[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

You all still have plenty of time for finishing touches. These preludes are intended for you to get into character, to give other players and idea of what he/she may be like, to road-test the skills you have given him/her, and to see what my writing style is. It also gives me a change to start slow with each of you in turn, learn your own writing styles and begin to understand your characters, and you as people, and to start to gear up the game!

Remember, if you have any requests for your Prelude or scenes you'd like to encounter, and haven't already told me, PM me or post in this thread soon!
Ah yes, that is pretty good Horatio. Works well for the tie in. Will be just interesting when Sapphire finds him again. ^^ I especially like the young Xia parts.
Thanks for looking over it. I'm looking forward to the scene where our characters meet for the first time. :-D

In addition to nominating Xia for deathknight-hood, it might make sense to say that the old crone was a Sidereal. Ties into the idea of Fate and Destiny. Or maybe she's just a mortal with a lot of knowledge of astrology. :-p
Reminder: Dice rolls ought to be done in OOC text at the bottom of your post, separated by the 8 dashes. I'd like you to use the Nox dice roller I mentioned in the first post of the recruitment thread.


You can use your first name or your full name, whichever will pinpoint your rolls in the system easier.
Stellar! I'm so glad you are all able to hop on so quickly, my fingers are already getting tired, heheh.

Speaking of which, could each of you post your timezones, and your regular posting time? I'll make us a roster in the beginning of this thread for all of us to reference. Trust me, it will come in handy.
GMT -8 Pacific Time Zone

I am functional (IE slow wake up) from Noon till Midnight. Untill employment strikes this is my typical Internet time.
I'm EST (GMT -5). I post from about 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM consistently, and up until about midnight usually. Sometimes way more into the morning.
Central but my posting times are odd. I work twelve hour night shifts and go to school, so I post when I have free time to do so.

Also, is it possible to have writer's block for a character sheet?
GMT-5 too.

But work hours are extremely variable and out of control these days. :|
I'm Central Time Zone, GMT -6. I have access to the internet at work, so post sporadically between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. My evenings are usually fairly busy with other activities, but I try to make a point of updating on Friday nights after Dollhouse (around 9:30). I also check on Saturdays.
Alright, quickie breakdown, more for my benefit, but please take a look.

Sapphire is working towards her long journey to Jacob's Peak. Currently she's working with one of her Thieves Guild spies, who will be accompanying her to act as a 'sleeper cell' kind of deal in the town. On the outside, she's ordered him to try and get in on the Shere business, but what she REALLY wants is a nearby informant who she can count on for support while she's at the Town. I can already see that Sapphire's organization will provide critical support for the Circle in the future, as long as she maintains it properly, and occasionally pays it attention and sends it resources. It's an independent group, but it still needs leadership and guidance from the Queen of Thieves.

Nkem has sent ahead his Demon, Jubal, to scout out the area around Jacob's Peak, and is currently receiving a report. In game time, Nkem's Prelude is the most recent. What he does not know is that someone may soon stumble upon his tracks, and take interest...

Lost Mountain has just felled his dinner for the evening, and is currently traveling through the Northern wilderness. This Prelude is temporarily on hold.

Copper Coin may not be playing a Prelude for this game.

Miss Fang will soon begin her Prelude, doing some research on her potential destination. Rumors and Legends of the area near Jacob's Peak may be few and far between, but Fang's resources with the Architects are formidable. She will find some interesting prospects...
Problems at work, background will suffer some delay... should be up by tomorrow morning though.

So we got a guild of thieves and the Architects, in a 100 years we're going to rule the world. But we're going to set some "business rules"... the Architects could definitely use the services of the Queen of Thieves... the fact that someone from her organization would steal something from ours would obviously have dire consequences for the thieves organization...

I think a representative in each strategic location to ensure long term beneficial interaction would be... necessary. So maybe Saph and Fang know each other.
I actually had a thought about that. The Architects need extra manpower sometimes, right? What if they hired this transport service to get you to the dig site?
Well this two have particular fields of activities, both concentrated on getting one's hands on something extremely valuable. Sometimes their goals can be similar, and at times they will not be.

I mean especially in Alaura's position... I dig up old precious stuff... things a thief is usually attracted to / paid to steal. And the whole concept behind the Architects is to control knowledge and power for the greater good, so using the services of a thief is a necessity in some cases.

Anyway, we might simply be aware of the existence of our respective organizations and be able to identify ourselves if we haven't previously met.

And yeah, the transport thing is a great potential connection, hadn't thought of that... so we would have heard of each other at least once...
Its possible that Fang and Sapphire have had dealings. The Transport service while not highly wide yet, most certainly would have accepting common contracts for transport. Though how much one wonders with in its last 2 years would Star have had contact with Architechs? The service as a whole has managed in 4 years, but only outside An-Teng from its 2nd-4th years. With that said, it is possible. ^^
So... got caught up in a very late business meeting... damn family companies... so I couldn't do my exalted chores for tonight... shame on me... :|
Alright folks, I'm going to be out and without internet for a little while, at least 5-6 days. That is, at most, one week that you have to do all the work you can do with your characters. Backstories, fanfictions, a wishlist, create a list of charms that you want later, scenes you want to put your character in, and so on. As soon as I get back, I'll finish everyones' Preludes, bring everyone together, and we'll get this shindig started. Use this time wisely! I will not be able to keep in contact, as I'm going to a place with no internet. Such is life. Take are, and do what you can with the time that is given to you.
Can I say I'm relieved ? ^^

More time for a better work :)

Can anyone point me on the actual BP bonus count ?
You get 3 BP for a picture (you have) and 3 BP for a fanfic (you might have, I haven't seen it), and a good backstory is simply expected. That means up to 6 BP. It is, however, wise to put as much into your character as you can, for you'll get more out of it.

Hmm...I may need to revise my Ally to not be almost exactly like your character. Maybe change it quite a bit, in fact.
Uh I see many difference between our character :|

Okay so 21BP max... thought I had read somewhere that we could go up to 24...
You can go up to whatever number I decide. Don't worry about how much you can get, I'll hook you guys up. You may have been recently Exalted but you're starting with a bit of extra power.

I'm hopping onto a truck in about 15 minutes. Again, sorry I couldn't warn you all about this earlier. I should probably let you guys know about this.

I'm in the Army. Although we don't usually have last minute stuff that I don't know about, what I'm about to do was an intentional suprise, sort of an Emergency Practice thing. I'll be runnin around in the woods without showers and such for a week, pretty short, but as long as no one quits while I'm gone and uses their time to work on their character, there will not be a problem.

Take care all! See you again on the 15th of May, next Friday!

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