One Thousand Birds

I'm so not going to remember these names. xD

yua and ri hmhm

Anyway RI.

Your post is fine ~

I think I'll reply at some ungodly hour of the night.

I've never had strawberry milk before.

I don't know how I feel about that. xD
x3 lol Well I keep meaning to make a signature and most of the time when I do I put call me Yua or something x3

Darn not some ungodly hour! x3 Do you have an estimate time so I can make sure I'm awake to see it? My IPod is connected to the wifi but not the locks! x3 I can reply on there or something lol
Oh, pfft, no.

Maybe I'll get up at two in the morning (it's eight where I live right now, you do the math).



Whatever floats your boat man, I dig.
It's 8 here too! x3 I'll end up waking at around 4:30-5:00 like this morning to a wailing puppy and too much heat surrounding me. >.>'

Maybe I'll remember to check here then. lol

Who came up with that?!
better to wake up to something cute and fluffy than an alarm clock

I just have no idea where that came from. xD
She wails like she's being murdered. It makes ME want to murder her! x3

I want to make a female Konoha Jonin but I already have a female character but there are already two male Jonin...x3 DISTRESS! /shot
smother her

with love

i want an indoor pet so bad



She likes to bite.

Her name is Cocoa but her FULL title is:

Vampire Cocoa-Puff who has a Hair Fetish

BUT MY OWN RATIOS MATTER! x3 I like to have at least one male and one female character...x3

I think I might make a brother/sister pair that are jonin and if need be one can be a teacher the other can just be a jonin....x3
I just took a video of her howling and if my computer/iPod wasn't being such a butt face I'd show it you.

THEY MATTER TO ME! x3 I just get bored rp-ing one gender all the time!
Aw, it's okay. cx

and i get bored role playing females lol

Okay, role playing pet peeve #46.

Some thirteen year old in a heated argument ranting philosophy for a good three paragraphs of dialogue without pause.

Logically, SOMEONE would cut them off.

Completely unrealistic.

you cant just cram that into one big post /whines
Makes me sad/mad cause she's so freakin cute. It's the only reason she's alive. -_- '

...Really though. Slap them
when over half the theatre seats are open and a tall person decides to sit right in front of you

#short people problems

#whats this guys deal like srs hALF THE SEATS 
also yua pine i think were all in the same timezone

ooh and you guys can call me whatever you want i dont care

even pronouns

people misgender me all the time even in person so i dont mind you can literally refer to me however you want


im sorry jaku doesnt have a last name its all my fault
If you were feeling really spiteful, you could have put your feet up on the back of his seat.

I believe we're all within an hour or two of each other, but I just wanted to make sure. -w-


I sometimes like having gender ambiguity on the internet.

It's really funny to see a community slowly arrive at the conclusion of me being a certain gender, and if anyone asks, I just laugh.

It's alright. xD

Alphabetizing in general is going to be a pain, let alone taking that extra second to look for last names uGH.
i would if i had the guts

i wont be up that late though. i mean i might be drawing or something, but i definitely wont have a computer.
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My sister did something like that one time.

We were watching Catching Fire and she had her feet up on the chair, and someone decided to sit in that chair.

We all told her to put her feet down, but she was like 'nope he could have sat in any chair but he decided to sit in that one'.

The thing was, the theater WAS crowded, and the guy was saving seats for, like, five people, so he didn't really have THAT much choice in the matter.

So he was leaning to the side half of the movie try to keep my sister's feet out of his face. ewe

Oh, I'm not staying up until then. lol

I'm going to finish my vocab and set an alarm.

I know that seems silly, but some of my best role play posts come out that way...

It's perfectly strategic, too.

I have gotten a fair amount of sleep at that point, so I can think clearly and have the creative juices flowing (plus the house is quiet and I won't have trouble concentrating), and then I'll have enough time to finish and go back to sleep.


I think the general assumption should be that, if someone doesn't adopt a gender on this site, then they're prolly a girl, because who wants all that pink around their avatar?

That's why I don't have a gender selected, anyway. xD
( ; A ; ) i would have put my feet down afterwards

idk how to describe but i literally cant be not polite/niceish to strangers its impossible for me

no no it doesnt seem silly

my alarm wont wake me up though unless its kinda loud ( - w - )

yeah i would not like all that pink but yeah i dont care what gender people think i am

it doesnt really matter

i dont remember the avatars being all pink though last year there was no color

oop time to go to bed if i dont want to get in trouble 
also i probably wont be on computers in my classes, its actually p rare for that to happen

but goopnighto have nice dreams everyone! :0
No, I totally understand. xD

Strangers make me so nervous.

so does chivalry

Yeahh, that's a fear I have.

Either that, or it's going to wake someone else BESIDES me. xD

Do you have a preference at all? nwn

& it was like that whenever I first joined, so... eh.

G'night ~ c8
Strangers make me uncomfortable. Unless they're on the Internet cause if I mess up screw what they think of me! :D

Lol my alarm clock is my mother because NOTHING wakes me up

G'night Ghost! 
I hate typing on this site with my iPod 
If I didn't have the gender set I think people could figure out I'm a girl. I mean 'InfinitiesLover'. Sounds feminine I'd say
Oh yeah, internet makes socializing so much easier. xD

I like it whenever someone else wakes me up, honestly.

I think alarm clocks make me tired.

At the very least, there's a clicking sound that happens every time before the radio cuts on.

It's now a fact that that wakes me up, not the radio, and that sound or anything that is similar sounding automatically stresses me out. xD

conditioning at it's finest

Oh yeah, my phone has that lag, whether I'm typing or deleting things. ewe
Yeah I type my whole main message an the only way I know it's typing is because I still hear the clicking. It's weird and annoying.

Yeah when I sleep I'm dead to the world. My mom starts telling at me and sometimes throws animals on me. She also makes me coffee in the morning. Bless her.
Same to the posts above. I love the Internet because fish what anybody thinks of me, I can be who I want to be~

Likewise for the gender thing. I mean, I think my name sounds pretty feminine, and my gender is on my profile, but still. I just don't love love the colour pink, and I could care less what people think of my gender~

Yua I am so addicted to coffee, I want some right now even as you just barely mentioned that.
Is coffe your lifesaver too?!

Lol. It saves my life in the morning.

I'm actually gonna close this tab on my iPod cause lord knows it can only take so much lag. G'night!

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