[OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

Don't forget that you may get bonus BP for background, fanfic, and art, so if you leave just one BP floating, and get Bp for all these, you'll get your Essence 3.

EDIT: also note, that you could use some of the XP you recieve to buy Backgrounds, at a cost of 3 XP per dot.
Don't forget that you may get bonus BP for background, fanfic, and art, so if you leave just one BP floating, and get Bp for all these, you'll get your Essence 3.
EDIT: also note, that you could use some of the XP you recieve to buy Backgrounds, at a cost of 3 XP per dot.
I'll probably leave some backgrounds floating to be purchased with XP, then. There's no way I can possibly get everything here, even with the maximum bonus BP. >_>
Yes, even beyond 3 dots. Natually I will have a final say on whether or not it is applicable. and no, even after character generation you will not get an Essence Capacitor Gem of more than 3 dots. :twisted:
As far as Hwan being an Immaculate is concerned, will he need dots in Mentor to receive Martial Arts training from the Order, or will Backing (Immaculate Order) be enough for such?
I will rule that you need a Mentor, but only if you haven't learned the Form Charm of the MA, which I believe is the 4th or 5th one in all Immaculate styles, so that shouldn't be a problem, unless you want someone who will be able to teach you more MA styles.
I've got the Form. So I don't need Mentor to have the post-Form Charms taught to Hwan? (I imagine this will come as some part of deal, where Hwan instruct the new Immaculates in exchange for instruction in the post-Form parts of the Style?)
Basically that is how it will work. Though he could try and learn them on his own, but that takes longer, and between the Wyld Hunt and House politics, you might not have much free time, even when you come to rest in the Realm, or in a Satrapy.
That's fine. After completing Earth Dragon, he'll most likely move to natural Terrestrial Charms. If he does stick with the Martial Arts, I'll start another Immaculate style or look a tutor for Jade Mountain Style.
demihappycow said:
Would "While Attacking" be a valid Dodge specialty?
I tend to view Dodge specialties as vs. x. Like Dodge vs. Archery, vs. Thrown, vs. Melee, vs. Martial Arts. I have no idea how SRD is going to run it, this is simply my suggestion as a player.
I tend to balance my custom specialties off of the examples shown in the Core. Though strange, "Vs (specific ability)" potentially isn't too broad, though could use a better name. While attacking... Yeah... That's a bit broad.
yep, a bit too broad. You can narrow it down to something like "while unarmed". This is just an example, if you fight with a weapon change it to the type of weapon your DB is most familiar with.
My line of thinking is that most other combat ability specs are the sort of thing one can ensure you are almost always applicable (your primary weapon being the prime example), so one ought to be able to get something similarly useful for dodge which is already hyper-focused compared to other abilities in Exalted.

But I suppose "While Armed With Shuriken" would end up being valid basically all the time anyway...
If yuo want something applicable most of the time, you could tie it to your robe with "While wearing the Robe of Many Pockets". it would show that you've learned to use the robe as a distraction while you move.
Well, I'm not sure what SRC's opinion on this is, but to me, the most important aspect of something like this is whether or not it makes sense. When you look at the specialties in the book, the Dodge specialty of "While Unarmed", you can say "yeah, that makes sense, I can see that." The question to ask yourself would be "is it possible for someone to be better at Dodging while armed with [insert weapon] than anything else, even being unarmed?" If the answer's yes, and more importantly, you can explain why, then awesome.

Please note that this is just my way of doing things, and is merely a friendly word of advice. Take it all with a grain of salt. :P

EDIT: SRC's suggest is a good one that kinda goes in line with what I'm saying. With that specialty, you've accustomed yourself to movements in your robe so well that you make use of the natural qualities to better defend yourself. It leaves you with a cool benefit that still provides some small frame of a weakness/loophole.
I can go with that. I kinda liked "while attacking" because it would have represented something about his style of combat and effected tactical thinking somewhat, but "while wearing the Coat of Many Blades" works just fine.
And gives your enemies a weakness they could try to exploit once in a while. Ahhh' date=' the beauty of in-built plot hooks... :lol:[/quote']
Yes. This is a key factor in any specialty, IMO. Nothing should be completely without a weakness. Even Celestial Perfect Defenses, perhaps the most impenetrable benefits in the game, have weaknesses in the form of the Virtue Flaws.

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