One Thousand Birds

Ahh. Whatever floats your boat Who the heck came up with that? I want like four girls and two boys. Although I only want four if I have twins cause I wanna name twin girls Lana and Luci. Otherwise two daughters: Rose and Clara. The first boy would be Jake. Not sure about a second boy name.
LOL Last year in my lunch period three fights happened at the same time right next to each other. My friends told me that in biology the teacher went out to try and stop it and came back in whining about how some girl pinched his arm so bad it started to bleed. x3

And in the lunchroom a fight broke out and then it was stopped but five minutes later another one started and once it was over me and my friends saw the huge pile of weave sitting on top of the garbage can. It was so weird! x3
that reminds me, today in class i was working in a group and i stood up to go get something and one of my group members is like "ghost how tall are u" and im like "5"3' why" and shes like "wow i never noticed how short you are before"
Haha I know right? x3 
lol I'm about 5'10" I believe. My geometry teacher last year was so small! I was going to my desk and she was in front of me and I was wondering when we got a new student in our class for like 5 minutes before I realized that it was the teacher.
Wow. ._. LOLOL

If a fight ever breaks out in our school, it's always really stupid and disappointing.

We're about as white as it gets.

I think I'm 5'8" and a half or some garbage like that. xD
And I think I found out about that height a year or two ago and I'm not sure if it's correct but I'm fairly sure it is.
yeah there are a lot of fights in my school but everyones REALLY BAD at fighting

Me and a friend of mine are part of the minority of white people. There's not many white people in this neighborhood and everyone acts black. 
My friends and I just get away. We have bad experiences of getting fruit thrown at us in the crossfire even if we're not part of the circle watching the fight.
Basically our fights...

I don't even know.

It just ends up being girls pulling on hair and...

Idk, I've only seen one or two. xD

all really dumb

and yeah homework right

also it looks like my familys forcing me to go to a movie so, later

Question, keeping your thing Offline. Is that purposeful on your part? =3
You can call me Yua. It's my nickname when my user is InfinitiesLover.

Ahhh, makes sense. Okay then~

Yes, your Akira.

I WAS going to go by last name, but then I saw someone didn't have a last name, so...

I've surfaced from beneath the sea of homework for a moment to add my input.

My school doesn't have any fights anymore because lunch is shortened for everyone for like a week and those who fight have lunch detention all year. So thee haven't been any fights since like the beginning of the school year @.@
LOL I enjoy running to the other side of the lunchroom to avoid the flying fruit =3
Okay then, Yua~ ;v; Oh, you guys can call me Ri, by the way!

Thanks Pine, hehe~ Just posted my reply, hope it's okay for my first actual roleplay post on this site. EEP.

Also, I've never been in a school fight, nor have I ever witnessed one. o_o But they sound badass. And ridiculous.
^.^ Kay~

lol They are ridiculous. Extremely. And the fruit is annoying to get out of hair. And strawberry milk is a pain to deal with when soaked into your LIGHT colored jeans and t-shirt -_- I'd forgotten about that for a while.

Oh! Hair too! It sucks when strawberry milk gets in your hair

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