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Fandom One Piece

(In the middle of the ocean.)

"Of course I do. It won't take that long probably a day or two." She said estimating in her head. She played with her hair out of boredom. She wanted to be entertained without actually having to do anything. She looked at the horizons taking it all in as she usually did but was starting to lose interest in it since she realized that's all she's going to see in a while.

@Tylor guillory
@National @NekoChanBo @TheHappyPikachu
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Takeo grinned as he looked at the food. "Let's load this stuff onto the boat and then set sail! Maybe we can get more crew mates and a better ship before heading to the grand line." He said as he took a barrel of food. With that he hopped onto the decent sized boat and started to put it away for later. "Oh! Silver! Are you a cook or a navigator? Maybe a musican?" He asked as he looked up at the new member
L.G boringly looks around, seeing that there was not much to do. He hurriedly scales up the Crows Nest, looking over all of the ocean. It was beautiful, no doubt, with the sun setting on the horizon, spilling a beautiful orange everywhere onto the ocean and sky.
Kat saw LG looking at the view as well, since she wasn't that far from him, she decided to start a conversation. "So Mr. Hardy was it? How are liking the view?" She asked grinning.

L.G looks over at his new crewmate, and he nods.

"Yeah, it is a really nice view. It reminds me of home. Home...."

L.G's eyes momentarily turn a very bright and bloody red before turning back to normal, the color matching the sunset.

"Where do you come from Kat?"

@Robyn Banks
Tristan scratched his head "Well I do know my way around some places..But I'm not much of a Navigator until it comes to the island itself." placing a finger on his lip he thought about it for a moment tilting his aside slightly "I was taught to cook, I'm not the fanciest chef around but I'm not bad." hopping up to the ship after explaining his reasoning. Walking further on deck he took a short look around the ship 'So this is going to be my home from now on..' looking over to Takeo he smirked slightly at his name for him "Silver huh? Very original." giggling to himself afterwards.

Katrina was caught off guard for a second or so from his eyes changing color. She leaned onto the railing of the ship, crossing her arm as she said giving him a smirk."That's classified. " Of course she was joking but she didn't really want to discuss her home life with him. Especially since they met not to long ago. "but I can tell you that it not as interesting as Wano or at least I don't think so."

L.G only continues to look out into the ocean, as if talking about his homeland was more pain than pride.

"Wano... It's a powerful and prideful kingdom of prideful warriors, who will all stand to fight for what they believe. At least, that was until many other things came into play. War, disease, corruption."

L.G looks down at the water.

"Where are we headed to?"

@Robyn Banks
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Kiki walked onto the ship and stretched her arms. "Ai, I can cook! I was the cook on the last ship and let me tell you, I was really good." She boasted, her eyes shining with pride as she stared out into the sea. "I can attempt to navigate too, but I can't promise that we will get anywhere."
Tristan decided to go over to the edge of the deck, leaning his back against the rails he watched as Kiki got on to the ship and told everyone about her skills. After what she said it looked like Tristan had to find something else to do, shrugging "I'll just kick people then." he said with a half sarcastic tone. He was curious to see more of the Captains devil fruit, but he thought asking about it now might have been to up front and could risk coming off the wrong way.


"An island near the grand line. I honestly don't know what island in specific. Captain likes to announce our destination when we're Midway to it. I just hope where ever we're going that it's exciting" She said grinning towards him, trying to lighten the mood. She notice that LG seemed to be more quieter when he spoke. Maybe because He doesn't like talking about his hometown as much as she does,Though she went to Wano once or twice and never really thought of it like he did.

@National @TheHappyPikachu
"Ai Tristan, I know what you can do!" Kiki called out, turning around and facing the boy. "You can be that guy who swings across the rope onto the other ship! That'd be so badass!" She said excitedly, images of Tristan swinging across to another ship and taking on three pirates at once! The excitement! "Wouldn't that be cool or what?"

@Sinister Clown @Peaceswore

Hitsuki smirked once more as everyone talked and without anyone even seeming to notice she went back into her cabin, sitting down on her bed and stretching, sighing once "I bet they all think I'm an idiot..." she mumbled, her 'unique' eyes staring up at the roof "I will go to that treasure... I'll find it. For you Mum... dad... just like I promised, And for Kat as well." she suddenly sat up again and hit her cheeks lightly to snap out of it "what am I thinking?... everyones probably missing my wonderful presence!~" she said boastfully, although in that moment her smirk seemed to be nothing more than a pathetic lie.

She exited the cabin again smiling
"Okay all of ya', it's sunset now so get your butts to bed, we're on calm sea's an' I'll be on watch if anythin' happens. Since L.G here was so 'kind' to kill off some of my men ye' can sleep in their hammocks downstairs, If anyone needs me I'll-... just ask wake up Kat." she said, her eyes holding hesitation as her smirk widened "It's gonna be a big day tomorrow.... you'll need your sleep." she mumbled under her breath, rubbing her hand still 'why did I slap him!? I mean, seriously! I just...finished hurtin'... an' 'some' part of me thought that was a good idea!?... maybe I am an idiot...' she thought weakly.

@Tylor guillory

Takeo blinked at this before grinning. "That would be fun! I'll join without a doubt." He said in a happy tone as he sat on the edge of the boat. "Are you guys ready to actually get this show on the road!? I'm ready to leave!"
Kat knew that once again she would have to lie for Hitsuki since she didn't want any of the other crew member to know her weakness of her devil fruit. "She's just moody that's all, A lot of things happened in the past and it still affect her now." She said straightening up, her smile starting to fade. What she said wasn't a complete lie but she didn't want to tell him the details of it. She then added "I suggest you stop prying Mr.Hardy,It won't end well if you don't."

@TheHappyPikachu @National
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L.G looks over at Kat, her explanation being very broad. Just moody? That didn't seem like a very good explanation at all. L.G them gets a casual threat sent over his way. She definitely wasn't just moody.

"If im to join this crew, shouldn't we all be able to trust each other?"

@Robyn Banks

Hitsuki looked at the two blankly "I-I'm right here.... ya' know?..." she mumbled, raising a hand with an awkward smirk before going over to L.G "Trust, yes. But the details of ones personal life are their own." she said threateningly, her eyes cold as they glared.

@Tylor guillory


"I apologize Captain. I ensure that this conversation involving you will not happen again.' She said sincerely. She didn't want Hitsuki to be provoked to use her devil fruit again. She looked at L.G. then looked back at Suki.

@National @TheHappyPikachu
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Hitsuki smirked and patted Kat on the back "Why ya' apologising? it's his fault, not yours." strange that she did this, the captain never really 'touched' anyone it hurt for any of her skin to come into contact with something, especially her hands and an obvious wince was present that she quickly dismissed "Any way, your gonna bring everyones moods down with an attitude like that!~ cheer up would ya'?~..." she teased.

@Tylor guillory

L.G looks over at the captain. For some reason, he was heavily curious about her abilities. He wants to learn more about her. There is something off about her ability, and he intends to find out. He looks over at his captain.

"Of course, personal matters can be heavy. However, if you share them with people you can trust, won't it make it easier on you to know people can be trusted? I want to learn more about this, so I can help. I ate the Phoenix Devil Fruit, I can help."


Hitsuki raised an eyebrow at L.G "Ye' may have eaten a devil fruit... but each comes with it's own abilities an' consequences." she replied coldly "An' ye' can't help... an' who the hell ever said I trusted you?" she then added, eyes like daggers once more "If you want to see my power I won't hesitate to use it one you?" she stated, arching her eyebrow further and smirking again, she just hoped Kat wouldn't flip out over what she just said like she usually did 'dammit... these people are all taking up my bath time!?' the thought was quite random considering her situation in reality but nether-the-less it had entered her mind.

@Tylor guillory

L.G looks at his new captain. Fine, he would have to find out the painful way.

"Use your effects one me then. I'll prove that you can trust me. Ask me anything, and if you believe I'm lying, then use your ability."


Hitsuki reached towards her sword briefly before sighing "I don't need to know about you, I could know every second of your life an' that still wouldn't mean I trusted you." she replied, shrugging, really just buying time if she could.

@Tylor guillory


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