OOC Chivalry

Either by apprenticing/squiring to a gwentan(common) or being appointed by a gwentan/religious authority(uncommon). Usually politics are involved.

Oh, and I'll add that even the appointed require 3 months of screening/religious rites/tests. Rigorous training in secret catacombs and the like. Make em work for it desperately.

Im cool with some of em getting burn scars or bloodletting in the process of becoming a gwentan too.
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I like how a majority of the submitted sheets don't even say they are works in progress and proceed to let me down when I scroll to the Background part. It's like setting me up for a free ice-cream, and then telling me you only have the cone and not a single dollop of ice-cream.

Ladies, ladies, please...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1421937282.814429.jpg.7ccb356df0668660f5b5b78dc09f692c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40345" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1421937282.814429.jpg.7ccb356df0668660f5b5b78dc09f692c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk1421937282.814429.jpg
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Elle, what question? Sakura didn't ask anything >_>
=_= My phone autocarroted Shura into Sakura >_> New nickname approaches, Shura has evolved into "Cherry" xD
She asked whether there will be two seperate storylines.

Dude, you coulda answered the poor guy directly what it was instead of requesting he sift through all the HERESY.

I'm no archaeologist, but I'm betting Checkursaurus came before Wreckursaurus.

I think what the boss, Killi, means is that...yeah, I can't put it in better words. Two different tales of valour and honor and dragon-wrestling.

Whaddaya mean the last one isnt on the itinerary?

I'm no archaeologist, but I'm betting Checkursaurus came before Wreckursaurus.



Get it right, guys.

EDIT: Also, yeah

Latter will probably not be as well-planned out and might feel a bit tacked on unless i have a genius breakthrough.

Anyway, it was mostly a latenight speculative thought. I might not go through with it. No rush either way; all the cses aint even in yet :3
Hey, Killi, theyre going to burn you at the stake if you dont answer their questions about storylines. Shura or whatever asked if this was going to be two seperate stooooorylines.

I'm no archaeologist, but I'm betting Checkursaurus came before Wreckursaurus.

That is a hard question to answer, my friend.

I guess yes. But in some ways no. Dragon-killer wannabes was along the lines of what i was thinking, fulfilling the role of a buncha (cold)bloodthirsty doods following after peaceful dragon pilgrims.

...but whatevs for now.

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