OOC Chatroom

Is the good mood partly from Albion starting up, I'd presume? Or am I missing the broadside of a barn here?
Not really a holiday. Just a little time away so my meds can kick in properly. But yes it is a good time for it to happen
I think I wanna downplay Albion's size a bit. It would still have a lot of firepower, but it sacrfifices some of that for more speed.

Albion is huge for the type of ship it is. It's a behemoth, but a sleek-looking one. It's able to carry about a dozen mechs and maybe 20+ fighters, and its crew should be capped around 60 or 70. 

I have no Idea where to start... I am contemplating having her start in a closet and only being reactivated with the ship...

Good? Bad?
@Trust (no longer online)

The ship is active, so I'd say do something like Cyrus/the good doctor Aubrey, starting up and all.

@Captain Gensokyo

Well.. What class ship are you aiming for Albion to be? I'm not expert but Corvette style ships usually have 50, Destroyer 100, Cruiser 200-250? And Battleships 500-ish, this is not counting troops.. Which are military personnel who just hang around and act as guards and when required go orbital strikes or attack teams.

So I'd say, what class are you aiming for Albion to be?

Cause 60 to 70 is probably not close to "Assault Carrier" The supercarrier Nimitz-Class is a Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier for America, it's I believe the biggest ship build here on earth? It can have a crew size of up to 5000+  Technically speaking, an assault carrier is of course smaller cause it doesn't need to carry as much it's for assaults, so it's not a capital-class ship.. So that would be anywhere between 2 and 3.5 thousand? Or even a thousand or so.

Now on spaceships can be quite a bit more automated, so I'd guess you might be able to reduce that from anywhere of 20% to even 50% Depending on how much is automated like turrets, cleaning, cooking and all that.
@Trust (no longer online)

The ship is active, so I'd say do something like Cyrus/the good doctor Aubrey, starting up and all.

@Captain Gensokyo

Well.. What class ship are you aiming for Albion to be? I'm not expert but Corvette style ships usually have 50, Destroyer 100, Cruiser 200-250? And Battleships 500-ish, this is not counting troops.. Which are military personnel who just hang around and act as guards and when required go orbital strikes or attack teams.

So I'd say, what class are you aiming for Albion to be?

Cause 60 to 70 is probably not close to "Assault Carrier" The supercarrier Nimitz-Class is a Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier for America, it's I believe the biggest ship build here on earth? It can have a crew size of up to 5000+  Technically speaking, an assault carrier is of course smaller cause it doesn't need to carry as much it's for assaults, so it's not a capital-class ship.. So that would be anywhere between 2 and 3.5 thousand? Or even a thousand or so.

Now on spaceships can be quite a bit more automated, so I'd guess you might be able to reduce that from anywhere of 20% to even 50% Depending on how much is automated like turrets, cleaning, cooking and all that.

Kay >.<
I think I wanna downplay Albion's size a bit. It would still have a lot of firepower, but it sacrfifices some of that for more speed.

Albion is huge for the type of ship it is. It's a behemoth, but a sleek-looking one. It's able to carry about a dozen mechs and maybe 20+ fighters, and its crew should be capped around 60 or 70. 


I think you should start by defining what you expect the ship to do as the story goes on. What do you want it to do?

Even if It takes a multitude of tasks as the plot moves foward, it had to have been built with a limited scope of roles in mind.

I can understand it's meant to go for a bulky size, but even then, it has to at least start with a specific set of tasks in mind.

Patrol? You're gonna want a lot of people, marines, mechs and service vehicles to manage task like surveilling trading goods, offering medical assistance to outposts suddently struck by catastrophies, or rescuing space stations. Stargrade guns would be tailored only to safely disable civilian ships and "disencourage" anything more threathening from continuing an assault.

Recon/Exploration? You're gonna want a lot of smaller ships (not necessarily fighters) to spread all over the place and realy get a good image of the target. The ship's own guns would only be used to slow down a pursuing enemy, but it's small fleet can shift and converge to key positions quickly. A team of "special ops" marines would be farovable to investigate planetoids without calling much attention.

Assaults? A variety of powerfull guns, realy fast engines, though armor, but a skeleton crew if compared to other ships. The ship will be in constant threath of being destroyed, so it's preferrable to minimize the ammount of crew commited to manning it.


Those are some examples, and of course the Albion could be a middle ground between everything, but it cant be good at everything too.
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i think i'm going to make it a long running trend that the chief engineer becomes Bauldra's personal chew toy.

"I like him, he makes squeeky noises."
@Captain Gensokyo

Here is something that might help with deciding ship size.. Although the big list is warships as in on earth, not space.


I personally don't mind what size it is, although I'll have to change things for Amber-Eyes if it's something like 50-100, cause then she'd just have 1-3 people who are her assistants/morale officers.. Sorta like Lambda actually.. Now that I think about it.. Huh.
yeah, i feel like ship size isn't too relevant right about moew, I think we should back burner the whole ship size thing, and let cap'n g-dog decide whenever he gets around to it. 
Well so far so good, no? There's still some who haven't posted anything yet, hopefully just writers block or some uncertainty to start.
I think it's about time for the Captain to make another post. Need to remember that as GM, you control the pace of the RP. Right now we've all come to a halt cause we've done what we can with the situation and need @Captain Gensokyo to move us forward. Those who haven't posted can jump in afterwards too, it's not like we've gone too far into things yet.
@Trust (no longer online)

Well, you've posted once so that should be enough for now. 
But if you want to make another post, interacting with any other character is usually the best way to go. Character interaction's what gets RP's rolling. Progress is made very slowly if everyone's just standing around doing their own thing. 
@Trust (no longer online)

Well, you've posted once so that should be enough for now. 
But if you want to make another post, interacting with any other character is usually the best way to go. Character interaction's what gets RP's rolling. Progress is made very slowly if everyone's just standing around doing their own thing. 

Yeah, but I don't know who to interact with xD

Don't worry, I'm not the person that makes it difficult to RP with such as making a character that goes like "uh, I'm too anti-social to even look at other people but complain about not being interacted with"
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