OOC Chivalry

Well, he'd be more of a self-proclaimed priest, not ordained by any church or organization, so being outcast by other priests means nothing to him. His primary profession is as a Gwentan, but his obsession is really the safekeeping of the dragons, as is "his appointed duty by Aquila." Whether or not he is actually blessed with powers or miraculous abilities I'll leave up to your GM discretion, but his devotion to his duty is sincere, as is fitting of his personality.
A self-proclaimed priest hmmm

xD maybe he's just a normal villager that went mad and started acting the part of a Gwentan? Kinda Don Quixote-esque?
No, I'm not changing his story again XP I was just asking if it would be appropriate for him to apply the title of Priest to himself in addition to Gwentan, instead of the Falconer which I have him erroneously titled. His personality and story shall remain unchanged, I have made several provisions towards his.... oddities for you already xD

I just watched this asylum movie, so forgive my eccentric reply xD Hmmm, I suppose nothing's stopping him from proclaiming himself as a priest -- only do expect to be challenged on that claim by the other characters xD
Of course, I/he will expect that, but he will also have the benefit of his "experiences" during his initiation ceremonies in his benefit. Even if all the others believe him to be a crackpot, he'll stand firm in his beliefs and defend the dragons to the best of his abilities xD
Sounds good and dandy to me :3

BTW @Everyone, (hopefully everyone's still subbed here)

We're still waiting on Auren (the snail) and Empress of Ice, who's been keeping me updated on her progress. So! While those characters aren't up for you to examine just yet, start looking around at the other characters and consider who you'd like to have history with, or make history with once the RP starts.

I've opted not to split everyone into two groups (because A: One would have an uber lame story and B: I've realized there's actually no real need for it). Instead, I'll have the "main missions" be undertaken by a portion of the "main party" (a max of 4) and "side quests" and "downtime" undergone by the rest of the Main Party during such excursions. In lieu of this, eye the other characters and be prepared to write two of them as those you are particularly interested in interacting with so that I'll be able to incorporate that into the storyline :3

The primary goal I'll have for Chivalry until a certain point will be bonding you guys together while (hopefully) endearing you to the world.
I call Sayne and Sy's Chracter >D

EDIT: *calls shotgun*
I'm particularly interested in @Alad V , purely because wrecking shit together is gonna be SSSSSMASHING.
Y'all young uns and your weakling noodle people can go hang out elsewhere and do 20 push ups or something while we suplex trains or something.


Peace out.

It will take a while before you combat-oriented characters will get a chance to flex like that though xD
I love everyone, and even if our characters have nothing in common, we can stare at each other in awkwardness <3

though I already have some background with some of the charries ~
Well, Sim, Argrave already has a little bit of history/futurestory(?) with Khu's charrie, and he and Dusky's dragon are pretty much going to be studying each other (in a really strange-but-not-creepy-or-pervy way), but I'm always open to as many character interactions as possible :3 I wouldn't mind us four being in a group together, if the others don't mind that. But, I don't want to hog you three to myself for the whole RP, so maybe doing group rotations/exchanges or something, just to make sure that it doesn't get stale? xD
Oh, yeah, I wasn't planning on making everyone split into perma-parties xD Rotations is definitely the way to go! I just wanted to get a feelz for who likes who/wantsa do the things and stuff :3
Chivalry will be starting soon! Wednesday at the earliest and Friday at the latest!

In the meantime, I'll gather a google doc to organize current events and give you some idea of the direction I'll be taking this in (but not toooo much direction, mind you)
simj22 said:
Y'all young uns and your weakling noodle people can go hang out elsewhere and do 20 push ups or something while we suplex trains or something.

Peace out.
I see your train suplex and raise you a giant bear.


Aaand, Icy has to read through the OOC thread.... Brb to post some random out of context comment on a long forgotten thing.

~iEmpress, on tapatalk

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