One Thousand Birds

sighs it seems I have to go.

eheh a lot of the characters seem to be angry teenagers, this'll be fun

maybe I'll be on computers in school tomorrow, and get on mine after schoool??

i hope so

you have to join our club now no going back 
murakisses said:
To quote kitsunemage
Go Pine go!


I freakin' love you guys no joke.

Also, welcome ooc section newbie pets ur faec.




okay it's been a little lot longer than that but -w-

Almost done with this intro, then hopping off before my laptop catches fire.
Dang you need an award or something. That's more than i spend on homework ._.

Yay! Can't wait to see it!! But i probably won't see it till tomorrow cause i have to go to bed now ;_; C ya tom!!

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Boom pow wazow, not looking at that a second longer.

now sleep -w-

Good night all ~
Yeah, that's fine. c:

Though, I don't think the clone jutsu is the same as shadow clones.

If I'm not mistaken, they're just illusions.

Correct me if I'm wrong. xD

Just whenever is convenient ~ c:

lol post master ?
They're clones none the less 
It's cold in Georgia >. < I want to get this job done and hide in the warmth of a van
I just didn't want people to be confused. xD

Shadow clones take a lot of chakra, because I'm p sure you divide your chakra between the clones so they can use jutsu, but plain clones are intangible.


It's, like, eighty degrees over here. xDD

A little windy, but... ugh.
Ye the test is just normal clones

Also I'm in wisconin and it is very cold, it's usually under 30 degrees this time of the year

I can't wait for it to get warmer

I might start writing my post but idk if I'll be done until I get home from school
nit picking is fun yarhar

There was no snow this year.

Makes my heart sad. :c

That's fine ~

I might not post today. ewe
I'll also post later on today. After this exam in a few hours, and then after a meeting I have. Guh. It's cold here and I do NOT wanna get out of bed rn. -3-
It's in the 40s in Atlanta Georgia and around there. But tomorrow is my last day then back home c: also @Pine is all three paragraphs an actual Paragraph or is it just barely 3 lines? Hard to tell with a phone rather then a computer
wow suddenly more newbies

anyways i hope my first post in the rp was okay!

idk when this class ends so i might not be on until after school which is in about 2 hours but i have to walk home so maybe closer to 3 ??? and idk if ill even be able to get on a device that has internet

ill try tho, like always
I meant something more along the lines being the master of something... actually I don't know what I meant

But since schools over I'll try to post soon
Kiro, do you mean to say three sentences?

Paragraphs aren't really a set quantity of... anything.

I stick to making paragraphs organize subjects, if that makes sense?

I know, Snow, I was kidding. xD

I'm sure it's fine, Ghost.

I'm cramming two chapter of psychology vocab/studying when I get home, so don't be surprised if I don't get post until tomorrow. xD

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