OOC Chivalry

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Meanwhile I'm just over here with NO ONE TO TRAVEL WITH *Crais*

Adelheid: I'll follow you where ever, if you let me hold you at night (insert wiggling eyebrows and pointed stare to le bosom)

My raging lesbian won't mind xD

~iEmpress, on tapatalk
Hm, I'm going to read through the charries before staking any claims though Elle already knows that Adelheid will be all up in her space so yaaah.

My cs's are most likely going to be up Thursday night/ Friday morning. So I'll post a quick idea of the charries I'm making which will also explain why this is taking so long.

My main WIP charrie right now is Unnamed (somewhat) and has polyfragmented (Poly- More fragmented- Parted/scattered ) D.I.D. (Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as M.P.D. Multiple Personality Disorder) and THAT is why he is taking so long. {Elle, Smexy Beardman}

Adelheid,my raging lesbian warrior and my troubled leonhart noble (Possibly widowed, unsure bisexual {possibly lesbian, in the closet} are the easier ones I can fix within hours.


~iEmpress, on tapatalk

Im bad >__>
[QUOTE="Father Gigantor]It's like you motherfuckers aren't even trying.

xD Yes, You win, good sir, I admit defeat
So excited that we're starting the RP tomorrow! EEEEEEeeeeehhhhh!

We.... are... starting the RP... tomorrow... right...?

Probably on Friday, actually.

Tomorrow's only if I've got enough free time, which at this rate is doubtful. I've got to post for a number of other RPs too... gotta get caught up Q__Q If I fly through all those posts, I'll finish the Chiv opening, provided I've enough gas left to manage it. xD
Muahaha, I am thread ninja, none shall be faster than I! xD

I actually do have a post, though, it's not like I just put that there to reserve the first slot or anything... B-baka <_<
BAM! First post up :D

@Dusky, I had Argrave interact with you (to a tiny extent, you can dismiss his presence there if you wish) I just thought I'd tag you here since I edited the tag into my post, so it didn't send you the notif :3
Why's that, Sim? :3 what, pray tell, were you reporting me for? Besides making yourself look like an imbecile xD
That's exactly my intended purpose <3 ah well, fission mailed. Pack up boys, we're going home

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