One Thousand Birds


I think it's showing up as three paragraphs.

I haven't touched my computer today. xD
Well, I'll let you know, but I'm pretty sure it all separated.

That's how it looks on my phone, anyway. xP
Don't worry, on computers it looks like paragraphs too. 
oh yeah im here (for now)
what what why arent i getting any alerts when people post in the actual rp i thought i watched that thread!?

(\( * A * )/)
oop nop its workin now i think i know why it didnt
Crap you guys, all of our characters are anti-social and smart, this will never work. xD

Kidding, but I think I'll have to throw in a few NPCs to get things rolling in the classroom.


should i study or nap first
idk man jakunens tapping on her desk rly loud can be annoying?? or something.

if anyone wants to interact with her idk

id study first so you dont never get around to it, and napping without worrying about studying would be nice 
you have not missed a lot 
waaait nevermind i got avatars mixed up

we started the rp

dont worry though there aren't a lot of posts yet and basically the characters are just sitting in the classroom
lol Kay Yeah, I just finished reading it. I'll go post something then =3

Oh yeah! Pine said something about characters, the guy I'm going to make will hopefully have a 'knucklehead' type personality? I guess. Hopefully. =3 Not sure if I'm good at it but I'll try!
i need to do some speech homework but ill be doing it on the computer so ill still be here
All I have to do is write a small paragraph about literature and superficial and materialism.

Asuka's just kinda loud and crazy =3
I was kidding about the anti-social thing. cx

The MAJORITY of characters are, including my own.

I'm just trying to picture this: a group of middle school aged kids in a classroom without parental supervision.

In my mind, chaos is bound to ensue. xD

Ughh Ghost you're such a good influence I hate you KIDDING. xD
x3 lol Pine. I should probably write my paragraph.....but I really don't wanna. Plus I technically don't have all the information even though I read all this stuff.

Characters giving themselves pep-talks are weird to me, but I had nothing else to do so why not?
Hey, a paragraph ain't that bad.

I wrote a full lab report and answered post-lab questions all in one class period today without much help.

/proud of productivity

I'll finish my vocab, take a couple of online quizzes, study some more, then I think I'll throw in the rambunctious NPCs.

sounds like a good plan to me heh e3e

after e-mailing this college about scholarships gah
Oh I know it isn't. I was working all day to make sure THAT was al I had for homework. I was able to do it I was so happy!

Sounds like a plan Pine! Have fun
its okay pine i hate you too

good luck pine! 
wow my speech hw is really late but my teacher is one of those nice ones so maybe it wont be too bad

at least itll be better than nothing

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