One Thousand Birds

yeah im going to after its done

i mean

what else would i do with it
I mean you should finish it. :3 It took me forever to turn in my late assignment then the teacher went and lost it. -_- Along with another of my assignments I turned in ON TIME! So she fixed the late assignment (It was cause I wasn't there the day they did that assignment) and have a missing annotated story.

It really ticked me off....
wow yeah that sounds really annoying
Really! Plus we did a group discussion and I was using the story we were talking about! She SAW me turn it in and it's not in the grade book. It's missing. Thankfully I still have an A in the class.
My speech teacher was famous for being really easy to take advantage of.

Basically, here's what half of the class did.

"Hey, I'm p sure I turned in an assignment, but I have a zero for it."

"Orly? I must have lost it, silly me. What grade did you make on it?"

"100 ty."

every time

Honestly, the hardest question I ever had to answer in the class was on the semester exam.

It asked what I learned in that class. e______e

Also my laptop just stupid died at, like, 50%.

/chunks laptop out the window
aa wow he do sound really easy to take advantage of

/catches it, it is all mine now
WHa...wha...WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! I WANT A TEACHER LIKE THAT!!!! *cries at the unfairness of life*


No teacher in my school is like that cause mostly everyone acts 'ghetto'. You won't believe how many girls are pregnant here. 
Ghost you want a laptop? I have my old one in my closet. I dislike the thing. x3
The stupid thing only works when plugged into the charger and if you move it around to much it shuts off. And if that happens to many times then it won't turn back on. You still want it? x3 lol The things a piece of junk.
dude id take it i want my own computer

my friend might give me her old one and its in nice condition so i really hope she remembers

i dont want to bother her about it though
That's cool. Hopefully she does! I got my first laptop from my dad and his mom, my grandmother. Then that one broke like a year or two later so last year they got me the laptop I'm on now for my birthday.

I was so happy they did.
Yeah, she was.

I had stopped doing crap like that in middle school, though, so I ended up getting, like, a 96 or so while everyone else had 100s.

because i actually did the work lolsob

she bothered me so much though ugh

How many girls?

I've been thinking of counting how many pregnant ones we have here.

I think I've only noticed two or three this year.
Well when I was in 7th and 8th grade there were at least 2-4 girls that were pregnant.

At my high school I think there are at least 5? Not sure. There's weave everywhere though. You can't turn around without seeing some all over the floor. It's disgusting.
yeah i probably wouldnt be able to do that to a teacher who was like that and do the work too

idk a lot of the peeps in my school are preggers it seems, this year ive had classes with two different people and thats only the people in my grade that i have classes with that look pregnent

so theres probs a lot more. and not all of them look pregent because the baby does not magically inflate overnight obvi
Yeah, there's no way I could do that to a teacher. I would actually do the work. It's not that hard, I'm just lazy. I'll do it eventually.

That's why I only think I know of 5. I'm fairly sure that there are more, but still. Why would you do that to yourself at such a young age? It's so stupid.
idk man i wouldnt want to so i dont understand it
Exactly. Sure baby's are cute, but they're a lot of work and stress.
and money

also no thanks to giving birth
YES! x3 When I'm older and married I want kids. The only thing that makes me not cringe when thinking about giving birth is murdering my husbands hand and screaming profanities at him ^.^

idk im greyromantic/asexual so i probs wont get married or have kids ever but im totes fine with that
Heh, babies are gross. ewe

thats just me


I just can't help but think to the same thing every time they're mentioned.

There's this short freshman in our band (probably not even five feet), black and has his hair closely shaven to his head and all that jazz.

Then one day we were getting ready to go to a football game and he's just going around to people and saying, YO, YOU KNOW WE CAN'T HAVE WEAVES IN OUR HAIR?


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