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Fandom OOC Lounge

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel He's been doing "detective" work for almost a year. If he noticed her staring at Phantoms and stuff, he probably would've approached her at some point. He used to do archery until he started his business, so maybe they could've known each other if their clubs interacted in some way.

Mera Mera With those kind of rumors going around, he probably would've kept an eye on her. Phantoms seem to like messing with her too, so he'd want to make sure nothing bad happened. I could see him playfully teasing her so he'd have an excuse to watch from up close.

Works for me
Looking over the phantom those two will be intresting two peopke that like to be snarky and mock the other yet not fully desiring to fight
MrThe MrThe Bruh. I was waiting on Nico since they said they'd get the post today earlier :'D Thankfully I wrote half of it just in case. Sorry I'll get it in a few hours
Yey! You both did great! Nico Nico Mera Mera Now it is time to drop the big bomb though. And if you want to know the truth about the Far Shore you have to accompany Hasuna.

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