OOC Chatroom

I'd still say the best advice I can give is, start it soonish, but have it go episodic-wise, It helps give some structure (So we are not all rushing out with mindless chatter, not that is a bad thing, it can just get very crowded with that and some people may be put off from it.)

Take it easy with the Episode 1, the beginning, which is just us all introducing, maybe you @Captain Gensokyo (AKA Captain Greene) Introducing some high-profile npcs, Admirals, the ships lovely cook, and that-person-who-is-totally-not-going-to-betray-Albion-later-person. And then we set off for the moon, you'll think of some minor events, maybe a test flight of the fighter ships and a test run of the mechs in the Probably very spacey hangar of Albion, some betting about what mech pilot is better as the poor engineering crew watch everyone scratch the shiny metals. (;-;) And then something when we reach the Moon, then most here would have sated their thirst for now, if not, easy! You'll just make a, "waiting room" topic in the thread, just like the Thinking Corner got all of it's topics.

We could have a:

Main Topic, where you give us a grand Episode start post, maybe a picture or some music to accompany it and sorta set it off there, (Mainly because too many topics for each episode might be a bit too much and I don't know if there is a limit to how many topics one can make.) 

A secondary RP topic which is for the down-town between the episodes, this one is less structured, more about the characters interacting, at best someone could keep score on where Albion is currently with this topic, So after episode 1, we'll have a down-time, where someone goes and posts "ALBION LOCATION: MOON OF SKYRIA: SITUATION: COMPLETED TEST RUN" Or maybe later on, Somewhere else, and situation is after Albion got a beating and is currently getting repaired by the lovely and magnificent En- Yeah you're picking up, what I'm putting down?

And possibly third topic which I believe EITHER could be for secondary missions (The more likely choice.) Or for the episode where we are not all present on Albion, say we have some people who board another ship, or go to a planet, this can help make it less confusing for some so they don't mix the people who are onboard Albion and those who are not.

That's my advice/suggestion, it can help and more importantly, it can help make a structure so we are not being like chickens with a fox in our house... Or whatever that saying goes.
@Captain Gensokyo

Dapper Bunny's got a point. As it is, we've created more background lore than most RP's start with. A simple first episode wouldn't be very difficult and it doesn't need to be ultra planned out. Just get us moving with a few key events thrown in along the way and the players will do the rest. 

There's also the matter that leaving this RP hanging would feel kind of like a disservice to everyone here. Some of us have worked really hard on lore to fill in the gaps and making it so that was all in vain would really suck.

A first episode should be easy. Just get us going and then give us a few things to do like fly to things, handle situations that spring up, and maybe even present a small group of enemies (maybe in the form of a pirate vessel or something) to fight.
Something should be up by Saturday. If no time before then, then Saturday for sure.
Stretched what out? I doubt you had any part in the whole not starting yet, it's just a general. "What are we going to do" thing, which hopefully been worked out and is getting readied for Saturday/Maybe before Saturday.
Thumbs up on that new faction. With them and the Ebon Division, now we've good a nice surplus of bad guy to throw at us.
I hope so, I may have made them a bit too big? But should off-set by their reasons to not always be a full fleet in one spot.
Late and late, I dunno what timezone Gen is in, but I know that two of the people I'm rping with in Paragon is from Australia It's what.. 4 in the morning over there? Probably just busy with real life stuff.

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