[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

I know I'm asking alot of you cyl, but the work you're doing on your servants and the Elementals you summon especially is becoming very vital to the immediate development of this story. Please do your best, and if you have to send me a framework of what you want, go for it. Trust in me that I will not pervert your vision of your servants or your elementals.

H@B, when you go get Jubal, I want you to RP going to get him. From this point onward, I'll control Jubal completely, even in combat, just as I do with Cyl's elementals, and everything else. If you want to give him an order, do so. It won't bog down events. This is NOT a result of your decision that Jubal would hock a loogie on the altar. That was totally in character (and hilarious, with hilarious results), and I commend you again for making a role-playing decision that could be perceived as 'bad for the party'.
You have time, I have to go shoot M16's at little green men that pop up and fall down without bleeding. It should take about 5 hours.

To everyone else, you're only hurting yourself if you don't use down-time to work on fanfics and background stuff. Your pasts affect the story, people you've met, things you've done, cities you've been to. Work on it! Give your characters memories, give them mistakes, give them lessons learned. You don't NEED to have my influence there either, you can write whatever makes sense and does not break the rules I laid down. Create! The one thing in this story that you truly command is your characters!
I haven't yet any idea of when or how my PC is going to enter... =(


Reworked a bit the charsheet.

Feedback would be much appreciated. =)

Going out (night here), will be back in some 3h.
It looks pretty good, though I think your Wits is a bit too low. Wits is actually quite important in combat, and since your character is a brawler it would be helpful to have it be a bit higher. I might recommend switching it with Intelligence, and perhaps moving a dot over from Perception. You can increase your Int with XP later, since it's less critical to your character.

I'm also not sure about your BP expenditure on Archery and Martial Arts. IIRC, favored skills only cost 1 BP per point past 3, so it should only have cost you 2 BP to max those out rather than 5. Hey, if you recoup some BP it might be worth redirecting them towards Wits.
If you've got something in mind for your entrance xarvh, let me know. Otherwise, I'll devise something.

You can go ahead and link up with Jubal at any time H@B, its not critical to getting xarvh in on the game.
xarvh, you know the unknown-at-this-time Lunar mate thing was my idea first, right?

Personally, I recommend you not bother so much with combat stats. You'll never be more than the secondary combatant at best anyway. You should strongly consider filling a need in the circle. As it stands, Nkem will be a better negotiator, by a wide margin at that. I don't know about you, but I think that's a frightening thought.

Anyway, cyl, it's your feast, so you have to start it.
Delivered as promised, a bit long, but I was nervous, and I find typing long posts rather soothing after a night of work !
Thanks H@B, I pumped Wits.

TherealBrickwall said:
xarvh, you know the unknown-at-this-time Lunar mate thing was my idea first, right?
Yep, but I noticed you did the same only when I had done it already.

The difference is that MY lunar mate is a smoking-hot female Changing Moon, YOURS is a huge, brutal male Full Moon whose totem is a giant squid and will end up tentacle-raping poor Lost Mountain just to show his love and devotion.

LOL, seriously, it's pretty common for Solars to have a Lunar mate somewhere, but if you don't like it I will turn her into a dot of Resources, no problem.

(Sigh!! Poor Alianorah! Shamelessly sold for a few bucks!)

As it stands, my PC and yours are the only ones in the Circle without Presence as favorite/caste, so I think I can skip it; also according to the manual Presence is a lot more about leadership and 'long-term persuasion' than negotiation.

Then again, I can live with an inept PC. =)
cyl said:
Delivered as promised, a bit long, but I was nervous, and I find typing long posts rather soothing after a night of work !
It was a mouthful, but it got the job done wonderfully, thank you cyl.
xarvh said:
The difference is that MY lunar mate is a smoking-hot female Changing Moon, YOURS is a huge, brutal male Full Moon whose totem is a giant squid and will end up tentacle-raping poor Lost Mountain just to show his love and devotion.
That's chimerae. Full moons will tentacle rape people who annoy me. Think, McFly, think!
Hey, Xarvh, how about keeping the Lunar mate, but already knowing her? And she has a sister (well, maybe blood-sister), who you can later introduce to Lost Mountain... >.>
I'm not going to make him change his character. I'm just making him feel inferior for not having an original idea.


No, that really doesn't make me sound like less of a jerk, does it?
TherealBrickwall said:
No, that really doesn't make me sound like less of a jerk, does it?
A rose by any other name, heheh.

I get a big kick out of working with Lunar Mates, so the more details I receive on them, the more fun we can have.
I honestly am not picky about my Lunar mate. Slight preference for female, but whatever. I don't care if she's full, changing, no, or casteless, even (though sane would be nice). As long as we can speak a common language, I'll probably be fine with it.
IIRC there's an elder (python or rain) who changes sex on regular cycles.

Wether your mate wears a male or female shape... how will you tell the difference ? :lol:
I will follow H@B suggestion and write something about a brief encounter with BH's Lunar mate... I think it could be fun for her to be BH's total opposite.

RealBrickWall, I think that a jerk perfectly fits the game, on my part you're very welcome to indulge on your jerkiness. =)

Anyway, even if I think that vertebrate Lunar totems are overrated (I want a tattooed jellyfish!!) it seems that everyone cheers for sexual ambiguity... our PCs are definitely going to take a walk on the wild (wyld?) side with their lunar mates...! =)
If any of you have any doubts as to why Nkemdilim is the way he is, you can gain some valuable OOC insight in his background thread. Developing a characters past is vital to understanding them as they are now, but how can you do this unless you create it? You may have an idea of how they are now, but do you have the idea of WHY? The past is the why. Its twists and turns have guided us to where we are now. Movies and television shows rarely offer us the opportunities for character development that writing accomplishes. Flashbacks and full-length stories pale in their ability to convey CHARACTERS as writing can. All it takes is effort, creativity and time. You will come to truly know your character, and when that happens, then you can really Role Play. Exalted depends so much on scenario, scene, action, the NOW, but it offers us so much for the BACK THEN. Take advantage of this. I am no more than the stage upon which your characters exist. I am here to make this possible.
I have to run to another game (Forgotten Realms, woo!). The point of Nkemdilim's command to Jubal is not to kill Lost Mountain, but rather to push him. I don't think that Jubal will so much as touch Lost Mountain, much less injure him. But I want to see Lost Mountain's capabilities, since he hasn't done much in front of Nkemdilim yet. I also want to show everyone that they have nothing to fear from the horrors of the Exalted world. I'm not going to let it go all the way to death for either person (and Nkemdilim with throw himself in between the two fighters to halt it if a deathblow is landed, using his soak charm to keep it from injuring him too much). But I want to punish Jubal, while at the same time seeing what Lost Mountain is made of.

Since I'm away from camp, not playing out the scene won't slow things down too much. I'll just have Nkemdilim arrive back in camp at whatever point things are at there when I get back to keys tomorrow, and I guess we'll go from there.
I knew this persona was going to be a bit problematic, but I never imagined he'd go so far. :shock:

LM doesn't like Nkem already, he's not going to like being tested this way any bit at all, he's you know kind of a barbarian... you can't just challenge him and say "Okay ! Time break ! you're good pal, just wanted a confirmation" and expect he'll stop before either you or the demon's dead (worst case scenario both) :lol:

A more honorable "test your might" challenge might have done it and will be less risky for the demon 'cause... well we will probably hit him too thinking that you lost control over it.

I can imagine Nkem not being good at making friends, but he's likely to make ennemies here, if we want to preserve a certain realism in the game.

I mean as a player I understand this and doesn't blame you for this (I actually had a long dark laugh reading your post), but as a character, I will heavily condemn it, because... this is seriously wrong and this sort of repetitive lunacy isn't something I need around if I wanna live.
Ahh, but is it repetitive lunacy to know the strength of your comrades? To measure them in combat, the only way to truly see what they are capable of? We are already seeing, in Nkem's background, how he was 'raised'. I think that, IC, Nkem will be able to explain his choices. It will be up to your characters on how they react to this.

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