[OOC] On Discussions Held Elsewhere... [Broken Memories]

Gulup said:
Is Freddy's comment because of how I haven't posted anything IC for a while, or due to his abysmal Per+Aware vs Simon's Dex+Stealth pool? :twisted:
EDIT: Also... not sure, but I don't think Simon has actually said or otherwise revealed his name to any of you yet. :?
It's the Per+Aware thing ;)

After you pointed out that you never said your name I realized how much more that would make you stand out...

Whoa... what about Arcane Fate?
arcane fate, that the thing that makes people forget about sids?

it is not in effect where you are atm
ooooh likey bonus exp in the next pile of exp for those pics, for everyone of course ;)

something like 8 extra :wink:

disclaimer: you'll only get exp for pics i like and have to be of your character

Now you shall witness the full power of a lunar shapeshifter... Muahahahahahahaha!!!
*eyes Dugcoffin*

Do we know anyone at the hospital? Given that we just woke up with no memories and wouldn't know anyone at said place?
Haku said:
*eyes Dugcoffin*
Do we know anyone at the hospital? Given that we just woke up with no memories and wouldn't know anyone at said place?
Don't gimmie that look! Barman John said we should look up Brian Close. We might be able to find Doc oak there and someone might have a status on Pete.

This totally makes sense in my head...
ok peeps chatting with Dave you will get an update later on today I forgot my map (i really need to scan it) so I'm holding off posting until I can check some stuff.
Just to check, the 'Zones' on the map aren't the mutation-causing Zones, are they? I'm fairly sure they're not, but since you named them that way...
The place you are thinking of is the distortion zone inside the warehouse district, if I remember correctly. The rest of the "zones" are just areas, from what I can tell.
Possibly. Still, I think it's a bit confusing in general to have 'Zone' be the name for both.
oops, you can tell i was tired when i scanned the map... nope where it says zone 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc read sector 1,2,3,4,5,6

just got back and bathed the excess dirt and grime off me... was an awesomely chill 4 days away... VERY rainy on Saturday but cool just the same... i camped on a small cliff over looking the sea... just simply amazing.. as for drinking only drank 12 bottles of wine and a load of beer between us...
totally your choice..

you are a little tired, not very though as you slept quite late in the afternoon, and very full. Its night outside. the city seems a little quiet... you know the other peeps went roughly in the direction of the warehouse district, and you have a rough map to Dave Metro's in the warehouse district... completely your call ;)
A question:

what are the quality of Dave's weapons? I know they're all mortal ones, but are they normal? fine? exceptional? perfect?

not that I expect the last one, but as for the others, it does make something of a difference.

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