[OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

Though I didn't really have any plans to get Elemental Bolt Attack, I am making an Air Aspect so it wouldn't be that hard to grab it at some point.
Ok' date=' I believe Elemental Bolt Attack should have said Dex+Thrown or Dex+Archery, not Dex+Athletics.[/quote']
So will Athletics not work, then? I was hoping it would, though I have no problem with Archery working as well.
Ok, I hope to get this game going soon, so if your basic character isn't ready by thursday next week, Feb 12, you'll be out of the game.

I've updated the BP post on the XP thread, so if you want to earn those, be sure to have a fanfic, background and inspirational art. On Thursday night I'll let you all know how much XP you get, and you'll have a few days to sort out how you want to spend them, and then we'll begin the hunt...
Oh I'll be ready by then :)

Sorry for the delay guys, managing to write up + animating the chronicles and my other two games took most of my free time this week.
Background and sheet finished, just need to write up the fanfic (2 days should be enough), and I'm good :D

Let's kill some anathemas !
I thought this might be of use to our game:

"Unfortunately in 2nd ed, there's not one definitive source [for DB's opinion of Anathema], it's mixed all over the place. The Blessed Isle book is a good place to look for Immaculate Doctrine though there isn't much on Anathema specifically.

In first edition, on page 32 of the main Exalted book, it has a history of the world as according to the Immaculate Order, exactly what you want.

Remember the following:

Anathema are demons who possess people. There is an argument about whether the people do it volutarily or not.

Anathema stole their powers from the Incarnae, so their powers reflect the Incarnae, for example Lunars stole their power from Luna, so they have powers of transformation.

Anathema never possess Dragon-Blood, because Dragon-Blood are too righteous.

Anathema are evil, yes, but they're cunning and will often do good deeds to win people's trust, setting up for a greater evil later.

The Dragon-Blood, were the noblest of humans, chosen by the Great Elemental Dragons, and led by the Immaculate Dragons, embodied as a smith, Pasiap, a pirate's daughter, Daana'd, a kind barbarian, Sextis Jylis, a swordsman, Hesiesh, and a warrior-queen, Mela, they rose up in the Great Uprising, and slaughtered the Solar Anathema, chasing off their mates the Lunar Anathema into the wilderness.

Hesiesh immolated the bodies of the Solars so they couldn't rise again, and then Daana'd swam to the bottom of the sea and shut the gates to the Underworld, trapping nearly all the evil Solars in there."

- The Wizard of Oz
If i remember well, the Unconquerer Sun is considered as evil. I also remember that in the second edition the celestials allied themself with demons, but i have yet to read a thing about possession...(Ok, i don't have the blessed isle book)

ps : character sheet finished
No, the immaculate veiw quoted there is not stating that solars sought possession. It is basically not even giving solars credit as being exalted, considering them to be simply demons that possess and empower people....all bull hockey of course, but what do you expect from propaganda...?

It should be noted that the views of someone with a few dots of lore or occult would be something a little closer to the truth (They grew drunk with power and had to be stopped) though of course, no one knows about the curse.
My character, Mnemon Jihn, will likely consider the above propaganda truth (at Lore 3, Occult 0). Especially the "Anathema never possess the Dragon-Blooded, because the Dragon-Blooded are too righteous. " bit.

I also assume many of the Immaculates in charge of the Wyld Hunt publicly spout this even if they privately think/know differently. But of course they are in the hands of our good ST, SRC, and I'll go by whatever he says here.
Anyone who attends the heptagram know a "little bit" more. The existence of the sideral exalted is also among them, so is suppose that they know that while the solar exalted are actually powerfull exalted, they know that they got corrupted by their vast power and brought great harm to creation.
There are bound to be different shades even within the Immaculate order, and certainly among the Great Houses. Naturally none knows about the Great Curse, and few of them are even aware of the Sidereals, but their views differ. Some might possess ancient texts that suggest other ideas, most likely other false ideas, and it is noted in several places that not all DBs follow the Immaculate teachings.
few of them are even aware of the Sidereals.
The few hundred who attend to the heptagram(p.24 of the DB manual) and a handfull of others. Which may seem huge, but compared to 10.000-15.000+ dragon-blooded, it isn't that big.
wow, I had to check that one...it does say "[the training]....removes certain blinders from the eyes of the students (e.g. The presence of sidereals in the realm)." Despite that I think one of the author's misstepped. I can't see "Sidereals Exist 101 and Siderals exist 102(please don't tell anyone)" as classes in the heptogram.....With that number of people finding out on a yearly basis it would not be the mystically empowered secret that it's supposed to be.

Specifically, there is a wits+Occult roll at -3 penalty which must be made one action after the sidereal leaves your presence, then again one minute later, and again one hour later,then again a day, a week, a month, a season, and a year later, and then once more every year after that. (that's alot of rolls)
Well, several staff members and the headmaster(check in the white treatise) of the heptagram are sidereal exalted...

And more specifically, due to the heavy bias put torwards sorcerers, only a small fraction of the dragon-blooded(of those who attend secondary schools) attend the heptagram, and those who do tend to be heavily shunned by their fellow DB's, so he has few occasion to tell anybody and even fewer inclination to do so. And one : nobody would belive them, two : if it gets to the ears of the sidereal...
Said sidereals are not teaching /as/ sidereals, they use the resplendant destinies thingies and disguise themselves....

there is a bias toward sorcerers, but one must keep in mind the difference between a sorcerer and a dabbler (about 1 in 10 know at least a little sorcery) is the whole entourage thing....The bias would only go with those sorcerer that flaunt the fact by having a bunch of demons carry them about and such. It just doesn't make any sense to teach them about the sidereals, even if there's only a graduating class of a dozen each year (which strikes me as being a extremely low estimate) some of those will tell others.....

I'm certain that there are terrestrials in certain positions of power that know about them, that might even have been told by the siddies themselves....But telling every graduate?

For support let me jump back to earth to bring up a good quote from Benjamin Franklin "Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead"
Hm... According to the white treatise, there is more information about the heptagram on page 115-117 of the blessed isle book.

But i personnaly think that, considering how small the isle is described and how sorcerers are liked, there should be no more than several dozen students at a time(since the demons there outnumber students by ten to one, that is still a LOT), and only about half a dozen who study to become true sorcerer(by true sorcerer i mean mastering several spells and using it as a primary skill, independt of the freaky retinue)...
Don't worry for the propaganda, if you hesitate I will slay the poor bastard for you.

I built Yugo for this, being the guy who saw the true horror of the Anathemas doings who can honestly tell you that you need to kill this little girl while you still can before she turns to something horrifying.

Even if turning bad is only a possibility it's not a risk he'll be willing to take.

"Kill one, and maybe, maybe save a thousand, that's what I believe in, and this is why I do what I do." is what you always get with him.

chargen over by the by.
Hesitate? I'm playing a sorcerer with compassion 1!

A flying guillotine and the guy's dead!

And no matter where they are, the hound of the five winds will find them.
Compassion 1 doesn't mean you are a cold blooded killer, it just means you're a selfish bastard who doesn't care about people suffering or dying as long as you don't.

Of course this almost total lack of empathy helps you killing people and sleeping at night.

I personnally took Compassion 2 for Yugo because he's going to be a regular guy with a vengeance to accomplish, but he will probably not let people suffer if he can help, but he will always pay his 1wp to finish a defeated anathema off if he rolls 1+ suxx on his compassion test.
Yes, someone with compassion 1 isn't some kind of cold-blooded psychopath. But the won't really care wether or not an anathema deserves to die.

And even in the (highly unlikely) case that he thinks about showing mercy to the anathema, the demon servant attacking the said anathema won't.

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