[OOC] On Discussions Held Elsewhere... [Broken Memories]

So... he jumped across a few buildings and then fell in one. And where did you put us?

Just trying to make sure I understand where everything is.
Sorry if my post was a little confusing, the man jumped the houses between the Hole in the Wall and the warehouse district, and jumped onto the roof of the first warehouse.

Kitty, and Ricky are on the roof of the house that backs onto the wall of the warehouse district, Simon is on the road near by and Freddy is on the actual wall of the warehouse district.
Oh, this will be REALLY interesting. Mwuahahahah. :)

I am trying to check in here from NC. Still getting used to not seeing German everywhere.
Well ok little status update - you have now all remembered your prior exaltations.. nothing else though...

Yes we are using First Age Rules for Starting Characters.

Hmmm... wonder why... cookie for the person who's right :twisted:

But any DotFA charms will need to be oked with me prior to you selecting them... as tbh I'm not read the charms yet... I like fluff more :D

Put your character sheets in your profile threads in standard text format please

any more questions let me know..
Linguistics is a special case you can take it at what ever dots you want, but you only know the language you are speaking at the moment.

Lore is the same 1 dot for literacy, which you all get for free. But anymore gives you little more info than you know or have had revealed to you in game.

Occult is handled similarly, but you will have no knowledge of supernatural creatures.

Bureaucracy gives you the knowledge on how to go about things, but not of any laws and specifics
I have been somewhat sick lately... I'll be posting Kitty's bio and a reponse as soon as I can.
Simon is done, more or less. I need to pick up a MA weapon or two to be more effective in combat, and just items/artifacts in general, but that goes without saying.
tentative Hearthsblood Library

- MAXED out at 40 @_@


Air 5

Ichnuemon Hunter, Mospid, Raiton, Strix, Scarlet Crane (160 of Realm) Raven (use Raiton stats)

Land 18

Austrech, Bear, Claw Strider, Coral Snake, Giant Spider, Sandswimmer, Simhata, Tyrant Lizard, Yeddim, Crag cat (158 of Realm), Hearth cat (160 of Realm), Firemane Horse (160 of Realm), Tree singer (page 119 pf Wonders), Eight Tailed Mole Hound (Page 121 of Wonders), Lioness/Sabertooth Tiger (use giant cat stats), Wolf (use Omen Dog stats), Gorilla (use Giant Panda stats from page 159 of Realm)

Water 8

River Dragon, Siaka, Squid, Dolphins (157 of West), Pelagic Dragon (159 of west), Sea dragon (159 of west), Shark (160 of west), large Koi (use needlefish stats, minus the lethal attacks page 158 of west)


Air 2

Storm Serpent (page 96 RoGD), Thunderbird (raptor form page 97 RoGD)

Earth 1

Giant Slug shaped Lesser Elemental Dragon (use Beast of Resplendent Liquid stats from page 127 of Wonders, able to spit acid)

Fire 2

Garda Bird (Empress form page 117 RoGD), Need Fire (page 121 of RoGD)

Water 2

Nymph (page 305 of core), Lesser Elemental Dragon (Water, use Fakharu stats page 302 of core)

Wood 2

Wood Spider (page 306 of core), Lesser Elemental Dragon (wood, use Juritsu's stats page 131 of RoGD)
/looks at Heartsblood


I am finished, just going over it a bit. Exaltation added a couple more layers to the character. Now he is like a Simple John the Incredible Hulk Baptist.

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