[OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

Is the map detailed or really summary ?

Depending on the answer we might not need to roll anything but a rather simple survival roll.
Jihn passes on the Survival roll to get to the town. He was fairly confident he could find the river (since it's hard to miss going south and he knows which way that is roughly) but will leave finding the town to others.

The survival roll was to find the nearest town.....Why bother if you don't want to point it out.....Just curious...
when he said that he passes on the roll he means that he's not gonna roll for it. it' s a bit of a slang in english.
Ack, Right.

Chalk that one up to just poor reading on my part (technically a native english speaker here)
Ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry to say I will be (more) absent from this. Real Life has decided free time is something that only happens to other people apparently. It doesn't help that I overestimated my own ability to cope either.

I should be able to come back when things calm down but that won't happen for at least several weeks and possibly not until late august.

So I'm sorry, but I can't participate for...quite a while. If you're willing to let me back in when I return, that would be great, if not, I understand completely.
I'm sorry to hear that, brother. Real Life has an unfortunate ability to take us away from the games we love. Bastard!! :)

I hope things work out for you, and hopefully we'll see you around again in the future. Take care of yourself.
Me be down til next week :|

Considering what's happening low profile vs. high breeding DBs... I better be :lol:
(Times like this' date=' a disposable minion body would be rather useful)[/quote']
I have but one thing to say to this:

"Sacrificing minions: is there any problem it CAN'T solve?"*

*Bonus points to the person who can identify the speaker of said quote....

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