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Fandom One Piece


Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan was startled by the Captains sudden disappearance, once moment he was looking through the barrels of food and the next he was running off the ship and back onto the island. '
Life food?' he wondered to himself, thinking about what it'd taste like he actually had no idea what Mochi was. Staying on the ship he just laughed and looked to Kiki "So what do we do until he comes back?" this crew liked changing their minds it seemed, but Tristan didn't mind he just took out the two short blades he carried around on his back, tanned cloth being wrapped around them he juggled them around the ship as a source of entertainment. Kiki was sort of a weird woman, she acted a lot younger than she looked and seemed clumsy. It made him wonder if she was actually a pirate, shaking that thought off he tried not to judge a book by it's cover.


@Peaceswore (mentioned)

(Sheesh, that last picture was way to freaking big..)
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Fin let out a loud dark laugh and spoke in a deep dark voice."You really think a little pain can stop me? I'm a warlord for a reason girly. " Fin said (not sure where fin is at the moment) he gritted his Shark teeth, sure it hurt like hell but he could take it.
Sinju sighed it was about time he ended this as he didn't want the captain of the ship he was currently on killing herself to win a fight. Sinju stood up and let out a loud sigh before taking his sword in his hand even if he couldn't use his devil fruit on something under the water the water itself is a different story. "Captain Bloody rose stand down I will finish this now." Sinju said it was clear something had changed in the way he was acting that was a fact. Jumping into the air and off the ship Sinju and went into a dive allowed himself to fall until he was just a few meter away from the water. "I always loved fried fishman." Sinju stated as a wide smile covered his face he had the perfect counter against fishmen underwater. He placed his thumbs so that they were nearly touching the water but not touching it. "Counter shock" A large electrical surge escaped from his hands and with it touching the water it would conduct like wild fire. "Shambles" Sinju said teleporting himself back on the ship in the place of one of the pirate crews less talkative pirates.

"Yes." she replied, taking a step closer to him "Everyone has their limit. no one can last forever... for as long as the seas connect to the lands and time is blurred by the many days spent from home there is a limit, for when the sun shall shine and the moon will rise there is a limit, for how long the stars themselves will last has a limit... and compared to them? we're all pathetic." she words were nostalgic and felt familiar to anyone who heard them for some none apparent reason, in that instant her image did not seem to be herself, it was like she was nothing but a mere shadow of someone else.

She then pulled the trigger, there was an eerie silence that filled the ship as she did so, blood running down her head as the buller passed through, even for Hitsuki, who was used to it it hurt, a gun at that distance would hurt anyone, even with immense pain-numbing, she managed to remain standing and smirking though, a small giggle escaping her mouth, for the most part she was covered in blood, yet looked as delicate as a flower...
'The Bloody Rose'.

@Tylor guillory

@NekoChanBo @National
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"Well this was a bunch of Bullshit!" Fin thought as the pain of him being electrocuted and shot at the same time hit him. His body shook violently for a while until eventually he sank deeper into the water. His eyes roled into the back of his head and he was unmoving. "Damn those bastard's!" Fin thought as he slowly lost consciousness.
"I had it under control Hitsuki! Stop butting into things you don't have to be apart of!" Things she wanted to say but didn't. She just watched, she thought it was stupid how everyone wanted to show off their abilities wanting to be the heroes in their own story but sadly for her, she didn't have that perspective. In her mind it was the complete opposite. She looked with eyes widened as Hitsuki shoot herself. Though she seen this more than once she still had the same reaction. The feeling of vulnerability. She used her water abilities to the unconscious fish man from water in a thing that looked like a bubble. She wasn't going to make him get off the easy way. She released it making him collapse on the deck . "so what do you want to do with him?"

@Tylor guillory

Hitsuki turned around, casually pulling a sword out of her stomach, the wounds starting to lowly heal
"Hmmm.... well, he might be worth something, put him in a giant fishtanks or somethin'..." she said shrugging and smirking as she headed back into her cabin to clean herself up.

@Tylor guillory

@NekoChanBo @National
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Sinju began to suddenly breath quite heavily he never had been forced to use his ability for so long in such quick succession as normally he could just simply chop once or twice mix up the persons body and well then he wins but now for this fight he actually had to fight and use his ability for an extended period of time, heck thinking about it this was the first time in a while that Sinju had used his devil fruit to fight normally he could just use his swordsmanship really he needed to use his devil fruit more often and get used to what it does to his body.

It was then that he noticed what 'The Bloody Rose' did she actually shot herself in the head did she have a death wish or something, it was strange she was shot in the head but yet...she was alive. It was then that he noticed it how 'The Bloody Rose' got her name it was perfect for her. Sinju watched as 'The Bloody Rose walked away he guessed that she was going to sort out her wounds. Sinju slowly followed her and listened as he heard the door shut. He simply knocked on the door. "I can help you, you know before a Marine i'm a doctor." Sinju said loud enough to be heard through the door.


Kat smirked a bit at how badly he acted,

"Well orders are orders." She said as first pushed her hair being her face and she leaned it close to Fin. While they were a couple of inches apart she slapped his face hard." Nice try Darling, Maybe next time." She said dragging him to the jail room at the bottom of the ship.

@Tylor guillory
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"Dammit!" Fin said as he was dragging to the jail. Which was impressive as he was a very large fishman so he weighed more than any Normal woman should of been able to drag."Come on just one kiss! Please I'll be a good little warlord! Just one kiss!" Fin pleaded as she dragged him. @Robyn Banks

Hitsuki was in the bathing area when she raised an eyebrow "Whadda' ya' mean?..." she asked, coming to the door and opening it a bit, from what you could see the wounds had seemed to heal to a safe point and already stopped bleeding. Though she was swearing under her breath as they started to glow faintly she closed the door again, wincing "Bloody hell!?~" she yelled out, biting her lip as she attempted to take her bandages off, every movement of the fabric stinging and revealing more and more scars and cuts, it was a horrifying site and not for the weak-stomached.

Kat continued to drag him ddownstairs, she was stronger than most girls she knew though she looked more fragile than she actaully was. During his plea she looked at him with a face of disgust as she said."Ew no I dont kiss pedophiles." She threw him behind the prison bars. Then locked the door with keys that she put into her back pocket. "Hopes it's comfy for you." She said smirking

@Tylor guillory
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Sinju eye's widened as he looked at her how did she heal so fast the only explanation would be her devil fruit maybe it had some healing properties like Sinju's devil fruit did, still they was something bothering him something big that's when he put two and two together. He remember that she always wore clothing that covered the most of her body and simple actions that shouldn't hurt her did like simply touches or right now when she was doing whatever it is she was. "I'm sorry but as a doctor I cannot let this slide either open the door and let me examine you or I will do it against your will." Sinju watched as he noticed that more and more scars and cuts were being shown but it didn't bother him he has seen a lot of things and most of them no longer bothered him, injuries being one of them.

All of a sudden there was a sound like metal being bent, and Fin stoof outside of the cell. "Now look here I am not a paedophile! I'm not even the same species as you so I cant be considered a pedophile. Now if you don't want to give me a kiss thats fine, but please madam do not insult my honor as a man!" Fin the walked away leaving both kat and the bent bars of the cell behind. @Robyn Banks
"Hey come back here! For your information it doesn't matter what species you are, it still counts." She said as she followed him. " Insult your honor? I think you do that well with any assistance." She caught up with him and got in front of him drawing out her cutlass at him." I can't let leave. Even if I want to."

@Tylor guillory
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Hitsuki glared at him briefly before falling to her knees, eyes firmly closed from the pain as the glow intensified, though she kept un-wrapping them slowly, the closer to her torso they got the deeper and more gruesome they looked, it obviously hurt a lot
"I-I'm fine..." she managed out in almost a whisper of a voice.

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Fin smiled deviously at the girl. He then grabbed the blade of her cutlass and slowly moved it so he could get in close to her."Then..stop...me." Fin said smiling before moving to pass her again whistling as he did. @Robyn Banks
Sinju sighed he guessed it was because she was a captain of a pirate ship she had to look strong no matter what, just like Sinju himself did if he ever was made to look weak think what that would do to his image but he had a massive advantage his devil fruit made him be able to fix nearly anything that happens to himself with a little help anyway. "Room" Sinju said before the heavy breathing happened against. "Last...chance to open...or I'm coming in." Sinju said he breaked between most words as he was taking deep breaths.

A chill went down her spine from the disgust, she felt before she kicked him in the gut to keep a distance for slashing her sword at him. Her moves were precise not aiming for any major organs, she just wanted him to get some scratches , not kill him.

@Tylor guillory
Fin grabbed her foot as she kicked him then used his other arm to grab the hand with the sword. "Now have some of this! Fishman body slam!" Fin said as he lifted her into the air then dropped her hard in a body slam. @Robyn Banks

Hitsuki continued to shake her head, eventually the bandages were all of but she collapsed on the floor, her vision becoming blurry 'no... I can't... I have to... stay..s-strong..' she thought blankly, body shaking as she weakly reached out a hand in front of her.

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Sinju quickly cancelled his room and opened the door he no longer cared as a doctor he had to help this person and with the Ope-ope no Mi it would be even easier. Sinju noticed her on the floor when he grabbed the hand she was reaching out in front of her and gently helped her over onto her back before he looked around he was looking for any medical supply's but he had no idea where she kept them so instead he would just improvise. Sinju knelt down next to her and began examining her body and it was worse than he thought it was covered in cut and scares to one of the worst he had ever seen, it made slightly more sense now why everything hut her.

Sinju quickly got to work. "Room" He muttered and a tiny room covering only her appeared this was to save him strength more than anything he could really do with an assistant right now but he would have to make do. "Do you have any medical supply's?" Sinju asked by mixing his devil fruits abilities and some medical supply's he can create a permanent increase to her bodies durability or a permanent pain sedative that reduces how much pain she felt, this would be much easier if he knew what had happened for her to get all the scars but that was her personal life one Sinju would not get involved in.


(I have to sleep got work in like nine hours and haven't slept yet.)
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Kat pushed him off out her despite the pain she was feeling and started to punch him as hard as she could. In that time she reached for one of the knives she keeps hidden in her clothes, putting it next to his neck. "Don't move unless you want your throat to be slit."

@Tylor guillory
Fin laughed at her."Im a warlord girl your out of your league!" Fin said then he slammed his arm into the one holding the knife. He moved just enough to bite the blade breaking it into pieces and laid ontop of her."Now be a good girl and stop getting in my way i hate that." He said as stood back up. "Seriously I hate fighting woman." Fin then walked away from the girl before she could react. @Robyn Banks

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