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Fandom One Piece

Fin couldn't help but stare at Hitsuki while steering so he wasn't exactly doing the best job. First he began steering off course, then he began going the wrong way completely. At one point he even managed to completely flip the ship upside down somehow."How my bad guys." He said to the now drowning crew as he flipped the ship back over making sure everyone was still on it. He pried his eyes off of Hitsuki and payed attention to where he was going."Can't lose focus I must pay attention to were I'm going." He told himself attempting to focus. @Robyn Banks @TheHappyPikachu @National @NekoChanBo
Hitsuki smirked "You're captainz... allowed a drink!~" she said, another fact about Hitsuki was that she really... really, couldn't hold her alcohol "I'm always... up to itz~" she slurred out, hiccuping once, as the went upside down her shirt got splashed, once they were back up she began taking it off, the most likely reason because it was wet... but with Hitsuki her intentions were never really-... 'clear'.

@Tylor guillory
Kat was now soaken wet, coughing out water. She marched up to Fin then pushed him away from the steering wheel." Thanks alot Fin" she said pulling her now droopy red hair from her face "I'm steering... Look if you guys want to do all that, do it somewhere else." She said starting to steer. She knew Hitsuki couldn't hold her liquor which was why she was shocked that she was actually drink.

@Tylor guillory
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Steam roled out of Fins nose and his face lit up red as Hitsuki took off her shirt. "Gah...wah.....giiiieeeeaaaa!" Was all Fin could say before he fell backwards onto the deck. This however didn't last long. Fin quickly rose blood dripping from his nose and a strange look in his eyes. One of a predator who saw his next prey."Hey Hitsuki how about me and you go somewhere more....private to have some fun." Fin said deviously as he slowly made his way towards Hitsuki. @Robyn Banks @TheHappyPikachu
Hitsuki stared at Kat blankly before giving the same look to Fin "Hehe... nice *hic* try fishy.." she mumbled, patting him "I'm not drunk!~" she then called out, all of the crew sighing "Kat~ Why are... *hic* you beingz so mean~ to you ama- *hic* -zing captain!?~" she said, going up to her and clinging to her foot "Your!~... a- *hic*... meanie~" she whined.

@Tylor guillory @Robyn Banks
Kat just grinned ad she walked up to her captain who was calling her a bully."Yeah I know but that's why you love me. Alright Ms. I can hold my liquor. Let's get you changed." She said walking with her.

Fins menacing presence towered over Hitsuki as he came behind her."Now now don't be that way Fins just trying to have some fun." Fin said as he grabbed her from behind."Mwuahahahaha now your mine! For I am pervert of the seven seas fin!" He roared proudly now stuck in his pervert mode."Oohhhhh so soft." He said as he began his assault on both Hitsuki and Kat. @TheHappyPikachu @Robyn Banks
Hitsuki's face was completely flustered from the alcohol as she got dragged away, squirming around as Fin grabbed her "It hurtz!~" she said, referring to him touching her skin "Kat~ Save me!~" she whinged pathetically.

@Tylor guillory
"I'll save you!"Kat slashed him with her dagger then pulled Hitsuki away, quickly hurrying downstairs. She found a closet then hid in there with Hitsuki. "Hitsuki before anything happens I would like to say... This is your fault."

@Tylor guillory @TheHappyPikachu
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Hitsuki looked around the closet curiously "How long... haz... dis'...*Hic* been here?~..." she muttered out before playing with Kat's hair "It's so red!~" she said childishly "It doesn't matter who's fault it *Hic* is... as long as we're... *Hic* together!~" she continued, hugging her friend, the alcohol's effects obviously numbing the pain enough for her to do so.

@Robyn Banks
Kat let out a Blood quivering scream as he opened the door soon pushing him aside and running holding Her captain's hand once again.While she was running she happened to pass a bucket of water so she used her devil fruit to spill it on the floor to buy her some time.

@Tylor guillory @TheHappyPikachu
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Taka set back in his chair sighing in boredom he hadn't seen much action in the past few days and being on a ship wasn't his favorite things rarely would he run into pirates even if he did they were nothing. He grabbed one of his spears and headed out onto the deck hoping someone would be willing to spar with him to kill he time.
Hitsuki let herself be pulled, too drunk too understand the situation at all.

@Tylor guillory
Fin laughed as he ran after them he slipped on the water and spun rapidly after them."Hahaha foolish girl! I'm a fishman you can't use water against me!" He said as he spun after them."Although I must say I am getting dizzy!" He yelled as his eyes began spinning in his head. He quickly crashed into them."Gah what...did.I hit?" He asked dazzed and confused from crashing into them. Histuki and Kat both laid ontop of Fin being positioned that way from the crash. @Robyn Banks @TheHappyPikachu
Kat start rubbed her head "Ow what happened... Wait what is this." She started to feel Fin's face then after a while looked at him. " Oh god no!" She exclaimed as she quickly got up and started to pick The drunk Hitsuki up .

@Tylor guillory @TheHappyPikachu
Hitsuki was laughing awkwardly in her confusion, flopping onto Kat "What... *Hic*... Kat!~ the.. perv- *Hic* -ert fishy...." she mumbled.

@Robyn Banks

Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan nodded at Kiki "Hell yes!" he said with a cheerful tone as he rushed over to the barrel with her and taking two which was enough to fill each of his hands "What man says no to a drink..or two?" it was a rhetorical question. Suddenly a kid had showed up at the docks, asking them if they needed any assistance. Tristan didn't say anything to begin with since he saw Takeo come running not long after asking who he was, the kid's answer seemed ridiculous to Tristan, causing him to burst out in laughter "A warlock?" he tried holding it in, covering his mouth but he couldn't help it, laughing more this time it caused him to spill some of his drink. Cursing under his breath as he lifted it back up and drank the rest down in one swig "He'd be so mad.." he said to himself under his breath again.


@Peaceswore (Mentioned)

"Huh whats this?" Fin asked as he began squeezing Kats boob."Hmmmm....it's...soft...and firm....hehehehe!" Fin face went red and steam came out his nose again his eye once again glowing red. He stood up then slowly walked over to them."Now its time Fin...had....his....fun!" Fin said as he cornered them laughing evily. (And fade to black xD lmfao @Robyn Banks @TheHappyPikachu
Kiki took a nice big swig, and smiled brightly. "Ai, no one could resist a good drink." She said, taking another drink. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye she saw a kid come into their ship, someone they didn't know. He says that he's a warlock? What a weirdo. She thought, chuckling slightly. "Trying to join us huh?"

@NightCasterZ @Sinister Clown
Hitsuki suddenly seemed to snap out of her drunk state as he squeezed Kat's-... 'chest area' Hitting his hand away viciously before kicking him in the face, not fazed by his laughing "No one touches my-.... no one touches Kat!?" she yelled, eyes glaring at him like ice-cold daggers, standing in-front of Kat protectively.

@Tylor guillory
"Oh really now? Well what do you call this!?" Fin ask laughing as he recovers from the kick a red mark on his face. He then goes on to poke and touch Kat laughing teasingly as he did. His hands moving faster than possible."Haha this is the power off a true pervert!" He roared as he continued. @TheHappyPikachu @Robyn Banks
Hitsuki glared at him before grabbing onto his teeth in the middle of a laugh, pulling them out and stabbing them into his back "Fishmen..." she muttered lazily, pushing him away again and standing in front of Kat again, smirking "He goes for the one wearing clothes?.... pathetic." she said confidently, standing up straight, her chest area bouncing around as she did so.

@Tylor guillory @Robyn Banks
Kat slapped his hand from her."Stop touching me!" She exclaimed until Hitsuki stood in front of her. At first she thought it was heroic that she was standing up for her but then it turned into a face palm when Hitsuki made her comment. Shaking her head. 'Of course she would say that'

@Tylor guillory @TheHappyPikachu
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Fin just looked at her confused."So....you want me to feel you up? Ok!" He said as he returned to feeling up Histuki. The fact that she managed to pull out his teeth wasn't that big a deal chances were she probably cut her hand in the since we'll...they were Shark teeth. @TheHappyPikachu

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