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Fandom One Piece

"How about you watch where you're swimming fishboy and stop complaining it should feel better soon. Now please exit the vessel." It was funny that she called him boy since it was obvious that she was younger than them by a decade or two but she didn't care about that fact nevertheless.She put her placed her sword back. As far as she cares to know they were trespassing and she wanted them gone as soon as possible.

@Tylor guillory @NekoChanBo
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A yawn escaped Sinju's mouth as he noticed the predicament he was in out of every ship he could have landed it this was a pirates ship great just great as if this couldn't be any better. Sinju simply put his hands in the air and casually smiled. "You know I would also like to know what i'm doing here, the last thing I remember was getting drunk then I wake up in a crows nest of a ship." Sinju said he was lying but he people around him wouldn't know that so he was still fine, even if they tried to fight him it wouldn't end well for them.

@Robyn Banks
"Oh i feel weak I think that hit on the head was more serious than it looked." Fin said dramatically as he faked being injured."I might need to rest on board your ship."Fin said laying on the deck. He smiled devilishy at her then made a fake injured face again. @Robyn Banks
"Aww poor you,injuring your head like that." She said almost as if she was going to comfort him going up to him pulling her hair out of her face seductively but instead kicked him in the leg "Sorry to tell you Fishie but the same applies to you, I don't accept freeloaders. And also take acting classes. You look pathetic." She looked at both of them with a look of annoyance. She turned her full attention to the man with purple hair."you will have to get out the same way , you got in. We don't give free transportation." 'Does this ship look like an Inn?'.

@Tylor guillory @NekoChanBo
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Sinju let out a sigh before his eyes narrowed and he placed his hands by his sides. "Yeah..I can't swim." Sinju states before eyeing around the ship to see how many people they were would it be easier to say who he was right now since well the fact that he is a admiral should scare some of the group if not all of the group and with his devil fruit he could simply destroy the ship and keep the part he is on afloat and then teleport elsewhere he would be fine. "Hey it was partially true." Sinju said smiling before he opened the bottom of the jacket just in case he had a quick way to grab his sword.
"No, I'm first mate. My captain is busy for the time being so I will have to do. The only thing I can tell you is that you will have to pay,do some labor or throw yourself off the ship, a can help you overboard as well I won't mind. It's your choice." She didn't understand why she didn't just kill them already but then again she longed for the excitement of new people. But the purple guy seemed suspicious, so she kept an extra eye on him.

@Tylor guillory @NekoChanBo
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Fin laughed loudly."I take it you don't know who I am?" Fin asked smiling his Shark tooth smile and titling his head towards her."Good because it's really not important. I suppose I could help around the ship that's no trouble. "Fin said then laid on his back." But first sleep." He said quickly falling asleep.
Sinju nodded his head it was fair he would work for a ride it was only fair but yet that seemed like effort that he was sure could be done if he just paid for the trip instead. Sinju reached into his pocket and pulled out a rather large bag of Belly. "Can I just pay for the trip instead, I ensure you I have enough." Sinju stated if he was awake he would have took over the vessel by now and would be forcing the screw to sail to their own new homes but he wasn't and the tired Sinju is the lazy Sinju. Sinju finally took the time to look at the other person who had broke onto this ship and he was shocked they was only one person he knew like that, Shark Tooth Fin a warlord...this could get even more interesting than he thought.
Fin smiled at Sinju, before scooting over to him and putting a arm around him."If your taking money my buddy here will pay for me." Fin gave him a devious smile and talked in a threatening tone."Right? Buddy." He said smiling. @Robyn Banks @NekoChanBo
Sinju eyes narrowed as he looked at Fin was he really going to try this out of everyone in the sea Sinju didn't mind most pirates but the warlord...he hated them they had free rein to kill steal do anything he was one of the many against the warlords one of the many who wanted to take away their titles and hunt them down like the wild dogs they are but as a Admiral Sinju could not harm Fin...or could he the fleet admiral would believe Sinju over Fin which means Sinju could just lie and say he was attacked. A sly smile covered his face as he moved his hand right in front of Fin's face and placed it facing up representing stop. "I would prefer it if your kind stayed as far away from me as possible unless some...dire situations happened." Sinju would not pay for this guy his goal was to make him attack Senju which would give him a reason to strip the warlord title from Fin.
"Oh really now?" Fin said smiling widely he then leaned in and whispered in Sinjus ear."If you don't want me to let these pirates know who you are maybe you should rethink that statement. After all we are on the same side." Fin backed away and looked at Sinju daring him to call his him on it.@NekoChanBo
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"We should probably look for some more crew members first" Lily says and she rhinks for a while "What is your goal?" she asks looking at Zain.

Kat did a front walkover to show of her acrobatic skills , politely taking the money. Though she was a pirate now, her old training that was drilled into her head since she was a child kicked in. "Thank you, I appreciate your offer. If I may ask Your name and where is your destination ?" She hated that she was proper and couldn't act like the rest of the pirates, she couldn't even speak like one, Though she knew the terms every time she tried she just made A fool of herself in front of Hitsuki so eventually she stopped trying. She looked at Fin with an unimpressed look on her face. "Are you paying for him or what? If not I have a lot of things that I would love for him to get started on." She said smirking at Fin.

@Tylor guillory

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Sinju smirked Fin took the first part of the bait. "You get these Pirates on me guess whose no longer a warlord, you forgot I have the power to revoke you." Sinju whispered into Fin's ear before turning to the female and smiling. "My name is Saraka and I am heading no where in particular the next island would be fine." Sinju said Saraka was his last name and something he doesn't get called by anyone other than the fleet admiral which meant it was safe to say. He looked towards Fin and smiled. "I will not be paying for this...thing no." Sinju said smirking. "Thank you very much." Sinju said smiling as he bowed his head a little as a sign of thanks.
Fin pointed to Sinju."He's a Marine and a high ranking one to." Fin said completely ignoring his threat. He then turned to Sinju and stuck his tongue out at him. "Ha that's what you get you meanie! You really think you can do anything to me? Ha don't make me laugh! I answer to no one!" Fin stood up."Alright give me my chores a fishman can't sleep around here." Fin grumbled as he walked over to Kat arms crossed and pouting. @NekoChanBo @Robyn Banks
A large smile covered Sinju face fact is right now that had defused the situation, you have to put into account that Sinju has just not paid for this fishman and that he was angry and would go as far as the 'fake' that he knew Sinju. "Is that so...Or are you just annoyed that you now have to work rather than getting a freebie." Sinju said smiling he had a way to defuse many situation and this sure as hell wasn't the first time he had to talk his way out of a pirate ship. "Never trust a fishman rules to live by." Sinju stated they was a chance they this wouldn't work and if so everyone on the ship but him would end up in the water that was a fact.
Kat just grinned at that fact, an admiral huh? That's interesting. The other men started to stiff up almost drawing their weapons but Katrina stopped them. 'Well He already paid for is trip so I can't deny him of that even if he is a first class admiral." She said smirking at Sinju "Just don't try anything stupid ok Sweetie? Oh and I prefer it if you don't lie it keeps business simpler that way." She spun herself towards Fin " Well then my little fishy since you are on chores duty, I can finally put you into good use." She said.She let out her hand and a pirate put a scraper in her hand "You have to scrap the barnacles off the bottom end of the ship.lucky for you that you can breath underwater. Enjoy yourself." She turned to Sinju then grinned resting her hand in her hips. " My Captain will speak to you eventually."

@Tylor guillory @NekoChanBo
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A large smile covered Sinju mouth that went much better than expected and as it turned out nothing bad would come of it nor would he even be bothered if what the fishman said was true which of cause it was. "I wouldn't dream of it after all what a waste of money it would be if I tried something now." Sinju stated really it was great not only was he getting a ride but the warlord was being put to work perfect. Sinju nodded before smiling. "If your captain is as fine as you are the its fine with me." Sinju said he was still suffering from a hangover which meant he was still kind of drunk which is the worst type of Sinju.
Fin stared at her mouth and eyes wide open dumbstruck by her reaction. He then stomped to the edge of the ship and leapt off mumbling swears to himself. He then began scrapping barnacles off the bottom of the ship. While doing this he considered sinking the thing since it was highly unlikely that any of them could swim. But decided against it because he would just get lost again without the ships help. He quickly came back on the ship."I'm done there ya happ" Fin asked showing her a bucket of barnacles he had scrapped off. @Robyn Banks

Hitsuki felt Kat come ver to her and place her back on the bed, she smiled weakly at it... She listened as people came on board, she knew Kat could deal with them. She heard them talk and was glad that her ship wasn't going to get attacked for a second time today...
'Admiral?... huh. Well... long as we... get some money out of it. And a warlord too?~...' she thought, weakly sighing 'this has been such an-... 'interesting' day...' Hitsuki's personality was quite timid in times like these pose to her usual boisterous one.

She slowly got off the bed, mostly recovered, putting her hat back on, adjusting her coat and slowly sliding the gloves back on
"SH!T THAT HURT!?" she yelled randomly from her room, rubbing them once the gloves were on before walking out, opening the door and smirking deviously "Well hello there!~ Welcome to the Devil's Pearl! Sure, she ain't that fancy... But she sure as heck gets the job done and is a lot more useful than you miserable lot." she stated smugly, you weren't able to tell it from the front, which was where everyone was facing but despite her powerful appearance she was leaning against the door with one hand and cursing under her breath in pauses between words, it still hurt.

@Tylor guillory


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