[OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

I'd say you can either make an Int + Occult, to know how to appease the ghosts of the deceased, or Cha + Performance, to pray for them. Either is a valid roll.
So you only want us to post if we have a charm that prevents surprise attacks, correct? If we do, we provide the information you asked for. If not, we're hit with the full force of the attack, yes?
basically, yes, unless you have some other means to prevent the mental damage, or raise your MDV, which will be 0 if you have no surprise prevention charm.
Just a reminder, I'll be gone for a week or two starting tomorrow :)

Home... here I come !
I do believe tick 6 is the tick everyone goes on when they fail the initiative roll. It's the last tick for first actions. Unless you are working Join Battle differently?
Many apologizes, my net is currently out so posts will be as I can beg net access from one point or another....It should be back in a few days
Still working on net access, moving to a new place isn't making that any easier.....

Is Yugo still out-of-country...? I need him to act before I can finish casting.

By the way, just in case it wasn't clear and I'm still only semi-connected to the web when he does, I'll simply be launching a flying guilotine at our mysterious assailent on my next action
I have no idea why people aren't posting, though usually weekends are slow. But cyl should have been back already, and I have no idea what happened to the rest.
I'm on Tick 6, so I can't act until those few slotted to act before me act. But I'm still here.


I also want to point out that it's Labor Day weekend here in the States, so some people may be out of town because of that. Though, if anyone were, I'd hope they'd announce that in Echoes of Absence, at least...
I would, except that I seem to have misplaced my book, and so am uncertain of the precised roll.

My bi-weekly computer access isn't helping.....

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