One Thousand Birds

im imagining my icon (a man whose head has blown off and whose neck is pouring out smoke) twerking while looking behind him at the camera and saying ,

"i know im so funny"

and it is quite funny indeed

Well, I guess you're just going to have to enjoy Ghost and I.

twerk twerk
Don't worry I shall~ I find myself laughing whenever someone starts to twerk.
idk man rping as yourself twerking on an OOC thread of a OC rp 
i uploaded the picture of orochi to my dA and someone favorited it already i
Oh, so the same stuff I do every day.

oh nice

maybe they got your joke heheh

Going to the doctor soon.

I guess I'll intro when I get back.

because obvi im not going to do my homework lol
Makes sense, cause I'm not doing mine either. lol

Have fun
All you need to do your homework!

It's important!
I'm working to be a writer. Not someone who uses Algebra II and Trigonometry


Nuuuu math for me!
yeah but it's still important.

how will you graduate if you fail those classes because they don't apply to your future job so you didn't hw

colleges look at grades too D:

idk man i wouldnt do any hw at all if i didnt have to for my future job

im going to be an artist so really nothing in school really applies

it sucks and school makes me incredibly sad 
/wallows around in saddnesss
*just cries*

I don't even really wanna go to college. It's too much school! >.< I'm being forced to go. I get it, but seriously this stuff is stupid...

*wallows in sadness with puppy, munching on Doritos*
yeah i dont really want to either but i should sooo
I just dislike math. And so far next year they're putting me in College Algebra Trig. Don't want that or Pre Calc!
im advanced in a lot of stuff but i hate it so much and harder classes = more hw why




Exactly! Same here. My main thing with this math class though is that I get it, I just can't do it right. Or figure out how to solve it right.
everything is so incredibly boring i cant stand it and hw is so incredibly boring and i just

school = sad
It's just Rage. That's why I end up doing either around 10PM-12AM or do it in school before I get to the period it's due.
i either get way too sad to finish anything or completely apathetic or a combo of both and its nOT a good thing but i cant help it and schools never going to go away and its torture 
it doesnt help that my parents are incredibly strict
It really isn't!

My moms asks if everything's done and I say yes. I haven't even touched anything. I just don't have the attention span to deal with any of it
like if thers ONE thing missing or im a litle late for class ONCE i cant see my friends until the next week or do pretty much ANYTHING (im only on the computer now bcuz "homework" ) and i get so lonely it is literal torture and i cant stand it and im going to cry so ****ing much if my one tardy this week or few assignments means that i cant go to this con i would seriously just give up its my favorite con i made so many friends last year and ive been looking forwards to it so much
Awww! So sad!!! *offers Dorito while sniffling* need it more than me...!
thank you

i just have to hope that theyll take my promises of getting stuff done and let me go

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