[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Okay so I'm going to need a big "OK" from the ST considering the function of the Architects as I'd like to somehow tie IAM to this background.

Something along the line of this.

IAM was destroyed by the end of the First Age, during the usurpation by a vindictive solar who thought he had helped the massacre of the Deliberative. But IAM had foreseen this and had a backup plan, secretly building a hard copy of himself somewhere well hidden, a recipient, to transfer his mind if needed, to survive.

It worked, but when he foresaw this could happen, he hadn't thought of the amount of data he would have gained in the meantime and lost most of its database, unable to store it because of the lack of physical memory storage space.

Hundred of years later, the Architects found this copy and reactivated it, and the organization has taken a new shape since, since IAM's motivations naturally resonated with the goals of the Architects.

The Architects are now trying to develop IAM's memory and have been feeding him with all possible sources of knowledge, present and past.

Also a cool "secret of the organization" could be that the Scarlet Empress herself was one of the Architects (who better to know that there was something within the Imperial Manse...).

Waiting for your ok to write more :)
Horatio: Not to burst your RPing bubble, but in the first post I made in the Heavenly Registry thread where I was starting this game, I stated:

"All Solars receive the Old Realm language and their native language for free, and do not count under the dots you receive for Linguistics. They're free. Any other languages you know, I'd like to see some reference to how you learned that language, ie you lived there, traveled through, learned from a lover, and so on."

NOW, if you like, your character can not understand Old Realm completely. Perhaps he is having difficulty accessing the language from his memories. Whatever you decide, I am totally cool with your character not knowing Old Realm right off the bat.


That's definitely large-scale stuff there, much larger than I'm prepared to deal with in the near future. These kinds of aspects of your organization are neat and cool, but definitely something that won't be dealt with until I feel comfortable with it. Keep going with it, you have my permission, but I will dictate that your character does NOT know alot of this stuff. I wanted you guys to keep it simple, but I also wanted you to enjoy your characters and their lives, and emphasize their endeavors as mortals. I caution you again, don't make the organization more important than the character.
Nah, it's merely a cool add you can use in your setting.

And obviously Alaura wouldn't know all this. She's just been promoted a 4th rank member.

Maybe in the future, if there's a possible interaction, but that's not a necessity at all. :)
Ah, see, that's what happened. I misread that statement as Low Realm. That's what I get for skimming.

Do you want me to take a Linguistics dot to have learned Low Realm while young?
No Horatio, I'll give it to you for free. I won't penalize you for a simple misunderstanding.

*cue other players asking for free shit, citing 'simple misunderstandings'*

Okay so sheet's done, just need to toy with RoEP and equipment (self made blessed stuff... not as good as artifact, but still better than regular stuff...), followers description, and write the background on the Architects (by friday).

If you don't need any of thoose to launch a prelude, I'm up, if not, two more days should do it :)

Edit: (okay maybe 3, terminator salvation's out tonight :roll: )
Hey, cyl, I really like your new icon. I need to get one of those...

And Asku, I'm really enjoying your prelude. Very well written, and it's fun to see how you're picking up the little details from the rest of the story and weaving them into your narrative.

Also, Brickwall, I'm enjoying the banter between your character and Jubal. b^.^b
This was the only less scary avatar of Gin I could find... still creeps me out everytime I see though.
Remember, we still have time for OOC storyline requests. Anything you guys want to see? Enemies, scenes, situations, equipment? My plotline is pliable, and I've always leaned toward character-driven rather than linear-ST games.

And in case anyone is wondering, I'm deliberately leaving this first scene open to interaction between you all. I won't interrupt the flow until it is appropriate.
Well my character is based on lore seeking and storing things in order to use to help people around.

So focusing on large scale stuff is cool with me, as is exploration or just cruisin and helping people.

Building a realm could be cool too, though I also have a home (nothing 2 / 3 spirit of winged transportation could not transport :lol: ).

Learning more about our former exaltations (maybe we were friends / foes back in the good old days).

On a more personal note:

- obviously sorcery

- lunar mate

- old friends & foes (made in the first age -> good for surprises...)
I'm interested in finding out more about whatever force is directing Nkemdilim, most immediately in terms of "why are we meeting at this cave anyway?"

I'm interested in seeing how Jubal evolves. Does he ever betray us? Or does the circle manage to keep him on a short leash? Does he ever develop actual loyalty? Or maybe Nkemdilim could just brainwash him... If he does betray us, it'd be interesting to see him throw down with Lost Mountain. Of course, he'd need to do a lot of work to level the playing field. Maybe find a way to bring in a bunch of demon allies.

I like getting surprised by treasure. Sometimes it's nice to get to manufacture/buy exactly what you want, but it's exiting to break into the long-lost room and discover what was left behind. I'm even willing to change the course of my characters development in response to the loot we get.

I'd like to get back to Whitewall at some point and carry out Nkemdilim's revenge. I'd be interested in seeing how the rest of the circle responds to his deal. >.>

I'm intrigued by Copper Coin's dealings with the Fae. What exactly did she do, and will they be appearing again?

I want to see what Copper Coin decides to do with her newfound power.

I'm enjoying Nkemdilim and Sapphire's interactions. One question I'd like to answer is, why did both of them get Exaltations, and what does it mean that they traveled across the entirety of Creation to work together again?

I would enjoy a Sidereal nemesis. Nkemdilim is heavily invested in Fate. A being who manipulates Fate would be an interesting foil. Especially if said being claimed to be controlling the Fate that Nkemdilim is following. I'm thinking Benjamin Linus from Lost.

I'd like to see Lost Mountain's cultural tension be played out. He's a citizen of two nations, and their loyalty might be divided. He could be key in forging an alliance between the Bull of the North and the Haslanti League...or have to choose sides if they battle over control of the North. Oooh, and for that matter...can we please meet the Bull at some point? :-D

Speaking of Lost Mountain, I'm looking forward to seeing him lay an utter beatdown on an appropriately worthy opponent.

It would be interesting to come across "Lady Fang" in an extant dig in this kind of creepy cave complex. But I'm sure you guys already have something worked out to introduce her at the appropriate point.

Mostly, though, I'm interested in where the game goes. What is in this cave, anyway?

What he said.

I would also like my Lunar Mate to show up, but I need to recreate her (I decided her old concept was too close to Lady Fang). My re-submission should hopefully come soon.

I would definitely like to explore Lost Mountain's interpretation of his Exaltation. The divine gift to rule? To defend? To destroy? Is it really a gift, or a job? All of these questions are in his head, and he'll probably need some defining moments, and differing viewpoints.

I'd also like to see artifacts, though not necessarily weapons (I think I'll want at least one weapon and/or suit of armor before we get into the maxi-big levels of combat). Artifacts and manses are the reclamation of the lost glories, and the last remnants of what Solars once were. A big thing for Exalted, and Solars especially.

As far as the group, I'd like to see us settle in as a Circle and as a team. Develop group strategies, possibly make Circle oaths, and otherwise work as a unit. Our haphazard meeting with the addition of imminent danger might keep us together to start with, but a real relationship takes effort.

I had one more, but I forgot it.
Heh, never even considered a lunar mate >< And I make enough Lunars to have solar mates xD
I'm not sure about a Lunar Mate. It seems that Nkemdilim's story is already a bit crowded. Though there is some hook thanks to a "Fated Companion" sort of deal. Maybe a Lunar Mate who's tied to the same destiny Nkemdilim is, but follows a different path in service to it. Their paths intersect from time to time, but it's distant enough that the story doesn't get to overgrown with NPCs.
TherealBrickwall said:
Our haphazard meeting with the addition of imminent danger might keep us together to start with, but a real relationship takes effort.
That's the big one right there. That is my primary goal for right now.
Have any of you three realized that the others are Solars yet? Nkel may have a demon, but even mortals can summon demons if they do the right things.

Jubal mentioned Anima Banner but Lost Mountain didn't seem to notice.
Lost Mountain sez: "Where is Anima? Why is their banner of any consequence to me?"

He's not going to lie about being a Solar, but it hasn't exactly come up in conversation.

Also, the wind was not some weak attempt to get you to investigate the cave. Just an environmental effect that will come into play.
Well unless any of them are like 'Hey, I'm a solar lookie how glowy I am' most likely Sapphire doesn't yet xD No hint has been tossed her way to make it known... right. I oft times do neglect the most cruicial important little things sometimes >>

Now I do bet that perhap Uncle Nkemdilim does xD

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