[OOC] On Discussions Held Elsewhere... [Broken Memories]

You think I'm bad... I'm not the only one with heartsblood 4. Only thing is I can brunch out of animals...
Noticed that your willpower or your virtues are off...

Willpower should be 6, given you've got 4 + 2 there...
also... gotta admit, Conviction 4, other virtues at 2 doesn't exactly strike me as being the way you've been playing him as.
I'm going to -assume- that since Nobble hasn't screamed bloody murder yet, that my heartsblood library is approved.
Well I arrived at those virtues because I was trying to work with the zenith theme a bit more, and the character grew in my mind. What has he done so far that would go under other virtues, I didn't get a feel that there has been enough definitive action yet.

The conviction thing I went with because I felt that he has a strong sense of right and wrong, even though it may not be a classic right and wrong.

I can see it being better if maybe I moved a point from temp into compassion.
haku, yup the hearts blood is cool,

momo I'd say more compassion, just from they way you've been posting, shown a lot more compassion than anyhthing else, but at the end of the day it is your character.. your will power should be 6 as well

the rest all looking good so far
Heart's Blood 4. Mwuahahaha. I was almost had 6 Knacks instead of Charms, but I changed some around to make me tougher. Otherwise I was going almost all Knacks. :)
With Heartsblood 4, you kind of want more than just animals in your library.

Things like people, elementals, demons... y'know?
to be completely honest, never played a lunar, and only read the fluff. Reading the crunch atm, but no people in your hearts blood library.

You just don't remember any
Gotta figure out which animals to have given him. He has plenty of predators, but truth be told he'd most likely have forms that are hardy, tough, and enduring more than anything else. The kind that most predators konw not to even bother with unless the odds are about 6 to 1. (Yeddims, Mammoths, Tyrant Lizards, and more)
'people' in the library tend to be for infiltration to be honest, and you still need a specific set of knacks to even be able to hunt humans...
That was the general plan. He is a Full Moon by happenstance. Otherwise he is more into shifting and being left alone for the most part. I want him to be more of the survival expert. The kind that only Elder Lunars of serious skill could find him if he did wan't to be found. And even then they would have the send the best.... well, 2nd best that is. ;)

I need to look through my book collection, but I do not have certain 1st ed books on PDF with me right now. That is unless someone wants to hook me up.

the list of animals... in either eidtion is pretty limited.

That's why I went with 'use stats from such and such'... ^_^ ;;;

For animals, try Corebook, Blessed Isle book, Wonders of the Lost Age (Bio-genesis critters section), and west book (for aquatic life)
Haku said:
For animals, try Corebook, Blessed Isle book, Wonders of the Lost Age (Bio-genesis critters section), and west book (for aquatic life)
In fantasy settings, I use a poke dex and see if the gamesmaster notices!

Just kidding, Nobble!
There was an Exalted thread on 4chan that went on to say that you could have pokémon in Exalted in you wanted to, which was then promptly screencapped and demotivatored.
There's already a canonical answer as of 1e.

Fair Folk Behemoths. :D

And in 2e, yeah... :twisted:
He just happens to be a Full Moon partially because of his surliness and the fact that when he seeks to defend others he has no problems smacking someone around.

And when someone gets a chance would you min looking over the character? I need some things to help the toon grow and I have not always been the best with builds. What I am going for though is a Survivalist that tends to do so best through skill and shapeshifting skills.

So, focusing on:


Shapeshifting (Knacks being cool in my mind)

This is my first PbP so I'm wondering:

Does one ask for stunt dice, or are they awarded? Haku asked for stunt dice on an awareness check and got em, but when Momo described Join battle well he didn't.

While I'm at it, are stunts decided like in the book, or are there different criteria?

Just curious.

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