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Fandom One Piece

"You really wanna hear it?..." she mumbled, raising an eyebrow to herself and sitting up, sighing as she went to the door and opened it "Just know this was what you wanted." she said before lifting her chin up and kissing her on the lips briefly, walking off without saying a word.

@Robyn Banks
"Wait what I just wanted to know what was wrong!" Kat touched her lips then watched Hitsuki walk away. She tried to get up but she remembered her legs fell asleep on her." Can you bring food?!" Called out before sighing and sinking a little more. 'Maybe I want it...' She thought

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Hitsuki continued walking, smirking to herself a little and grabbing some bread, telling crew-member to give it to


@Robyn Banks
Kiki giggled slightly at the dragon, bending over to Max's level. "You're kinda small for a dragon, but cute nonetheless." She said, reaching out her hand to pet it.

Kiki scratched the back of his head gently before drawing her hand away. "No, you are." She responded, curious as to why the dragon said "you are." She didn't say anything about herself...


Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan scratched his head and sighed, it looked like they had another new member. A very weird member, when the kid came on board Tristan didn't seem to take too much notice to the kid after that. Instead being way too focused on drinking the two glasses he had in his hands and ranting on to Kiki and the Capt
' "Does that mean we're setting sail? Finally, I've been wanting to get off this hell hole for ages." he explained before slumping himself over the rails.


@NightCasterZ (Mentioned

Kiki blushed slightly in embarrassment and nodded. "Oops. My name is Tsukiki, but you can just call me Kiki." She said cheerfully, stretching her hands up into the air.
Max smiled. "Jakob, are you not going to speak?" He asked, sighing.

Jakob, not turning his head, spoke finally. "I introduced myself before but it's a pleasure to meet you, Kiki."
Kiki nodded and held out her hand to be shook. "As is a pleasure to meet you." She said, grinning slightly.
Jakob turned to her, his hood falling down. He shook her hand. His right eye was patched up.
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Tristan J. Taylor

Once the boy came onto the Ship, Tristan just seemed to ignore him until he saw him and Kiki talking to each other
'Well if she can handle him, he can't be that bad?' he thought to himself, Tristan often found it hard to get along with some people so he'd often observe them first before initiating a conversation. Hopping down this time, without any grog in his hands it seemed he already finished it before going over. Looking to the two of them he gestured a slight wave, his eyes motioning over towards the 'kid warlock' he analysed him for the second time "How old are you?" he asked with a curious expression.

"Try telling them that, but I'm also rather good at fighting" Lily says and she looks at him "Still, it's amazing how I met a devil fruit user in that damn town" she says and holds back a yawns "I've never met one before, so finding someone in the same situation is actually kind of... good I suppose."

"Let's just focus on getting to an island, we might have to restock on food" Lily says, mentioning to the sack of stuff "I brought some, but it's not gonna be enough for very far" she says and stretches "Do you mind if I sleep for a bit?" she asks and adds "You can wake me when you it's needed.


Zain gestured to the bottom of the small boat with one hand. "Feel free to." He replied. Sticking one hand out so his palm faced to the back of the boat, Zain released a collection of green perfume which increased the boat's speed. Not by a lot, but a considerable amount.

@Flame Demon


He had been hovering over the large pirate ship for a while. He drifted down onto the board while not revealing himself to any of the people on board. When he had touched down in the very centre of everyone, Dreal disabled his Devil Fruit and looked around as eyes turned to him as he seemingly appeared out of thin air. "Well what's this? A pirate ship?" Dreal announced to the people around, grinning mischievously.

@TheHappyPikachu @Robyn Banks (I'm on TheHappyPikachu's ship, sorry but I don't know who's onboard)
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"I can sleep while sitting" Lily says and she smiles slightly "Just don't overdo it, kay?" she asks leaning back against the side and she quickly falls asleep after pulling her knees to her chest so her head can rest on them.


The green perfume continued to blow out, and thankfully Zain had already made the precautions of making it smell like the sea so it wouldn't assist anyone trail them using the smells. The colours were only temporary and would fade, leaving only the smell.

Zain turned his head and smiled at his new crew mate as she fell asleep. It hadn't even been 24 hours and he'd already gotten a ship (as small as it was), a crew member and established a plan of names the crew would take. He was happy at the progress he had made.

@Flame Demon

Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan frowned slightly to his response "Curiosity." leaning down looking deeply in his eyes "And what's with the stoic act?" he asked, seeming to be pretty distasteful of the guys presence so far. Tristan wasn't so sure what ticked him off so bad, perhaps it was simply the fact he thought that this whole 'warlock' act was ridiculous. At least that's how Tristan thought of things, leaning back out and taking an apple from one of the barrels. He spins it on top of his finger for a moment before tossing it up and catching it with his mouth, 'Entertaining eating' Tristan liked to call it. Looking back to Jakob "Besides, if we're going to be allies shouldn't we try get to know each other?"

He smirked slightly. "Allies..." He muttered. "Allies are supposed to trust one another..." A grin spread across his face. It was almost evil. "Then let me show you my power..." He turned around to the deck and started chanting in a completely different language. After a second, a demon was summoned. It wielding 2 polearms and stood about twice the size of Jakob. Max sighed and climbed into Kiki's arm and into her shoulder.

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