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Fandom One Piece

Hitsuki simply smirked at the boy, pacing towards him slightly before stopping, noticing Kat's look but seemingly ignoring it, "My full name?... well, 'Admiral'... that. I won't be able to tell you that." she said, her eyes glare was so cold and fierce, just looking at them felt like staring into the eyes of death... No one knew her second name, and if anyone ever found out people wouldn't think it past her to take there life within the second. "Though your other two questions are no problem. Why yes I do have a devil fruit... as for what it does~..." she paused, her smirk growing "Ever heard of the Noroi Noroi fruit?... or as people 'prefer' to call it... the 'curse curse' fruit. Would you like a demonstration?~" she teased, this was a devil fruit which story's had been told a few years back, bout' rumours of it's horrifying power, not that this power was overly-amazing, no, it was the shear will power needed to use this fruit and the coldness ones heart must sustain to use it.

@Tylor guillory

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Flame Demon]"We should probably look for some more crew members first" Lily says and she rhinks for a while "What is your goal?" she asks looking at Zain. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17978-zamice/ said:
(Sorry, I was out all day)

Firstly, I want to gather my crew members, then I want to set sail to the Grand Line, that's where the One Piece is hidden, I'm sure of it!" Zain replied, grinning as he looked off into the distance. He turned to Lily. "What about you?"

@Flame Demon
"I don't know yet, I've always wanted to make weapons, but no one would allow me to work for them because I'm a girl, I grew up on a pirate ship and well, that's how I became a pirate, my parents were as well" Lily says and she looks at the sky.

Sinju let out a hmm noise before his eyes narrowed on The Bloody Rose really now that devil fruit, Sinju was alive when all the stories on that devil fruit went around and it just caused him to grind his teeth he had also heard that the devil fruit came with some side effects much like Sinju's did. Sinju put his free hand down and placed his sword over his shoulder. "So that devil fruit well that makes thing interesting." Sinju said before his sphere vanished. "Well just drop me on the next island and i'll be out of your way." Sinju said his eyes still watching everyone in his vision just in case.

Hitsuki smirked as his sphere dropped "Of course 'Admiral'!~" she said, continuing her smirk, her hand resting on her swords helm, thankful he hadn't persisted about her second name "Make yourself at home, just-... don't go into the locked room downstairs, or I'll have to do something I'd rather not." she finished, leaning against a wall and staring up at the sky "You ever wonder just how far the sea goes?..." she questioned randomly.

@Tylor guillory

Sinju simply smiled she was rather calm to say a Navy admiral was on her ship, her PIRATE ship none the less oh well he was only getting a lift anyhow so that was a reason she might be calm. Sinju simply nodded he didn't want to loo around anyway he just wanted to make his way back to Navy HQ which could be who knows how far away. Sinju blinked at the strange question that she asked it seemed to come out of no where. "I do, heck I've been traveling the seas for over twenty years now and ever different one I go to there's always something new just waiting around the corner. "Sinju said god he forgot how old he was until he said that.

Hitsuki couldn't help but giggle a bit, hiding it as best she could before looking back and smirking "..over twenty?~..." she teased briefly before sighing "yeah... well, I'm heading to the grand line! I just know that's where I'll find Gold D. rogers treasure...." she said confidently, pointing to herself smugly "Your looking at the first ever pirate queen!~" she then added, laughing again as her crew cheered.

@Tylor guillory

L.G continues to watch, before getting up. He resheatges his sword, until a huge realization hits him. A long, long time ago, when L.G left the island, the Navy came to his island, the Wano Kingdom. They were looking for a particular cursed sword, however, L.G already left with it. Now, he was looking at an Admiral, who might see the sword, and know its true origin. L.G hides the sword as casually as he could behind his jacket as he continues to watch the confrontation in front of him. He looks over to Kat, and walks over next to her. He gets awkwardly close, however, he doesn't see the problem to it, as he whispers to her.

"What is wrong with the cap? There is something off about her."

@Tylor guillory @Robyn Banks @NekoChanBo
Sinju sighed at her teasing he first set sail at aged seventeen and originally planned to become a pirate however something changed and quickly and instead of a pirate he joined the other side the Marines he really can't remember why all he knows is that with nineteen years of service he became an Admiral. Sinju laughed at her goal she sounded like him minus the queen part when he was younger and before he was a marine. "And when you do I will be there to hunt you down." Sinju said he realized he hadn't actually introduced himself. "Oh I just noticed something...I never have introduced myself to you." Sinju smiled before he looked at the captain. "My name is Admiral Inoshishi or the Wild Boar as I am called in the Marines." Sinju said Inoshishi was his codename of sorts and like all Admirals he had the name of an animal. Sinju's eyes flicked towards a man who seemed putting his sword away in his jacket.

Sinju already saw the sword once since he drew it when Sinju threatened to sink the ship but it didn't interest him he was the leader of the marine group that was hunting for that sword years ago as he wanted a great sword for his devil fruit but he lost that trail and instead ran into a pirate with a great sword the white blade that Sinju wields now 'Zireael'. Sinju looked towards the male who hid his blade and sighed. "You know a few years ago and I would have killed you for that sword but now I have a Saijo O Wazamono so it no longer interests me."
L.G looks at Sinju. Good, the man had no idea what this blade possessed. His sword might be a real spectacle, but L.G holds one of the most Ancient, and easily one of the most deadly Cursed Swords ever crafted. Good, he thought it was just a normal crafted sword.

"An interesting blade you have. I come from Wano, so I have seen many of its kind."
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Fin stood up a confused look on his face as he looked around. "Huh? Where am I...." He snapped his fingers as he realized it. "Ah yes that's right! I'm on a pirate ship! With lovely ladies onboard! Hehehehe." Fin chuckled as he stood to his feet and looked around."So what I miss while I was out?" He asked ignoring any tension in the air. @TheHappyPikachu @National @NekoChanBo @Robyn Banks
Kat heard L.G. then realized that he was way too close for comfort. She moved him back a bit as she started to talk. "I don't know anymore. But someone needs to knock some sense into her, she's acting idiotic." She said honestly. She thought that Hitsuki was acting stupid telling the admiral everything they were doing even people who weren't pirates knew not the do such a thing. Why did she agree to making her captain ? Oh right Hitsuki somehow convinced her that since she ate the devil fruit and older, it only made sense or it did at the time. She overheard the sword conversation and agree that the sword was elegantly made. She honestly thought that Sinju wasn't as noble as he may think he is but didn't say a word.Then Fin just happened to come along, after huis comment. she said sarcastically "Aw thank you, I'm flattered. You wouldn't be that bad yourself if you just fixed... everything ."

@Tylor guillory @NekoChanBo @National @TheHappyPikachu
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Sinju chuckled really he has seen many Saijo O Wazamono unlikely they is only a dozen ever made and even if he came from Wado it was unlikely that he had even saw many then most would be in the hands of pirates, marines or others who wasn't in the kingdom at most he could have seen one maybe two now. "Unlikely." Sinju said even if he had saw all of the other Saijo O Wazamono all of them were different and even if you were to see one twice with two different users the sword would seem different as that what makes all the graded swords special they bond with their users in different ways. He ignored the fact that Fin woke up since he just wanted to ignore him as much as possible.
Kat was supposed that was actually going to do it. Her piercing blue eyes started to get more tense." You Idiot I was joking. Anyways don't cut yourself...at least not here, or you'll going to have to clean it up." She said kind of monotone. She now thought that Fin was a immature, perverted, pedophile. Who would probably kill himself if a girl of any kind asked him to.

@Tylor guillory @National @NekoChanBo @TheHappyPikachu
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Fin put the blade away."Ok then I won't do it since you asked so beautifully." Fin said his eyes sparkling again. He then got serious."So how long till we get to the next island? " Fin asked standing up. "I trust you have a log pose for the grand line?" Fin said yawning and showing hit shark teeth.@Robyn Banks @NekoChanBo @TheHappyPikachu
Tristan definitely wasn't expecting this, he wasn't use to such 'happy' people but it didn't bother him. Returning their gestures the same way he smiled at them both, extending his hand out to the woman he gripped it fairly tight shaking her hand. "Size doesn't matter unless you know how to use it." he stated, gesturing it towards the 'Kings' statement from before hand. Looking back to Kiki he glared at her, his odd colored eyes seemed to glisten at times when the sun came across it. "My name is Tristan...Uhh Tristan J. Taylor." he paused for a moment to give a slight head bow, standing up straight again he looked over to the boy who seemed to not be far from his age "So you two are pirates?" he thought about it for a moment, a short expression of awe came about his face "That's cool."

Takeo grinned and nodded at the man. "Yup! Takeo Mayumi! Captain of Earth's Reckoning and future pirate king!" he said confidently obviously not caring who overheard him. "And she's my first mate." He said pointing at Kiki. "............." Suddenly he fell silent as he looked at the guy starring at him for quite a while. "..... Join my crew." He said very bluntly as he straightened his back and looked at the man with a grin.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Tristan!" Kiki said happily, returning his firm handshake with one of her own. She looked to Takeo as he talked, her grin not once leaving her face. She listened silently to her captain, eyes widening at his sudden request. However, she quickly agreed and nodded her head. "Ai! You'd be perfect for our crew!"
(The whole time I was thinking 'How are we gonna make this work' and there you are just being straight out xD I love it)

Tristan was surprised to say the least. Listening to what the 'captain' had to say their crew name was odd compared to what he was use to but since when did the name ever matter? Motioning his head back and forth between them as Takeo explained everything by the end of it. The Captain turned to him, suddenly asking him rather bluntly for him to join the crew. "Me?" he said questionably, placing his index finger on his chest as he tilted his head aside "But you hardly know me? Or what I can do..?" narrowing his eyes slightly he thought to himself 'And I don't know either of you as well..They seem nice but I just don't know..' Taking a slight step back he thought about it for a moment, looking back at the town "Well, I guess...This place has nothing for me." he was still unsure about whether or not he just made the right decision, but that's what life is about isn't it? Taking risks.

(It's a skill xD )

Takeo grinned as he crossed his arms. "I think you are more than great for the crew! You sent a giant flying which means you are strong, and I need more strong people! Also it seems like you aren't one to start unnecessary fights which is great! I don't want a violent crew, I want a reliable one." He said as he rocked back and forth on his heels. "Besides.... I want you on my crew." He said confidently seeing no problem with the bluntness of his request.
Tristan looked at them both, although he was confident in his own abilities. He was too use to being underestimated by other's that being talked to like that by someone else actually shocked him. Blushing slightly he turned his head away "Okay okay! Whatever.." acting as if the compliments didn't get through to him at all and blowing a strand of his silver hair out of his eye. Folding his arms he looked to Kiki who seemed certain that now they were unstoppable "Sure..We'll go with that." for now, Tristan was going to keep the fact he had a Devil fruit hidden for as long as possible, until it was necessary he revealed it "So where to first then, Captain." the words rolling out of his mouth for the first time, it was odd for Tristan to call someone Captain and actually mean it.


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