OOC Chivalry

Well, Killi, with the was this is going, you're gonna have about 50 charries and then half aren't gonna end up dropping with no warning and the other half are gonna be stuck waiting for replies, and the RP is gonna die prematurely. xD

You do have a plan for this, I'm hoping... yes?
In my experience, I've had GMs that merrily murder the characters of these HERETICS who drop out without any warning. I mean, why not? They did just leave without seeking your consent first and left people hanging. Every now and then, WHOO, SURPRISE BANDIT ATTACK! YOU GET AN AXE! YOU GET AN AXE, EVERYONE GETS AN AXE! Thus, keeping the missed high fives at a minimum, and still putting the populace on their toes!

I know my suggested method is brutal, but hey, means to an end. Also, I'm a horrible person and story teller and you should never listen to me. I also hang out with horrible people and you should never listen to them either.

But I believe in you, Killi. You can do the thing.

...'s that how pep talks usually go?

I'm no archaeologist, but I'm betting Checkursaurus came before Wreckursaurus.

Just because you all are special. (note: I crai errytiem :'S)

Oh look, it's 4chin, the coolest part of the internet. And I'm not being sarcastic this once!

I'm no archaeologist, but I'm betting Checkursaurus came before Wreckursaurus.

I've added some things and stuff to the Gallery+Maps, namely the conjugations of certain terms, the effect of the Foresworn war on individual territories, and more info on the terrain.

(Credit: thanks for the suggest, Elle)
@Killigrew, I finally got my CS done! gonna post it up here in just a second, but DANG, that took a long time xD
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Killigrew said:
It's perfect, Stick *^ *
And all it took was making him a lunatic zealot with a smell complex!

That reminds me, I'm slower than a pile of molasses writing this thing up. Sorry it's taking so long, boss.

I'm no archaeologist, but I'm betting Checkursaurus came before Wreckursaurus.

Yo you wanna check it that I aint gon finish it before them? I'm only up to writing Syd's 49th birthday. It has streamers and cake and stuff, it's whack. Wonder what's for her 50th one.

I'm no archaeologist, but I'm betting Checkursaurus came before Wreckursaurus.

O_o am I supposed to know what's going on here? xD

Sooooooo, how many more people are we planning on having CSes submitted? Heck, how many people are you having in this RP altogether? xD
We didn't even have that many before, why you be kickin' people's CSes out already? D:
Because prebooters are coming :\ and some ppl will be having 2 characters <__<

EDIT: also better to boot now before they do a lotta work than later
W-w-wait, a second... That one thing is gone?

Oh god Killi, I'm so emotional, I'm just going to worship the ground you walk on from now on.
Hwell, Syd's done, I guess. I dont know. Look, can you just tell me if I need to throw a wrench at it or summat like that

I'm no archaeologist, but I'm betting Checkursaurus came before Wreckursaurus.

Oh wow I completely forgot province and social class in my rush to finish it I am the best

I'm no archaeologist, but I'm betting Checkursaurus came before Wreckursaurus.


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