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Fandom One Piece

Jakob overheard the group of three talking and walked up closely to them. "You need assitance?" He asked, covering his face with his hood.
Kat smiled to herself watching Hitsuki go. Though they were different they both always seemed to be for each other no matter what may happen between them. She hoped that they would stay that way for Hitsuki's sake since she knew that Hitsuki could need as much support as she could get. "You're welcome!" 'What would she do without me.'

Sinju sighed he never understood people like her, they refused help even when he could give it. She thought that Sinju wouldn't be able to help since she says hat she has tried everything well they is one thing she hasn't tried and that was the Ope-Ope no Mi as a doctor once he got this devil fruit his skill became immense and were upgraded ten fold he had been able to cure the incurable save the unsaveable however a big different is they all wanted to be saved she didn't seem to.

Sinju slowly exited the cabin and followed the noise of the commotion which just so happened to be the same direction that 'The bloody Rose' ran to. He arrived at the scene or at least he could see what was going on and he noticed that 'The Bloody Rose' was walking away she seemed in pain but now at least he knew why. "I can help you, you know." Sinju said this was his goal now and would be fore however long he was on the ship. "Trust me I have cured the incurable so I'm sure I can do something about your pain if even for a day." Sinju said quietly most since he didn't want Fin getting the idea that Sinju was going soft. "Trust me even for one day not living with pain feels like heaven." Sinju said that was mostly directed at himself more so than anyone.

Takeo happily got a huge bag filled to the brim with mochi and once he acquired these he went back to his ship. it didn't take him long to arrive and when he did he placed the food next to the rest of the food. There was one in his mouth and looking at the two he grinned before taking three big bites and swallowing hole. His eyes soon moved to the other man and raised a brow. "Who's he?" He asked as he pointed at him and looked at his crew mates.

@Kayzo @Sinister Clown

Mitsuki glanced back at him with her usual pain "This pain is my punishment, it's part of who I am... without it?... that's the same as taking away my very heart itself. So-... I don't want it too leave... not even for a second." she replied, shrugging, and waving one of her hands that was currently bandaged up in a dismissive way "Anyhow, I have to deal with these two for now..." she mumbled, gesturing to L.G and Fin both being childish and stubborn, sighing once more.

@Tylor guillory

@Robyn Banks
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Sinju simply nodded it made a little more sense now why she didn't want his help he believed it was something along the lines of redemption it seemed to be a strange reason but one Sinju decided not to press on. "That makes sense...I will not pester you on the subject anymore." Sinju stated before listening to The Bloody Rose mutter something about these two and then looking at Fin and the phoenix guy before she let out a sigh Sinju simply smirked. "You want an easy way to settle them down?" Sinju said before giving an example of what it would include on himself. He lifted up his hand and moved it next the where his heart would be. "Mes" Sinju muttered before pushing his hand into his chest and removing his heart seemingly covered in a glass box before he replaced it back where it should be. "All you would have to do is squeeze and they would settle down."

Jakob turned to the newcomer. "I am Jakob, a warlock..." The kid had a mysterious aura surrounding him but the fact is that he's still just a little kid.

Hitsuki raised an eyebrow "I don't want ta' kill em'!~..." she mumbled, a blank expression on her face face, seeming un-fazed by what he just displayed and instead sitting down, starring up at the sky again and resting her head on your arms "Thanks for not pressin' it, but I hope yer' not thinkin' it's some redemption Thingy. I ain't no sweet-heart old man, I have me' own reasons." she said smirking again, there was something mystifying about her eyes though, you could travel all over the seas and never see someone with eyes that are purple and blue, something that lured you into them, something dangerous.

@Tylor guillory

@Robyn Banks
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Kat leaned up against the railing with a sly smirk on her face. "Handing her your heart. That's romantic, wow Hitsuki you really have a way with men." She teased not caring who heard around her. She was bored tapping with railing s while she looked back at her captain.


Hitsuki smirked at Kat "Yer' Captain sure is popular, ye' should be happy to have such a great one!~" she teased back, poking her tongue out slightly and laughing a bit to herself, it was strange to see her personality change so drastically towards Kat, especially when they seemed like the last two people that you would expect to get along.

@Tylor guillory

Kat rolled her eyes playfully , walking up to her. "Of course you are probably because of those lovely eyes you have. It tends to lure people in." She turned to the sweet heart man . " mr... Hmm wow I already forgot your name but I would like to that you for trying to help my stubborn captain, she's kind of conceited."

@NekoChanBo @TheHappyPikachu

Hitsuki seemed awkward as her eyes were brought up again, staring into a the reflection of her in a bottle before sighing and leaning back, then hearing Kat's comment and springing up "Hey! I ain't!?~" she yelled, pointing at her friend with puffed-out cheeks like a small child "..seriously though, are my eyes really that weird?..." she mumbled.

@Tylor guillory

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Kat smirked "I wouldn't say weird I'd say... unique and yeah you kind of are." Kat loved to tease Hitsuki it was the highlight of her day, especially when her personality changes in front of people. Katrina a looked at the sky for a little bit noticing some clouds forming not too far away. "Captain I think a storm might be brewing"

@TheHappyPikachu @NekoChanBo

Hitsuki stuck her tongue out at Kat before her face turned serious and she nodded "Yeah, just thinkin' the same..." she muttered, glancing at them.

"Any orders then? I can steer the ship farther away." She suggested looking back at the clouds. She was rested her hands on her side. She looked back at Hitsuki, waiting for orders.

Hitsuki nodded "If ye' can." she replied, hoping they could avoid the storm, they weren't close enough to land to try and brave it.

@Robyn Banks
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"If only that were true. Keep on saying it until it actually works. Let me know when it does." She said grinning walking on top of him, making her way towards the steering wheel. Lucky for her she was wearing pants. "Hey fishboy do you know how to steer?"

@Tylor guillory @TheHappyPikachu
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Fin moved along as she moved still on his back. He looked up at her for a second and laughed "Well I crashed my last ship soo I don't know how great I am at the wheel." Fin said remembering the last time he was at the wheel of a ship."You know a lady should really wear more lady like clothing. Like a dress or a skirt. I mean it's only proper." Fin said annoyed by her pants.@Robyn Banks @TheHappyPikachu
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"Really? Well alright I'll give it a try maybe I should wear my shortest one while I'm at it." She said sarcastically. Putting both hands on the wheel, making a sharp turn out of boredom.

@Tylor guillory @TheHappyPikachu
Hitsuki raised an eyebrow at the two, watching the shenanigans blankly, she only had a button-up shirt on and underpants, it would hurt too much for her to get back into her 'captain clothes' at this stage, she sat there staring at them, somehow having managed to get a drink with a straw in the time they were mucking around and drinking it casually as she watched from her seat, seeming way too relaxed about the storm.

@Tylor guillory
"Fine then." She said watching him steer. " But if you make this ship sink it won't end too well." Out of boredom she started to look around then spotted Hitsuki."What the- you know what you just do you. there's a pole over there if you want to do anything with it while you're at it." She said shaking her head a little

@Tylor guillory @TheHappyPikachu
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Hitsuki stared at the pole and then back at Kat innocently "huh?..." she mumbled, continuing to drink-... whatever it was she was drinking. It looked suspiciously like alcohol though... She shrugged, smirking a little, obviously a pirate drinking alcohol underage wasn't unheard of, but a certain... 'danger' presented itself when the person drinking it is a boastful person who already had zero problem with doing anything they wanted and, you know.. the ability to injure both themselves and others easily.

@Tylor guillory
Kat found it funny how though Suki was older, She was still innocent. Kat looked at HitSuki's drink. She knew that Hitsuki drinking wasnt the best thing and she should probably do something about it but then again, it would be interesting to see what happens next." Is that rum I see? Wow Captain, I didn't think you were up for it." She turned to fin than jokily said "Fin I think your chances has steadily increased."

@Tylor guillory

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