One Thousand Birds

That'd be awesome. I'm just glad I have a laptop and mom ended up getting WiFi for her tablet.
I'm going to finish high school. I'd be murdered if I don't. But I'm just lazy and this math sucks. And I never really wanted to go to college.
yeah im going to finish highschool

you cant drop out til your 18 and then youre so close anyways soo
Heh, I don't have the guts to bank on just becoming an author, so I'm going to be a librarian.

but yeah i'll do my homework

just not now e___e

procrastinator extraordinare
lol Eventually I'll come up with another plan but for now I'm working towards being a writer.

With you all the way Pine! Procrastination is best! Not really but oh well
Have you ever submitted a short story or something?

I heard that's a good way to start.

I've been wanting to do that, and start on a book that I've had in my mind, but...


A nap just seems really attractive right now. lol
I might find something over the summer. Cause I write fanfiction and during the year I have a hard enough time trying to keep up with it. Plus I'd have to come up with a real solid idea otherwise I'll drop the whole thing.

It kinda does, but I know it won't happen for me until around 11 PM x3 Sadly...
Mhm, sounds about right.


I would right now, but my bed isn't made and... well... that can wait, too. xD

/plotting intro
x3 lol

I'll be back in like 10-15 minutes. I gotta eat dinner.
*does not listen to that kind of music*

Oh yeah! Took me 12 minutes! And I sat there on the couch for like two minutes! xD
Sure, I'll give that a listen ~

I do love Amorphis, though.

I have two albums ahaha. ;w;

you should its all so gr8

Nice. cx

I have yet to do anything since I've gotten home. ._.
lol I prefer stuff like Owl City and P!nk and Japanese music x3
Oh I see hatesowlcity.

I just think there's a common misconception of what death/metal is, so I researched because I'm a nerd like that.

Metal is primarily defined by abrupt rhythms and the vocals not taking a dominant role in the music.

It doesn't have to be loud... it's just a tendency.

Aaaaaand as far as death metal, death growls are common, but it's defined more by darker themes.

but amorphis has some pretty moments

there's a flute on more than one of their tracks

/shuts up
*narrows eyes* Enemy sighted!



lol I like a lot of random music though. I like a bit of Evanescence...Uhh what was the other...Paramore. If I like the SONG then I'll listen to it. Doesn't really matter to me =3
metal is cool and 80's/90's and j and kpop and rock and punk and dubstep and techno and game osts ahh

im going to go buy stuff for cosplay so I just came here to say that idk if i'll be on until tomorrow
striking out words is too much fun

Ah, I got you.

Evanescence and Paramore have a few pretty good songs.

There are a lot of bands where I like just three or four songs, but that's it.

Like, Within Temptation is good... until she uses vibrato.

I can't STAND the way she sounds with vibrato. x____x
i will like most music except country if its complex or random and isn't boringly repetitive 
my moms busy looking for a coupon
That's fine ~

I'll probably be studying a lot more for psychology tomorrow anyway.

I think I'm okay with every genre except country, pop and electronic. xD

though i'm picky with rap

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