One Thousand Birds

By they way I decided to change my name because I made this account over a year ago and decided that I didn't like Ethuil as my name anymore. 
no officer pls dont arrest me ive only had one cocaine!!
Also, I might only be on later tonight. I have an exam tomorrow, and lab reports/research to finish. I'll most likely be lurking, at least. ;)

I might go shopping for fabric later and I will probs also begin homework at some point, but ye

It's amazing that name hadn't been taken, though.

Buuuuut I skipped for homework, so I should probably go do that. e____e

intro later tonight


i need to figure out what to do hahaaa
Yeah I was pretty surprised, but it was a nice surprise.

It was the first name I tried for too!?

I don't have any ideas for an intro other than, if we want the characters to interact before the teams are picked, we could start a day before the graduation ceremony or have the teachers be reeeaaally late for the ceremony for some reason, and people are annoyed about the wait and stuck in a room together.

my name was available

because i am

the one and only

/flips hair

Definitely stuff before the graduation ceremony.

Maybe the exam, then all the kids have the day off after it. C8

but they have to stay in the classroom and such
well i am also the one and only ghost

/tries to flip hair, fails from the shortness of said hair


Pine is simply that much more fabulus than me

The exam seems like a fine place to start. 
oh I remembered today is saint patricks day!!

the whole of otogakure will be busy crying in a corner today
Inch by inch.

Hair follicle by hair follicle.

I think I'll do that.

it was either that or they ran laps hehhhh ewe

saint patricks day is the day saint patrick drove all the snakes out of ireland

(laughs i am a hilarious)
i know ( V n V )

lets have a moment of silence for all the kawaii hebi desu
I edited my characters stuff, so hopefully that's fine.

OH GOSH! St. Patrick's Day! I keep forgetting that a year ago today we got my puppy! And I'm being so mean to her, locking her out of my room.

*Moment of Silence*
I never knew the purpose of St. Patrick's Day. xDD

Thank you for the education that I was trying to avoid.

Cool, I'm looking characters over now ~

sorry to be a nag heh ewe

It just sounded like she was going to steamroll everyone up and down the place. xD
lol I never knew either.

No prob! It makes sense that you thought that, cause in my mind this was all for the future that she'd have. Not realizing I didn't make it clear for that. x3 My worst times to have a slow moment
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee9378eb_saintpatricksday.jpg.829a92c4fde790e8d55c1f10ce66e96c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14738" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee9378eb_saintpatricksday.jpg.829a92c4fde790e8d55c1f10ce66e96c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
saint patricks day.jpg



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its okay, apparently it is not common knowledge
I applaud you friend that you have the sense of humor I do not. =3

I've always just...laughed when Orochimaru did something....

Uhh...No thank. I'll just watch. I'm forced into enough of that at school~ :D

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