[OOC] On Discussions Held Elsewhere... [Broken Memories]

aka modern setting.

essentially taking the otherwise high-fantasy setting of Exalted, and placing it in a modern or post-modern situation.
It's a game set up that Jakk Bey on the ECR set up... I believe the main page has it under its articles... :wink:
A snarky little bitch, a grumpy old man, a hyperactive "kid", an impatient brawler, and an easy go lucky guy... yeah... this is going to be... interesting.
Alright, lemme go over this again, there is Fin, and Freddy. This was for Freddy this time. Due to the fact that I was told what Fin saw and Freddy played off of it as if he had been the one to see it.

Last I checked Fin and Doc were the only ones in the main room, therefore he and Fin were the only ones to note the men across the street. Or am I wrong on this one?
nope you are right, freddy is still in the back room, only Fin has seen the two men across the road and the Doc leaving with the boys.
I have an idea what type of Exalt I want him to be, but I am now getting to the point that I would like to see what he would turn out to be.
Nobble said:
nope you are right, freddy is still in the back room, only Fin has seen the two men across the road and the Doc leaving with the boys.
My bad. Total misunderstanding.
just a quick heads up, the GF and me are going off to a music festival, a bit unplanned, hense no prior heads up... will post more stuff when i get back monday ;)
Current Participants

the Ambulance Chasers:

Running Man 1



Who Knocked the Door Down:

Running Man 2



Hnnn... I suppose this WOULD be a good way to keep Fin/Coyotekin's PC out of the way while he's on vacation.
;) I will try to check in as I tend to be rather obsessed with Exalted games. Yet ironically enough I might end up with the same amount of time as I have now while I am on vacation. :shrugs: Who knows.
Think hard!


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