One Thousand Birds

x3 it really is

Yeah, same. I like some of the Beatles and I like the Monkeys! x3 (Blame my dad/mom)

I just like a lot of random music. I don't really care about genre, only the song.

I think the only real country song I like is one I found on youtube when looking up anime amvs. 'Welcome to the Family' I think. It was pretty funny.
I like the Beatles before they started doing drugs. xD

Not familiar with the Monkeys (though I went through a period of obsession with the Gorillaz.)

I used to ONLY listen to country, living in Texas as I am, but now I'm so sick of it, ugh.

BUT THAT'S A GREAT SONG (by avenged sevenfold lol)
I found and printed off a coupon but...

It's very big

The barcode is as long as my fingers

I have yaoi hands
Yes. Their show was pretty funny. They were all pretty stupid on it. x3
no seriously i have really big hands wow

this coupon is giant

but i have to go now
See ya'. xD

I'm working on my intro now fo' sho'.


didn't have ringworm like we thought

It's literally a rash caused by a virus that does nothing but last a long time.

That's another one by the Monkees. Found it randomly if you wanna listen

Yay~ Intro!

Bai Ghost!
I study Japanese language intensively, so I'm a huge dork when it comes to all things J-Pop or J-Rock. Some alternative Japanese music is great too! ...I pretty much listen to all things pop, rock, melodic death, etc. I'm extremely picky about R&B, Hip-hop, and rap. I have tons of recommendations if anyone's interested in the Japanese side of things. Otherwise, I just have favourite songs from other genres, not favourite bands. Except I Am Ghost, I LOVE them immensely.
Pretty much same here. It's rare for me to find an artist who I like most of their stuff.

Mostly it's just songs from everywhere.
Hello friends it is I, Ghost, and I have returned!

For a little while, at least...
ew /leaves

No, for real, I'm logging out so I can 100% concentrate on this post, hahaa.

okay work hard for us all pine!

*immense pressure*
kitsunemage said:
Go pine go! You can do it!
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To quote kitsunemage

Go Pine go!


If any one needs help I don't mind helping like I am with thmetal and his kekkei genkai

Night is a knowledge nut and loves concentration jutsu. His brother Midnight is ex anbu and holds one of the seven ninja swords.
I have a feeling Teikomai will probably want to learn a few things from night. Chakra stuff is right up her alley

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idk what teacher i want for jakuchan

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