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Fandom One Piece

That was the problem, Hitsuki wasn't like her. In actuality they were almost exact opposites. She noticed the man showing her the barnacles, He finished faster than she expected. She found it funny that though he was older and had a title for himself that he still remained childish and immature. She was bored again, as always since she lose interest in things quickly. She looked over at him, then looked at the water trail behind him. "Good for you now mop that up before someone slips and when I say someone I mean you." Her attention immediately turned to her captain's outburst as she straightened up. She didn't understand why she was acting so modest about the ship. It was one of the finest a pirate could offer. "Captain I was just going to inform you th-" she was caught offguard as the man knelt before Hitsuki. She didn't know what to do at that point and just stood, asking bewildered "How are you acquainted with each other?"

@Tylor guillory @TheHappyPikachu @NekoChanBo
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Hitsuki almost jumped back at the fisherman's Kneel but managed to remain composed
"I don't believe we've met before?..." she said with her usual smirk, even if it had weakened slightly and an arched eyebrow, she coughed once to clear her throat and slowly removed her hand from the door she was leaning on to support herself, wincing slightly as she did so before going back to her usual smirk as she stepped forward, her boot anding close to the warlords head "Care to tell me of this... 'meeting'... we've supposedly encountered?~" she asked in a both threatening and yet seductive way.

@Tylor guillory

Fin leaned in closer and looked up at her. His eyes sparkled as if he had stars in them and his facial features seemed to get more handsome. He spoke in a romantic voice."No we haven't, but as fate has allowed it so it must be! For you see you are the woman of my dreams!" Fin said as he held her hand and kissed it passionately. @TheHappyPikachu @Robyn Banks
L.G watches as even more people start to board the ship. He calmly watches from his perspective, his sword now in his hands. He was a new crew member, so it did show him some meaning to protect the ship. He looks at his new captain, his sword ready to be unsheathed.

@Tylor guillory @NekoChanBo

Hitsuki stared at her hand blankly where he'd kissed for a moment, blinking twice, it took her a good moment or two for her to realise what just happened and slapped him across the face leaving a red mark and looking extremely annoyed, the crew almost jumping back, they knew better than too try anything with Hitsuki... She coughed once to regain her composure before pretending that it didn't happen, really her hand was throbbing though, the scars were still hurting under her glove and the fact that he's both kissed it and she'd slapped him with it certainly didn't help with the pain
"One moment please." she asked them all, turning away and entering her cabin again.

She held her hand infant of her pathetically
"ouch..ouch...ouch!?~" she hissed under her breath before coming back out, once again fully composed and raising a hand to dismiss L.G's attack-ready position.

@Tylor guillory


Hitsuki sighed at the Fishman, he looked rather pathetic and even if she were to get drunk she wouldn't go with him, she was of course a minor and alcohol was out of the questions but there were certain... 'situations' where the drink had come into the picture.

@Tylor guillory

@National @Robyn Banks @NekoChanBo
"Well I'm going to sleep so goodnight strangers whom I've just meet!" Fin said as he walked trying to find somewhere to sleep

Then immediately passed out from exhaustion, since he had been swimming for who knows how long it could of been days or even weeks. Not to mention he had to fight off numerous sea creatures. @TheHappyPikachu @Robyn Banks @NekoChanBo @National (going to bed night)
Tristan huffed for a few moments after he saw the man sent flying. The crowd around him backed off, half in amazement and half afraid of what he'd do next. Letting out a loud sigh he continued walking over to where the man had been lying on the ground, placing his thumb over his index finger, pressuring it with his thumb he used it as a method to crack his fingers "In my defense, I did say don't get in my way." he said as he leaned down towards the man for a moment blinking at him a few times. Raising his head up he waved slightly "Well aren't you two dressed up." he said with a sarcastic tone. He noticed that one of them had used a portal to save the rather lovely looking lady, which was something only a Devil fruit was capable of, Tristan didn't exactly know these people so he had his wits about him however he couldn't help but find himself curious.

Sinju sighed as he watched the scene unfold really what was that fishman trying did he want to get killed you don't just kiss someones hand who does not know you even if you know them it was just strange it would be different if it was a human and a human but fishmen well are not the most handsome of fellows nor the ones to hold back their strength when doing anything. Sinju took off the black jacket since he was already reconsidered he no longer needed to hide who he was. Underneath revilved a rather fancy looking white shirt and very baggy white pants along with his sword. Sinju looked at the captain and let out a small smile so this is whose ship he was on 'The bloody Rose'. "Ah the Bloody rose." Sinju said aloud before smiling this was one of the crews he wanted to inspect he did this often inspecting crews that interested him to see if they pass his little test and if so he would leave them alone unless they really messed up.

@Tylor guillory @National @TheHappyPikachu @Robyn Banks

Hitsuki raised an eyebrow at the Admiral, ignoring the fisherman falling asleep "Yeah, what you gonna say bout' it?..." she inquired rudely, glaring at him with her blue and purple eyes, still rubbing her hand and muttering stuff before moving her other hand that hadn't recently slapped someone to her ear and tucking a few strands of stray hair back into place "You gonna inspect us or somethin'?... heh." she said cheekily, her smug smirk making its way back onto her face, no navvy officer had been able to inspect them... or at least not inspect them and live.

She paced slightly
"Well, I'm assuming if you know my ship you know the kind of stuff we do?~ Nothing... 'against the rules'... just a few- 'friendly' raids here and there, a pirates gotta make her cash, ain't that right boys?~" she finished smugly, The crew all turning their attention to her briefly "Aye Captin'!" they all exclaimed. She made her way towards the staircase leaning against the side of it and inspecting her nails casually, shrugging once before her face turned back to him with its mischievous expression.

@Tylor guillory

Sinju smiled the captain got an A plus so far it seemed he was going to leave this crew alone unless they did something really stupid then it was out of Sinju's control. Sinju simply shrugged before inspecting her father she was a hard women to track down and an even harder one to find out what she looked like fully but now he did, he decided it play it off simply. "You have blue and purple eyes...that's unique." Sinju stated god if he was about twenty years younger. "Trust me I know everything well almost everything that happens on this ship when your docked and if I found what I have been heard bad you wouldn't be here right now nor would your crew." Sinju said it was a truth since he was new he got told about nearly every pirate crew from small to big and this crew he had never heard they were extreamly cruel hence why he hasn't attacked them. Sinju walked closer to her with a wide smirk on his face. "You on the other hand I wouldn't mind...inspecting." Sinju said quietly before taking a step back it was just for the reaction he guessed she was either only just legal or a minor which meant she could be about twenty years younger.

@Tylor guillory

Hitsuki raised an eyebrow casually as he brought up her eyes "Unique?... that's a first." she mumbled jokingly, as he continued she let an even bigger smirk creep onto her face "Docked?... Oh, yes, we're plenty nice in the places the navvy knows we're docked." she said, as if hinting something but keeping it hidden despite her obvious point of them not being so 'polite' on the open seas and the smaller islands that navvy tropes didn't look after, the crew was known for being reckless and unmerciful, none more so than the captain herself who people had never really managed to get a good look at, not enough to draw a bounty poster at least.

As he came closer and made another comment she simply rolled her eyes
"Sorry 'Admiral' I ain't into guys so much 'older' than me..." she muttered, it was at this distance that you really saw just how much of her skin was covered, the only places exposed being her face and a small section on her thighs, the rest of her clothes looking quite fancy and defiantly what one would call 'pirate' Her hair was another feature, that, like her eyes stood out, it was pure white and long... She stood straight from the staircase and took a few steps back with her smirk remaining.

There was one thing that above all else the Navy wanted to find out about her, the ever so 'mysterious' captain of this crew, it was rumoured of her having a devil fruit power, and some who had witnessed it had reported back telling tales of it's sadistic and torturous power, the what it actually was had yet to be reported.

@Tylor guillory

Kayzo said:
"Could you imagine having such a big crew? That'd be so great!" Kiki said happily, clapping her hands together and jumping up and down in joy. Being second in command of such a large fleet was a dream of hers for a long time. Captain was too much work, but First Mate was the perfect job. Before she could carry on the conversation, sudden yelling caught her attention and she turned to see what it was. Two guys seemed to be fighting, and before she knew it one was rolling down towards their food. Not the food! She thought and watched in horror as the rolling body came closer and closer, but before he could collide he disappeared! "Witchcraft! Where the hell did he go?"
Takeo looked at Kiki with a grin before pointing at the water. "He tripped and now is swimming with the fishes." He said in a happy tone before he noted the others comment. He looked at his clothes and then looked around. "I just now realized how weirdly everyone here dresses." He said with a grin. "Oh! Nice hit! That guy is a giant and you still sent him flying!"
Sinju's eyes narrowed was she really trying to hint that the crew wasn't nice if she was she underestimating Sinju well the this captain and crew just went from A to F meaning she just put it on Sinju's hit list but since the crew currently had no bounty since no one could put it on the captain attacking it now would be the same as attacking a merchant vessel. Sinju picked up the black jacket he took off and threw it into the ocean. "Is that so..." Sinju sighed as he spoke he was clearly not happy with what she said first.

Sinju face went back to the smile soon after. "Is that so what a shame." Sinju said smiling he was referencing the fact that she wasn't into older people. Sinju quickly raised one of his hands and placed it flat in front of him. "Room" Sinju muttered only loud enough for him to here, suddenly the who ship was covered by a large sphere. "Make any sudden movement or you or your crew attacks me and I sink the ship." Sinju said before pulling out his blade "I have a few questions I would like you to answer." Sinju said before continuing. "Answer them and I will leave you alone for now don't answer them and I will end your crew here and now your choice."

@Tylor guillory

Hitsuki watched gleefully as the overly-cheerful man's smile briefly faded before sighing as it returned, she smirking at his comment about it being a shame though, as she saw his hand move up she noticed the small mouth-movement and her smile faded to a sneer, not knowledgable about what his power would do she simply remained and listened, though as she spoke her smirk slowly came back, she called off her men and began pacing smugly "Questions?... go ahead then, I haven't got all day ya' know~" she teased mischievously, the threat seeming to only provoke the woman further rather than cause her to become agitated, she stood and crossed her arms, staring right at him "Go on..." she said and slit her eyes slightly, as if it were some sort of dare, the smirk never wavering.

@Tylor guillory

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"Well I see you have admirers." She Whispered jokily in Hitsuki's ear staying by her captain's side. She let out a laugh right after, amused by her own joke." Especially Fish guy over there kissing your hand, that was romantic" she said teasingly adding "But then again... You're eyes are unique." Between words she would snicker not even holding a serious face for long.

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Hitsuki raised an eyebrow at Kat, glaring at her briefly as she brought up the fish man "Yeah, slimy an' painful.... such romance~.." she mumbled quietly to her in a sarcastic tone, as Kat brought up her eyes she sighed to herself "Can we leave me' eyes out of this, please!?~" she hissed, Kat knew she didn't like her eyes being brought up but even she didn't know the reason why, all the while Hitsuki's attention remained on Sinju.

@Tylor guillory

Kiki turned to the newcomer, grinning brightly as he "complimented" them. She obviously didn't catch the sarcasm. "Ai! Of course we are dressed up! Right now you are joking at the notch pirate King and Queen." She said proudly, putting her hands on her hips and nodding. "You seem like some hot stuff yourself! My name is Tsukiki Fox, first mate of the Earths Reckoning!" Her hand extended out to Tristan. "Who might you be?"

@Peaceswore @Sinister Clown
(Unsure of how to jump in. Tell me if I need to change anything.)

Jakob wandered the port aimlessly. He was know to be a troublemaker around the town so usually he either had people hiding in their houses or half the guards chasing him. This time it was the guards against him. He was rushing down the streets but he kept getting cornered. He was chased down into an alleyway, having his skull drawn and his dragon by his side.
L.G watches from his spot, the Admiral being very cocky. Sink the ship already? Couldn't he at least wait until they were at least at a dock? L.G again moves his hand to his sword. This fishman was being a pain in the nuts. (Wait, I have a question. A fishman can't swim or use fishman karate if they have eaten a devil fruit right?) @Tylor guillory @NekoChanBo @Robyn Banks
Sinju's eyes darted around the ship watching all of the individuals. "I have three simple questions number one what is your full name, number two do you have a devil fruit and if you decline this can I test it finally if you have a devil fruit what does it do." Sinju asked these questions were all things the Navy likes to know especially about the devil fruit. His eyes never stopped scanning the ship and once he saw a member pull out his sword Sinju simply glared at him and signed was he really going to try Sinju.

(@Tylor guillory @Robyn Banks
(But a Devil Fruit entirely cuts off all of your ties with the ocean, so you couldn't do Fishman Karate or breathe underwater. I was just wondering, because it seems strange that your guy swam, but he has a devil fruit. Even if with the Ope-Ope no mi, you wouldn't be able to swim.) @Tylor guillory
Kat smiled wide, unfazed by the glares and hissing. She was in fact use to it since she also knew that Hitsuki didn't really mean any of it. "Aye aye Cap." She said giving her a salute before Sinju began to speak. After she announced his three questions. Kat wasn't sure what she would say. Hopefully she would say she doesn't, it would be better that way. Katrina gave her one of the many looks, that only they understood.

@TheHappyPikachu @NekoChanBo @National

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