[OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

I like cyl's pool ideas, I find them solid in the wound penalty and other applications and they fit well with pbp timing.

I'm quite the fan of aim actions during that time of coordinating the attacks against opponents with no perfects. With perfects your double attack idea is definately the way to go.

My character as written is swordsman first and leader of men second, but if that skillset is more needed in our group I can see the character growing in that direction. Jihn is young and impulsive, so he may have trouble convincing others to follow his orders. His most likely first argument would be something like "You should follow me because I'm me!" *charming smile*. It would be best if someone with more authority told the party that Jihn is in charge of coordinating attacks.
I can make some changes on my sheet to take that role (namely make War become a favored), my pool is 6 for now. With xp I could raise War to 5 and buy a spe, but you'll always end up with a better pool than I ever will with a similar amount of xp.

We all tend to be anathema slayers in the end, so we might as well prepare for the future and choose wisely our functions not as a group of exalts but as a military unit.

We're supposed to be hard trained "soldiers" going to war after all.

Depending on what SRC will do with us (we already have "worked" together / this is our first meeting) we might wanna do some rewrites here and there.

What says the almighty ST ? :)
In this particular example: having someone coordinating attacks doesn't only work with exalts, it also work with extras or mortal followers using nets (a coordinated attack with nets is just the best way to avoid losses) thrown weapons or bows.

So I could take care of the coordinated ranged attacks (as I am able to use distant strike with my charms) and you could manage the close combat attacks (probably including exalts).

Our strength is number, theirs is motes and charms... but unless we fall on someone with essence 5+, we should manage to preserve our number while sucking the motes out of them.
SRC: I have watched the sheets of everyone involved, and I'd like your feedback on a few things.

1- first are we going to be a military unit or just a patched up team who just got sent to war against them evil anatehmaz ?!

if yes, we might consider sharing at least 1 or 3 BP per person for the unit (henchmen, arsenal etc etc)

if no, we will be needing a designated leader, I can make a few changes to raise my backing wyld hunt to 3 and a few retainers / aides de camp to be that guy, but if someone is stepping up I'll gladly leave the responsabilities to him :)
So long as each member is capable of clearing an opponent's DV then coordinating attacks only increases damage, not mote drain (which decreaes due to losing the attack the coordinator would have done as well as having others wait/aim until the appropriate tick). Thus coordinating Exalts is less of a clear-win prospect than coordinating mortals.

I'm comfortable with my 9 die pool at the start to coordinate attacks against a high DV opponent from time to time. But against someone we can all hit with regularity, I'll be flurrying my speed 3 katana ^^. If coordination becomes paramount, the exp will find a nice home in the form of a charm and some more dots in the ability and specialty.

If you want to be the head honcho, cyl, I'll fall in line. My concept doesn't mesh well with sharing backgrounds, though.
Thus coordinating Exalts is less of a clear-win prospect than coordinating mortals.
Depends on the exalt you're fighting and his charm. Against a solar spe melee, this would be useless, but against any other opponents who can't defend against coordinated attacks (very few charms actually negate that penalty), we're good.
You have more chance of someone negating your onslaught penalty than the coordinated IIRC.

Plus in the event of a coordinated attack, if the guy can't perfect defend it or negate the penalty, instead of facing let's say +1 to 5 suxx over his DV maybe once or twice if an attack hits, he'll have to up his DV by - x (number of attackers) + their over suxx.
I was actually unconcerned about penalties when I said that and more concerned with landing the largest number of attacks an opponent would reasonably want to perfectly defend (i.e. drain the most motes by throwing attacks that are likely to hit).
Well in my experience, against fighters profile, unless you burn motes yourself, a stunt or 2-3 motes is sufficient.

I mean you're probably one of the best swordsman of the group, and in the Realm with a acc of around 18 (5+5+3+4+1 IIRC).

You are not sure to naturally hit a DV of 8 (which is a good DV for a solar fighter) every time.

You take multiple actions, your chances decrease dramatically (unless you spend motes but that is not the point).

In the solar tree for example, there is only 4 charms (DSD, BS melee and SOW or FLB) negating coordinated penalties, the only scene long is FLB which is a simple charm. Onslaught is negated by 1 more 5FBS which is a scene long. This is true for abyssals too.

The lunars are similarily protected against all penalties that apply to their DV, and have Flowing Body Evasion, which is the ultimate defense mode.

Without all this metagame knowledge none of us will have anyway :mrgreen: , it is a known fact that it is better that various opponents strike one target, rather than one guy hits another repeatedly.
It means coordinated attacks is probably a better option against solar/abyssal than multiple attacks, and we will face hell when fighting a lunar who knows FLB... because for 4m he will perfectly dodge all attacks (unless unexpected... but our characters will not know that...) during his action.

Basically we will risk our asses against even one single essence 3 celestial with a little fight in him.

Why oh why did I take an elder lunar as a nemesis ?! :cry:
Oh. How about tiring such a lunar out by overwhelming them with canon fooder and having the flying guillotine spell shaped and ready to cast as soon as he drops the said defence?
cyl said:
..we will face hell when fighting a lunar who knows FLB... because for 4m he will perfectly dodge all attacks (unless unexpected... but our characters will not know that...) during his action.
Is that the DotFA charm?

cyl said:
Basically we will risk our asses against even one single essence 3 celestial with a little fight in him.
Which makes the campaign that much more fun ^^

cyl said:
Why oh why did I take an elder lunar as a nemesis ?! :cry:
*trembles* You'll get us all killed, Cathak!
p.144 to be precise.

System is :

Misc action for the commander : coordinating attack : roll charisma + war against a difficulty of the numbers of participants.

If you match the difficulty, everyone attacking on the same tick that the commander will enjoy a - (number of participants attacking) to the DV of the exalts (if 4 guys attack, the anathema is at -4DV for each attack).

Max penalty is -6.

It requires the attackers take an aim or guard action to attack on the exact same tick the commander will attack.

I you are awesomely lucky, you can both have mortals at +3 on their pools and - x to the DV of their target, but +1 is more likely to happen.

One thing I do not know however is if you can stack coordinated and onslaught penalties (like "everyone shoot two times at that bastard on my mark"...)... against sol/aby it would be useless (they can negate ALL penalties), but against lunars it might work (since they negate up to a value, like Dexterity points of penalty).

Apologies for using IIRC too. I am at work and naturally lazy.
Sorry, been away all day, and just got back to see this discussion.

Cyl, i'll be using your pool idea regarding wound penalties.

Time Zone: GMT -5 (Greater Toronto Area)

The Basic Premise of the game is that the basic characters you've created haven't worked together. But since some, if not all, of you have taken Backing in Wyld Hunt, then we'll likely say that after you joined you've been to at least one mission together. In order to show how much your characters have grown and learned to work together I will give you XP to spend, and you can use it to enhance the areas you want, though it would be best if you could organize and decide what fields each of you concentrates on, and how you work together.
You might, with special approval.

Also, regarding XP spending during the game (this doesn't affect how you spend the XP I give you at the begining.

1) You cannot buy more than 1 dot in an Attribute, an Ability, a Virtue, or Willpower at one time. So even if you rest for several months, no upping your manipulation from 1 to 3.

2) If you've raised an Ability during a certain period of Downtime, you cannot purchase a Charm that requires that same dot of Ability during the same downtime. So, if you've got Melee 3, and upped it to Melee 4, you cannot choose a Charmt hat requires Melee 4 at the same time.

These are to prevent a character who was lousy at, say, social combat, from spending several weeks resting afetr a mission, and then come back a social combat master.
Also, I've updated the BP post, and sent messages to those of you missing some stuff, in case they still want those lovely BP i'm handing. :mrgreen:

I'll be posting the extra XP you guys have in about 3 hours.
1) You cannot buy more than 1 dot in an Attribute, an Ability, a Virtue, or Willpower at one time. So even if you rest for several months, no upping your manipulation from 1 to 3.
2) If you've raised an Ability during a certain period of Downtime, you cannot purchase a Charm that requires that same dot of Ability during the same downtime. So, if you've got Melee 3, and upped it to Melee 4, you cannot choose a Charmt hat requires Melee 4 at the same time.
In any other game I would agree, but this doesn't make any sense, especially when you consider we have aspect and favored abilities. The Incarnae built the Exalts to blast the Prims as soon as possible, their power curve in some areas is supposed to be insanely ridiculous.

The attributes take months to boost, and we're probably not going to have that much time ahead of us so I got no problem with that part... however for the aspect/ favored abilities and charms... I think you'd want to rethink this.

Those rules are cool for anything that doesn't fall in the "special" category, virtues and willpower might be even considered "not special".

Your call anyway, but I thought the comment had to be made :)

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