One Thousand Birds

Thanks! My friend and I found out in first period math this morning! x3 We were like envelopes? Why are we getting envelopes? He opened his then told me to hurry up and open mine. SO AWESOME!

Good luck!
@Pine Hey is it OK if I do some work to my character? I'll have a computer and can make improvements to them o: just more detail to them really
Things always seem better the longer you're away from them ~

I'm not saying I have it hard right now, because that's not true.

but it was a bit easier before i decided i could handle eight+ role plays haha



Heh, I got accepted into NHS this year.

Apparently I would have gotten into it a long time ago, but our school had made the requirements higher than the rest of Texas for whatever stupid reason, so my GPA was just barely off from me getting in.

3.8 instead of 3.6, I think?

Whatever. xD

it's a pain in the butt to cram all that community service in senior year haha

It's good, Memories ~

I'll get to replying soon. c:

really happy with that post actually haha

Yeah Kiro, that's fine. c:

They're meant to be updated.

I won't really monitor them after characters are initially accepted (unless I get bored haha).
I just have to keep a 3.5

Normally I have like a 3.6 to 3.8

Last time I checked though I have a 3.5 because I was out sick for two days and missed a quiz and a homework assignment and I forgot to make them up. BUT! He said that he would remove our lowest homework and quiz assignment so bye bye zeroes! :D  
Oh and Pine just let me know if I should change anything for the two new characters I posted!
Haha, I love it when teachers do that. cx

and i have zeroes heeeee

I'm looking over them right now. c:

I'm sure they're fine.
Also, amusing AMV. cx

What sort of Naruto series is that, though?

Looks like it has the potential to be funny. xD
*grins madly*

It's Naruto SD: Rock Lee and friends I believe!


I've seen the actually first episode and it was pretty funny. lol Rock Lee and dog poop man...x3
Really now Pine O.o << here you go night have all these op Justus anda jinchuriki Oh and this God mod sword to :D there we go.

Kidding on that xD I'll be giving him and Midnight a spoiler section filled with Justus as well as a small deception to them
Not sure. I don't want her to be a teacher and I don't want her to be a genin....Not sure yet though. lol

I'll be back soon. Mom and I are going to get Subway for dinner.
Oh my.

As a devout Gaara fangirl, I must see this at some point (when my laptop isn't threatening to catch fire).

I've role played at a place where chuunin could be ANBU. -w-

idk how accurate that would be



They could also help out with the chuunin exams.

edit: Got confused on what you were talking about, Kiro. xD

I trust you guys to not go crazy with the character profiles.

If something happens that shouldn't happen in the role play, then I'll nag. LOLOL
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x3 lol Awesome Kiro! Mine'll be a shy girl. I was looking for a guy pic, and I found this picture of a shy girl. I facepalmed but kept the pic.
i was really confused NHS are the initials to my school and ive never heard them anywhere else before. whats NHS

also probs wont be on long, have to sew and hw
Infinities, is there anything we should put in common with our characters? O_o being tag team partners. Something like that.
She's shy and nervous, he's not? Uhh, that's all I got right now. If you think of something let me know. I'm working on a name then personality and fighting style.
Someone said Itachi and I just had to mention this.

Anyway, working on replies now. -w-
pine this is so beautiful art im cry i cant

mangekyu in da EYE,ZZZ

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