One Thousand Birds

She's kinda like Hinata. Earth based jutsu. I think she'll be good at genjutsu and pretty good at ninjutsu but terrible at taijutsu.

Glad that works out lol

Oh yeah! I'm putting down 16 for her age, how bout you?
this is going to be stuck in my head and im going to sing it and its never going to truly go away
the phase two is complete


so at home right now wowowow

This role play better last 5ever YOU GUYS GET ME LAUGHING SOB.
i totally had to though

even after the rps over well still b friends tho

but now i must go sew and eat :0

even though its like

Oh yeah.

We're going to all be old and wearing depends and we'll still be friends.

obvs internet friends are the best of friends

Have fun with that. xDD

I'm gonna' concentrate on whipping out replies now ~
Hers is just going to be a few extra relatives that have special summons. She's gonna have a large wolf-dog hybrid most likely that keeps trying to get her to be more confident.

DEAR GOD PINE! x3 I now have to send it to my friend who watches Naruto and got me into it. LOL

*goes to like Pine's post anyway*

We'll always be friends Pine! 
x3 lol Pine. You got it right. Internet friends are the best!

I'm listening to this again only for the chorus....x3 I'm tempted to say I hate you for this...x3
You're tempted to say it, but you know you love me. cx

okay srsly ignoring you guys now

/drags self away
i love you, pine

leaves this here and goes
Little male wolf-dog thing that's white and black...x3

It appears to have a hair style...? lol
I saw! Pretty cool. lol I keep thinking of their two personalities...I always think it's kinda funny when a shy and cocky personality clash so to speak lol

I'd be finished with hers but I had to clean the dogs' feet.
You're fine, I'm going to be working on mine a bit more. Clan information and so forth. Then going to work on my twins (Which you stole the idea of << ) 
That moment when you type to fast and your stupid computer can't keep up with you ._.
Did not! Just wanted a male and female character! Plus yours are both male! Mine are male AND female! x3

lol I'm almost done. I think her personality turned into her history
xD I kept doing the same with my personality aqnd was like O-o nope. Stopping this here.

And they're twins. Relatively close to mine's age. Not to mention they're complete opposites O.o
Couldn't resist making her short with her YOUNGER brother tease her about it =3

I'm just leaving it and trying to figure out how to describer her fighting style 
Bye! Wi-fi cutting out!

:o Amazing...My Wi-Fi cuts out at 9:00 PM and it is now 9:12 PM. And I'm still on my laptop....So amazing....
Uwah, so lucky, Yua~

Also, hello everyone, I've been juggling little sleep and my new Rp here and I'm so stressed I'm gonna go bald I HOPE YOU ALL HAD GREAT DAYS :')

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