, and he has not moved at all, the item becomes visible the instant it loses contact with the Solar.

The problem with voice and this charm is that, while the Charm is taking effect, the Solar CANNOT be detected. They cannot be detected by sight, hearing, even smell. This means that automatic noises, like the sound of your heartbeat, the sound of your breathing, the smell of your BO, all are effectively MUTED while the charm is taking effect.

I hate to disrupt what we've posted already, but now that I've done some mental gymnastics with this charm, a character CANNOT speak while using this charm without ending the Charm. Mechanically, deliberately speaking constitutes movement, as the charm fades instantly with move actions "or their narrative and dramatic equivalents".


Xarvh, if these details cause you to want to rework your charms as you've purchased them, you can still do so. Your character sheet is considered 'in working form' until you've officially joined the main IC thread. If anybody else has opinions on this subject, disagreements, house rules you've used previously, etc., please do so.

And for the purposes of your prelude, I will delete every post backing up to after you used the charm and the wolf approached your last known location.
"Movement" is described as 'Move action, Dash action or their dramatic equivalents', seems pretty clear to me.

Dodge, wearing on tiger claws or moving the mouth to speak are not Move or Dash actions.

Anyway, I would have BH suffer any consequences we decide here: ie, either the charm fading either his voice not being heard.

He's clueless enough not to know yet how things really work.
Movement or not, it allows no detection whatsoever, and lacking directional hearing is generally considered a defect, one which few enemies will possess.

Think about it: would Marco Polo be any sort of game at all if people stood still?
Dunno the Marco Polo game. =(

And I need to know what exactly the charm does.

In general, stealth does not cover stupidity.

If I roll 20 successes on my stealth roll I'm pretty undetectable to anything I'm aware of.

However, if after my 20 successes I start yelling "HEEEEY LOOK AT ME!!!", my stealth becomes pretty pointless.

Most charms description do lack an explicit disclaimer 'works unless you do something really stupid and totally opposite to the wanted effect'.


At this point either let the dog not hear BH at all, or localize him from the sound.
From here on out, speaking breaks the charm. House Rule.

Another House Rule.

Normally, Measure the Wind would NOT be able to detect a character using this charm. The charm only 'sees' visible living beings, and though it can detect hidden beings with a Wits+Per roll, ISV specifically states that the Solar is impossible to detect with any sense. Does this charm then mask a Solar's Essence? I say yes, because if a Solar happened to be on full Anima flare, icon glowing and everything, and used this charm, he would still be rendered undetectable through the use of this charm. If this charm can mask the display of power, it can also mask a Solar's Essence from detection.

However, the elemental in question, (an ST-Cyl Creation), has special powers allotted to his station and function in the spirit world. It is quite possible that he has access to charms which may be able to pinpoint Broken Heron's location.

In any case.

Xarvh, start again from where we are, your character knows the full details of ISV, and knows that speaking would break the charm. Although you are a new Solar and do not know much Solar history and all that, when you were Exalted you were gifted with an understanding of your Charms.

On another note, why the pause in the IC thread? Are those in the camp content with waiting until morning to talk to Jorune? I know H@B is somewhere else at the moment, but he should be back soon to interact with the party. Also, Miss Fang's wolf just took off to find the 'fifth', so I won't be moving time forward.
I thought we would wait for the Nkem / LM moment since everything's pretty much in place for the duel... getting back to Jorune now would be pointless since this event will probably monopolize our attentions.

As for the fifth... well if no one says anything within 2hrs, I'm going to rush to Jarod's location like "I did not realize what the twin said when they were talking about the 5th since I was too focused on Jorune and the demesne"... this way BH can kick in the main thread :)
Aurethius said:
Normally, Measure the Wind would NOT be able to detect a character using this charm. The charm only 'sees' visible living beings, and though it can detect hidden beings with a Wits+Per roll, ISV specifically states that the Solar is impossible to detect with any sense. Does this charm then mask a Solar's Essence? I say yes, because if a Solar happened to be on full Anima flare, icon glowing and everything, and used this charm, he would still be rendered undetectable through the use of this charm. If this charm can mask the display of power, it can also mask a Solar's Essence from detection.
Except it can't do any of that, because Anima flare specifically indicates that Stealth Charms are impossible at a certain level (page 114, at anima level 4+) ^_^

HOWEVER, if the anima is NOT flaring, then Essence-detection does NOT automatically bypass any kind of stealth, even mundane stealth (though it helps, and does allow you to oppose Charms). See All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight, page 222.

On another note, why the pause in the IC thread? Are those in the camp content with waiting until morning to talk to Jorune? I know H@B is somewhere else at the moment, but he should be back soon to interact with the party. Also, Miss Fang's wolf just took off to find the 'fifth', so I won't be moving time forward.
I haven't got anything to say. I could try to come up with something, but I was expecting H@B to try and attack me about now.
TherealBrickwall said:
Except it can't do any of that, because Anima flare specifically indicates that Stealth Charms are impossible at a certain level (page 114, at anima level 4+)
Dammit! And here I thought I was right. Thanks for keepin me in check.

Holy Diver.

H@B will start the next 'scene' in the IC thread then, barring continued conversation inside the tent. It'll be interesting when Broken Heron walks in on a Circle of Death kind of event, heheh.
Do feel free to change the existing rules if you like, but if you do, make a thread with the changed stuff and sticky it.

However, the rules as written are relatively cohesive, so don't feel obligated to. We're all more used to them.
There is indeed a strange contradiction between stealth / awareness charms for spirits.

In either case: tracking (RoGD I) explicitely overrides stealth charms (if the spirit wins a contested roll) and since it's only essence 2, I guess that higher essence charms would follow the same mechanism.
Sorry for disappearing for the weekend! Nothing in particular going on, I just wasn't near a computer. I didn't realize people were waiting for me (honestly, I was finding the scene without Nkemdilim a refreshing change of pace :-p). I'll get something posted immediately.
Since I rushed out of the tent, the others are likely to follow, then you can throw in your scene, and we can either watch and wait for BH or go after BH (probably in his prelude to avoid congestion of the IC with the fight if there's one...) :) .
Indeed :)

Miss Fang is likely to go after BH rather than to watch the testosterone contest by proxy :wink:

"A small matter of discipline. Jubal spat on Jorune's altar, which gave the spirit an excuse to attack us."

Nkemdilim switches to Old Realm as he turns to address Lost Mountain, though his mastery is still incomplete. "Punish servant now. You do it? No killing, but show authority."

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