[OOC] On Discussions Held Elsewhere... [Broken Memories]

I'll think on this and post something tomorrow. I'll also try to play nice and avoid derailing as players are wont to do.
I liked what I did in the last one. Set up didn't bother me much. Now I am not sure how to start, just waiting for someone else to play off of personally.
I'm not sure if Nobble means that there are 5 men and 1 woman or if there are just 5 of us PCs.

But judging by the text, I'm going to assume it's 5 men and Kitty. If I'm wrong and Nobble doesn't want to have an NPC hidden amongst us, I can edit the text.
not doing too hot at some other details as well... ^_^ ;;;

Simon is me, sitting alone to the side listening in. Freddy is the one showing off throwing bulls-eyes from across the room.
Sadness... no plum wine or sake. Not even the cheap stuff...

Sad kitty is sad.

Nobble said:
All the people sitting around the table realise that the eleventh month, Resplendent Fire, has only 28 days, as does any month. Also the more observant amoungst you noticed the near naked lady calendar behind the bar it was turned onto a sheet with Descending Fire highlighted and the first of the month is crossed out, the year on it was 3190.
Oh shit... does that make me a Calibration baby?!?
heh nope descending fire directly follows Resplendent Fire, Calibration is after a descending fire, the month the calendar indicates your are at the beginning of...
was bank holiday weekend over here in the UK, lots of drinking and no coherant thoughts possible ;)

posting stuff in a mo...
My internet has either been out or slow, I think it might actually be somewhat stable enough. I also had a little bit of a Memorial party.
"Oi mister, you good at darts den?"
I'm not sure if I wanna entertain children or kill a couple of street punks with the remaining darts stuck to the underside of the table.

I'd like to read motivation to find out if these are facist narcs or just some kids looking for a show, but I don't know how many dice to use since I don't have a character sheet.

rolls we'll not bother with atm, all actions will be handled with pure rp. The better the rp the better the result...

this will change but until then will stick with this way. Sorry to be a bit non specific but don't want to give too much away ;)
So... what can we or can we NOT do in terms of rp/stunts.

You kind of have to set the limit or have some way of saying that.

I mean... I would have no problems drawing up Kitty as a 'heroic' mortal or whatever, just so I know what she could in theory do or not do without breaking the game reality/suspension of disbelief.

But... keeping us OOC in the dark.... -_-
I'm actually enjoying it immensely. :) I like this style a lot. I like the mystery behind it, with the possibility that our roleplaying helps decide the "layout" of our characters.
Coyotekin said:
I'm actually enjoying it immensely. :) I like this style a lot. I like the mystery behind it, with the possibility that our roleplaying helps decide the "layout" of our characters.
you could say that, but I couldn't possibly comment ;)

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