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Fandom One Piece

Hitsuki heard him come in and left herself being put onto her back, she winced at it, stiffening slightly, she heard him ask about medical supplies "I don't... need them." she said weakly "Nothing... helps them... I've tried... everything..." she then continued, struggling out the words, she struggled to stand up but suddenly rushed out, stumbling downstairs and straight onto fin as she fell, practically naked apart from some underwear, her whole body hurt so much... the pain throbbed through her, it was a horrible site to see her cut-up body, every inch of her covered in the wounds or scars, enough to make any person with at least a little conscience sick to the stomach, yet her face remained looking so delicate and white hair mystifying.

@Tylor guillory

@NekoChanBo @Robyn Banks.
Fin caught her in his massive hands and just stared at her. At first he felt a little sick seeing her scarred body....then he realized she was basically naked. His face slowly turned red and then he got a massive nose bleed and fell backwards still holding her. @TheHappyPikachu
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Hitsuki didn't have the energy to move off him, her breaths were short as the pain continued to grow, all she could do was wait for it to stop, she felt so helpless... It was odd seeing Hitsuki without her smirk... it didn't seem- 'right'.

@Tylor guillory

@Robyn Banks
Suddenly, blue flames were covering both the large fishman and Hitsuki, as L.G appears before both of them, his arms covered in the blue flames. Gently, he picks up the captain bridesmaid style, his eyes looking down at hers. He grimaces his teeth as his blue flames cover her up, trying his best to heal her up.

@Tylor guillory @Robyn Banks
Fin slowly stood up holding his nose."What happened I felt light headed then I passed out." Fin blushed as he realized what had happened."Oh...yeah that happened."

The Flames did nothing for Hitsuki's body, that was the thing about her curse, as soon as a mark was made there was no getting rid of it, they caused pain with simple movements and basic touches, and every time she used her power they would becoming so excruciating... it would cause some of the toughest marines to cry, She seemed unsettled at being carried, the physical contact obviously doing more harm than good.

@Tylor guillory

@National @Robyn Banks
L.G looks down at the Fishman, and he unsheathes his sword, the blue flames brightening as he points his sword at the warlord, holding the captain as he continues to heal her, his blue flames covering up her naked body so the pervert fishman couldn't sneak a peek.

"I suggest you leave this ship, before I have to then you into Nigiri. And trust me, Shark Nigiri tastes horrible. Leave now."

He looks at the captain, and her body movements told him she was still being hurt. Well, since his flames were spiritual, and technically don't count as being touched, he holds her in a blanket of the blue fire, keeping an eye on the fishman to make sure he doesn't steal the captain.

@Tylor guillory @Robyn Banks
Kat just looked at them for a good minute still bewildered about what happen. She realized that Hitsuki was still going through pain and decided to take her away from the scene." Ok...so you're coming with me" she said gently taking Hitsuki. After LG finished healing her." And you two just forget what you saw." She said to them as she started to walk away with her captain making their way into her cabin "Great work Captain. Next I expect to see you completely naked but of course as they say. One step at a time." She handed her a fresh set of clothes leaning against the wall "So did it help?"

@Tylor guillory

Hitsuki sat up weakly, holding her head and smirking as much as she could manage
"Well... I can't spoil them too much... now... can I?..." she stuttered out weakly laughing, catching the clothes and sighing "No... nothing helps. I can't be healed, you should know that better... than.. anyone..." she said slowly, putting the clothes on which obviously hurt, even more so without the bandages "It hurts!~" she whinged childishly.

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Fin bit L.G on the head. It wasn't a serious attack more of like when little kids fight.(like how luffy and zoro and all them alway fight) he then spoke still biting onto his head with his Shark teeth. "Don't you tell me what to do you little runt! I'll bite you to pieces then eat you for lunch! Although I'm sure you taste horrible!" He said not letting go of his head and growling. @National
L.G gawks as he shakes his head frantically, trying to get rid of the giant shark man.

"Get off your breath reeks!"

L.G slashes his sword at the hanging fish, trying to stab the fishman right off of his head.

@Tylor guillory
Fins eyes widen as he franticly attempts to dodge the sword while still bitting onto his head."Why don't you make me you hot head!" Fin said as he continued to dodge the slashes barely managing it. @National
"I dunno, maybe we can have a drink?" Kiki suggested, glancing over at Tristan. "That barrel on the far left has some booze in it, I think. One last drink before we hit the sea," she said, pulling out a little flask from her back pocket and tossing it to her crew mate.

@Sinister Clown
L.G yells at the fishman.

"Fine then, I will!"

L.G grits his teeth, and his entire body coats itself in blue flames. He raises his sword, and he quickly spins around, a red and blue energy tornado circling around the two.

"Hell's Tornado!"

@Tylor guillory
This only made Fin bite harder onto L.G as he paniced at the feel of the flames."Dear god that's hot!" He said his Shak teeth still digging into L.Gs head. His body was now covered in flames and he flailed around now lifting L.G up by his head with Fins mouth and running around the deck of the ship screaming bloody murder. @National @TheHappyPikachu @Robyn Banks
Katrina sighed before saying "Yeah I know but I'm trying to stay optimistic." As Hitsuki whined, Kat went up to her with a roll of bandages then "Don't worry I got this" she said starting to wrap Suki with it. She done it as well as a trained nurse since she's done it multiple times before. "You know you could start asking for help from me. It's not that hard." She teased.


Hitsuki poked her tongue out and winced as she was wrapped in bandages
"But I'm the captain. I'm not gonna ask for help from you~..." she mumbled childishly, her personality seemed almost completely different around Kat "Optimism never got anyone, anywhere. Can't believe I quoted me' old man earlier... ye' have to admit it sounded kinda poetic though... somethin' about... limits?... I dunno..." she said shrugging and smirking before wincing again.

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Kat just laughed."Yes and how even the stars had limits. Very poetic I must say. I didn't know you had it in you." She said grinning. She took her right hand and started to wrap it as well. "You need to stop showing off like that or you might get yourself killed sooner than I thought."


Hitsuki smirked
"I'll never get killed, not until I become the pirate queen!~" she cheered, the sudden movement hurting her, a pathetic expression coming back onto her face "Ow..." she muttered "Plus, as I said, it was me' old man who said that, just came into me' mind so I ended up sayin' it." she replied, shrugging as much as her body would let her, wincing again as her right hand got wrapped up.

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L.G finally dislodges himself, his blue flames healing himself as he yells at the fish.

"Calm down! If you just leave now you won't have to go through that again!"

L.G prepares his sword to attack the fishman, his head slowly healing back up.

@Tylor guillory
Fin stood their his mouth closed then he opened it showing his teeth were missing. Although they quickly grew back."Ummm....you kind of have something right there." Fin said delicatly pointing to L.Gs head where Fins previous teeth were now stuck in. @National
L.G grunts as he rips out the teeth one by one, the blue flames quickly healing up his wounds, L G being restored back to new. He flips off the fishman before ghrwoing the teeth off the side of the harbor. @Tylor guillory
Fin smiled showing off his new pearly whites stronger sharper Shark teeth."I don't believe you have the authority to kick me off this ship boy so I think I'll stay right where I am." Fin said sitting down and smiling smugly at L.G. (ok going to sleep night @National
Kat finished her bandaging. Kat got up from kneeling, walking over to the dresser to put the bandages back in its place. "Well I finish your majesty, You may go rule your vessel. Maybe starting by making the noise upstairs stop before they break anything important." She said grinning opening the door for the now fully dressed Hitsuki. " You might as well tell him... I think we can trust him for now... And please don't walk out naked again. It was more embarrassing for me than it was for you."

@TheHappyPikachu @National
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Hitsuki smirked as she got up "Thank you my loyal servant!~" she replied teasingly, winking at her, sighing at the thought of explaining it before hearing the part about clothes and shrugging "The pain made me delusional.... I just went in a general direction and fell downstairs." she replied simply "Thanks Kat..." she mumbled as she walked out, staring blankly at the scene as she adjusted her hat "You two are behaving like children..." she mumbled, face-palming extremely lightly, learning from her previous mistakes.

@Tylor guillory @National
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