[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Yeah !!!

I love training simulations.

I had combat training with the French Republican Guard and got lucky enough to be invited to some of them (a single day or 2 days tops) but never did a whole week.

Enjoy and bring us pictures ! :D
Hey now that I think about it, has anyone discovered the crashed flying city of Bagrash Kol ?
Some mortal who got his hands on the Eye of Autochton and built an empire quasi rivaling the Scarlet Dynasty in the early years of the Realm.

Got destroyed by the power of the Eye within the decade.
IIRC the old Bo3C.

Might be a few references in the corebook or WotLA & WT.

And it was a flying fortress.
Actually, it's a palace: The Floating Palace. It's so far northwest that almost nobody can survive the trip to reach it, and the few who do apparently never make it back. We're on the wrong side of the Haslanti Empire, and no airship or iceship has that kind of range.

I found it, btw.
We're on the wrong side of the Haslanti Empire, and no airship or iceship has that kind of range.
Not yet ^^

Okay so maaaaybe it could be an interesting lead for my character and a cool thing to do for the circle, but that will be subject to our ST's whim... once he gets rid of all the cramps :twisted:
Hardly I'm a jurist turned travel agent.

I simply used to practice martial arts with the French Republican Guard and other special corps (RAID & GIGN) as the barracks I trained in had a club open to civilians. As I was in the master's good graces I was invited to some sims from time to time.

I've always enjoyed physical challenges.
Its the evil weekend xD I suspect people have been kidnapped by this villan of the Week. Or ya I could just simply wonder like you. ^^
Alrighty, Lost Mountain is on the trail of Nkemdilim. He'll be the first to meet another Solar at this point. He has just heard the warning bell that was sounded after Nkemdilim 'flashed' the town (heheh, dirty boy) and is only a short run from the hill where Nk did so. Although he figured he was an hour behind the demon and the solar, he was in fact somewhat closer. Lost Mountain is not an expert tracker, but he is still damned good. Sapphire is close behind, reaching that same hill about 10-15 minutes after the warning bell sounded.

This will give time for Nk and LM to interact before Sapphire swaggers onto the scene. Miss Fang has yet to start her prelude, as cyl has requested more time to crank out some work on his character sheet. Copper Coin I will allow to enter at any time, so he can continue to work on his fanfics as he chooses.
So...it seems that Lost Mountain and Nkemdilim don't have a language in common. It's okay, though. Once Lost Mountain demonstrates that he has no hostile intentions, Nkemdilim will call Jubal down to translate. Should be interesting...
Hmm... as your characters get more comfortable with their Exaltation, they'll start to 'remember' Old Realm. For now, translating through a demon would definitely be a real kick in the pants to see.
Miss Fang is ready (apart from the tiny bits like "how much equipment do I carry for me and my mortal followers..") to go.

Now of course I still need to come up with something cool for the elementals... but... let's postpone this to when I actually need to summon one.
Horatio, don't forget that you get Old Realm free from Exaltation. You're the longest-Exalted among us, so if anything, it's likely that you'd know it better than I would. I can easily pare back my fluency a bit, having only been Exalted a day, but you should have at least some.
Ah, I didn't know that. Still, it would be cool to have Jubal translate, just because it would put a lot of tension into the scene. How about over the next few days Jubal teaches us full fluency, and we pick it up quickly because, in a sense, we already know it?

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