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Fandom One Piece

Hitsuki noticed his eyes glow briefly but didn't proceed to question it, her face turning to a scowl, she reached for her sword once more and simply rested her hand on it "Is that a threat?..." she questioned slowly, her eyes colours seeming to intensify drastically before dulling once more, and in that split second of a moment it seemed as though she really was going to use it... then she suddenly turned around "I'm sorry but I've got to go take my bath now." she replied shrugging "If you want to find out more come find me..." she then said, smirking, "There better not be any perverts joining him! or creepy old men!~" she teased Sinju and the fisherman as she walked into her cabin and into a bathing area, slowly taking off the top shirt with some effort, her bottom shirt remaining beneath.

@Tylor guillory

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L.G grits his teeth, ready for her to use her pain fruit, until.. She suddenly wants to go for a bath? L.G shakes his head a few times before noticing that she was being very serious. L.G only gawks before having to follow her. He felt super dirty for this, so he decided to at least knock to get permission to enter.

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She laughed watching him go after Hitsuki. He was really determined, she could give him that. Her stomach start to growl so she went to the kitchen pulling as much food as she could even stealing some of the treats Hitsuki warned her not to touch. She then went Into a room at the bottom of the ship and started snacking , drifting off into thought. This was the usual place she went to think without worrying about anyone calling her for anything, which she haven't used in a while.

Kiki crossed her arms and leaned against the railing of the ship. "I want to leave too, but there's only three of us. Don't you think we should wait for one more? I think that might be a smart move. Or we can wing it and hope for the best." She suggested, fixing her hat to block out the glare of the sun. "But it's up to you Takeo, you're the captain."

@Peaceswore @Sinister Clown @NightCasterZ
Fin crossed his arms and clenches his Shark toothed jaw."Damn this Im bored, thanks for the ride but I think I'll be going." Fins face turned deadly serious. "Unfortunately for you im still a warlord. Which means I'm going to have to take you and this ship down." Fin smiled deviously. "This should be fun!" Fin roared as he lifted his arms to bust a hole in the deck of the ship."Hey marine i dont intend to kill you so if you want! I can give you a ride to shore!" Fin said as his fist came down onto the deck.@TheHappyPikachu @Robyn Banks @NekoChanBo @National
Sinju sighed the whole time he kind of fazed out something that he did now and again, it was rather annoying. When Sinju came back to the 'real world' he sighed hearing what Fin said really he was going to destroy the ship...not on Sinju's watch even if he was offered a ride, the second that Fin stated that he was going to sink the ship Sinju instead placed his hand in front of him and spoke. "Room" A large sphere covered the ship, "Shambles." Sinju said switching Fins location with a leaf in the ocean. "Do not even try it, attack this ship again and I will take you in and your title will be revoked." Sinju said this was the first time he really seemed serous this was the elitist Sinju not the one you want to mess with.

@Tylor guillory @National
"Oh I'm going to kill that bastard. You have no right to keep me from doing what the government lets me! You piece of trash! I'm going to beat your face in that way even if you tried to do anything! No one would recognize you!" (Also why the hell would a leaf be in the middle of the ocean that makes no sense also its kind of his job to take down other pirates what sinjus doing right now would probably end in him losing his rank and possible being executed lol xD ) @NekoChanBo
Sinju sighed before cracking his neck and pulling out his sword was he really going to try oh well its been a while since Sinju had to fight at full strength who knows maybe it would finally be time finally maybe he would get a good fight either that or it would be over in a few seconds. "Is that so well make this interesting at least." (That leaf has had a journey of itself its been on one hell of an adventure. Also Sinju has technically commandeered this vessel which means it can be classed as a Marine ship until Sinju gives it back meaning that Fin would be attacking the Marines right now.)

@Tylor guillory
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(Bullcrap! Even if its commandeered there's still pirates walking around on it no excuses! xD )

"Ha you forget I have a big advantage! I can survive underwater...you can't." Fin said smiling his Shark tooth grin before going underwater unseen by Sinju. He slowly made his way under the ship to bust a hole underneath it. Which would flood the ship making any abilities devil fruit users had and they themselves useless. Fin struck the ship hard at the bottom with all his might. This being alot as he was even stronger underwater than on dry land. (Ok @TheHappyPikachu it is your ship so I need your ok to sink it although I don't see how anyone would stop fin as he is under water)
(Why are you sinking it we need it. How are we going to go without a ship? And an Admiral could easily destroy a warlord so you are kind of screwed. @Tylor guillory )
(As of right now Sinju is hiring them as Marine's (} :) ))

Sinju sighed did he really forget about Sinju's ability the sphere around the ship was Sinju's operation room which meant that he could even change the ship if he wanted and that was just what he was going to do. "You forget I have the advantage here not you." Sinju said cockily before pointing one finger upwards. "Takt" He said before the ship raised into the air. "Now this is why I have the advantage you have to come out of the water to get use now and oh boy the second you could out I will be waiting."

(Its fine @Tylor guillory

Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan stayed in his spot, looking over at the other's chuckling at Ellie's first comment about him jumping ships. He shrugged and smirked slightly "It sounds fun to me." looking to Takeo, he was a curious one. Times like these made Tristan wonder about what they've both went through in their lives. Life stories were always interesting to hear. "I'm ready to leave this place if you are.." looking over to Kiki "There's a lot of islands and a lot of people out there, I'm sure we'll find more people but..It is the Captains choice." he wasn't sure if he stepped out of line by talking, but he couldn't care less anyhow.

(Can devil fuit users use their abilities underwater? Also i dont think admirals are that much stronger than warlords or necessarily stronger at all admirals might be able to beat some warlords easily it all depends on abilities as for why because he's mad and he doesn't need a ship to swim)

Fins head popped out from the water and he smiled."Hahaha advantage yeah you forget who i am! Alright lets see how long you can keep that up I've got all the time in the world!" Fin said before going back underwater. He watched from below the waves waiting for his moment to strike. While doing this a idea came to him. He moved to a position that he could see the everyone on the ship and start shooting water at them. Which being as strong of a fishman as he is would hit with the impact of a bullet.(im about to go watch one piece I'm almost to the fishman island arc need inspiration)
Kat came back to reality , going up the stairs to the top of the deck. "Someone please tell me what going on!" She exclaimed. She knew something was different about the ship, but soon realized they were raising into the air. She was able to stop the water bullets from hitting them both using her abilities.

@Tylor guillory @NekoChanBo
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Suddenly, blue flames circle around the ship as L.G flies down, cutting up the water bullets into pieces as L.G flies back onto the ship. He looks down at the Fishman, and unsheathing his sword, he slashes at the Fishman, a red energy slash flying down towards the Fishman.

"It would be best to just leave, shark man."

Fin easily dodged the slash."Oh are you going to make me big man?" He asked popping out of the water for a instant to mock him before going back under. He moved through the waters silently and unseen like a shark preparing to attack. (Ok seriously gtg try to not do anything to big without me peeps)
Sinju simply sat on the deck of the his after a while the fishman would get bored either that or Sinju would get exhausted drop the ship and fight the fishman but until then it seemed it was going to be the waiting game...or at least that that it seemed like at first soon after some of the people who really manned the ship began fighting against the fishman which made life easier for Sinju as instead of having to attack he could just focus on holding up the ship which for Sinju was something he could do for hours and hours after all he had been training with the fruit for years on end. The second Sinju heard the noise of something exiting water he was right on it. "Shambles." He said switching the places of the ship and Fin meaning Fin was in the air and the ship was back in the ocean. "I warned you." Sinju said before standing up and getting ready to draw his sword even if he was out of range his devil fruit helped him solve that.

@Tylor guillory
" Of course you'll go into had in the water you coward. Why don't you fight me like a real man? It will just be you and me but sadly you won't be courageous enough to face me. If you do come out I promise you that you'll be entertained." She said provoking the faceman to come out of hiding. She was by the railing with a smirking on her face, Daring him to challenge her.

@Tylor guillory
"Oh what's wrong can the princess not swim?" Fin said teasingly smiling his Shark tooth smile as he did."Well I would but that annoying Marine won't stay out of my way." Fin said he managed to get back into the water avoiding the attack as he was now just out of range of Sinjus spear. @Robyn Banks @NekoChanBo @TheHappyPikachu

Hitsuki sighed
'they're fighting.... again!?' she thought, going back up to the top deck without her cape or top shirt on, only the bottom one remaining and layers of bandages covering her arms, gloves still on "You're all a pain in the neck..." she muttered irritatedly to herself "JUST HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU PLAN TO DAMAGE MY SHIP TODAY!? Ships like this don't come cheap ya' know!?" she yelled, eyes staring viciously at everyone around her, eventually landing on Fin as he remained in the air, she slowly walked towards him, head looking down and hair covering face, the walk looked as if she were heading to the gallows, she walked past Kat, smirking at her briefly before she glanced briefly between the Admiral and Fin.

"You lot are all jerks, ya' know that?..." she stated, shrugging in a sudden anti-climax before casually grabbing her sword out "So I'll just finish this quickly." she then added, "...Noroi....Noroi..." she mumbled before suddenly stabbing the sword through her chest, it came out the other side in a horrible site but she simply smirked as her eyes locked with Fins ( He will feel whatever she does in the situation, therefore stabbing through the chest WOULD cause immense pain but no wound will appear on your character, the pain in that particular area is enough to cause someone to collapse, there is NO way to dodge this attack, especially in your situation. @Tylor guillory you can't die when she does this, but it can simulate death for as long as she keeps it up).

The smirk remained on her face as blood dropped down her back and front, staining the clothes, she didn't seem affected by the pain at all by her facial expression but-... in her head was a different matter
'I just had too show of!?... Sh!t this hurts! ow, ow, ow...' though it didn't hurt much considering how often she did this her body was practically numb from any blunt attacks like this. But-... one tends to exaggerate when a sword is through their chest.

@Robyn Banks @Tylor guillory @NekoChanBo @National

(I know this is slightly over-powered, but she is a captain for a reason, and you have to admit it's on the same level as what you guys were doing.... xD Tyler- braking free of every attack, Sinju- teleport! no hard feelings from any of dis' K guys?... :3 LET'S ALL BE FRIENDLY FRIENDZ!!!!!~ and before you say it, yes. I know these are your actual abilities and you're high-ranked, I'm mostly just being sarcastic. :D :D :D )
Takeo was looking in the barrels before his eyes widened a mile. "WE CAN'T GO!!!" He exclaimed horror stricken! "Fox! You forgot the most important thing!" He exclaimed as he turned to look at her. "There's no mochi!!!" With that he jumped off the ship and sprinted to a close by shop. But before he got a few yards away he stopped and jogged backwards. "Once I get the life food, well head off! Maybe someone will come within that time." He said with a grin before running off to get his mochi.

Fin smiled and gritted his teeth. Being as he had fought many strong foes and unlike some people he didn't have devil fruit powers, he usually took the blunt of hits sent at him."Dear god girl this hurt! What's wrong with you. "Fin roared as the pain hit him.
Kiki blushed in embarrassment and bowed down to Takeo. "Ai captain, I'm so sorry! I was so excited it must've slipped my mind." She said, clenching her fist together. "Next time I won't forget! I promise!"

@Peaceswore @Sinister Clown

Hitsuki smirked "Does it now?..." she inquired, eyes insane like as she drew the sword out and stabbed it in again, closer to her heart, though she her ability couldn't 'kill' someone... he didn't, she coughed out some blood 'Crap... hit my lung again...' she thought as if it were like tripping on the same rock twice in a row, it was hard to breath but she continued after all, what better way to scare these guys a bit she thought as her smirk widened, blood still dripping down her from the previous wound, shortly connected by the blood from this one. Her hand slowly reaching towards one of her pistols "Isn't this fun!~" she teased, placing the gun against her head "Now be a nice little fishy and behave yourself." she said, eyes turning serious but smirk remaining, her finger casually placed on the trigger, you could tell by the look she was giving him... She would do it, and without a moments hesitation.

@Tylor guillory

@NekoChanBo @National
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