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Fandom One Piece

"Well, I've been looking for a bit of adventure lately..." Kiki began, leaning over the table so that she was a few inches from his face. She wasn't going to kiss him or anything, but she wanted to make the message clear. "I can be your first mate! Imagine that! You and me, sailing the seas and becoming the ultimate pirates! Nothing could stop us!" She said in a hushed but happy voice, her eyes flaring with excitement. "What do you say?"

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L.G was ready to get up and fly away, to risk the drowning. His regeneration should be strong enough. But for some reason, these two intrigued him. What if he did stay? What if he did adventure with these two? Wouldn't that be an adventure worth telling the people back at home? L.G stands up, and nods.

"Fine, I'll stay on the ship. No worth in fighting against it."

He looks over at the water girl, and then back at his ship. He had all of his belongings with him, so he didn't need the boat. He looks over at the captain, wondering what her reaction would be.

@TheHappyPikachu @Robyn Banks
Takeo looked at her confused for a moment before she completely spelled it out for him. At the offer he grinned and grabbed her hands into his own. "REALLY!?!??! " He exclaimed not being even slightly subtle. "Heheh! Fox would you join my crew!? I'm calling it... Earth's Reckoning! Consider this an official offer." He said his eyes sparkling in excitement at the potential crew mate.

"Ai! Of course I'll join your crew!" Kiki said, nearly jumping out of her seat. Adventure and perils would be coming at long last! The treasures of the seas are calling for her, and she must answer! "The Earth's Reckoning will rule the seas!"


Hitsuki simply smirked before nodding, lowering her hat a bit, although a presence around her seemed to mutter 'Smart choice' as he took a step back "Well, Kat, look after him-... I've gotta... go... do something." she said, a few pauses between words, she didn't look at ether as she spoke, back faced towards them though she seemed to be in some sort of pain, rubbing hand under the glove, to the crew and knew guy it just looked like her mood had turned sour and she wanted some alone time, but Kat would know the real reason... her scars were hurting, just like they always did after using her power.

She entered her room and sighed as she sat down, slowly sliding her gloves off and cursing under her breath as she did so, biting her lip to stop from screaming, the scars glowed slightly, she kicked something in there causing a very loud thud shortly followed by a crash
"OH BLOODY HELL!?" she yelled out, getting a few raised eyebrows from the crew on-board, all curious as to what just occurred as she did so before sighing and throwing her hat into a corner of the room, flopping down on the bed, her whole body hurt but she wasn't about to straight-out admit that, she blew a piece of hair out of her face pathetically and looked rather a lot like a small-child who'd just been banned from there favourite toy.

At this Takeo jumped out of seat happily. "YES!!! I have my first crew mate!" He exclaimed in a happy tone before eating another bit of mochi. When he calmed down he slammed his hands on the table and looked up at her with a happy grin. "I want to leave as soon as possible! So how about this! You get us food and I'll get us a ship!" He exclaimed in a happy tone doing his best (and failing) to remain chill

"Of course! If you need some money for a ship, tell me! I've got plenty!" Kiki said, grinning widely and jumping out of her seat. Let's meet at the docks, I'll bring the food and I'll meet you at our ship. Make sure it's a good one." She instructed, jumping up and down in excitement. Just the thought of being on a ship again made her happy beyond belief.

Katrina's face started to frown a bit as she watched Hitsuki go into her chamber. She wanted to reach out and aid to her but had orders watch over the new shipmate. Kat knew that curse could've been her fate if things was different in the past. She let her self fall backwards until she landed on her hand ,walking up to the man in a headstance on just her fingers, finishing with a somersault. Katrina loved to show of her acrobatic skills especially to new people. she pulled a strand of her red hair from her face as she said. "So you want to join the crew huh? Follow me." She said grinning ,walking away starting to begin her tour, beckoning him.

@National @TheHappyPikachu
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"With only the two of us?" Lily asks slightly surprised he would say that "Well I suppose it could work, but isn't it a bit too risky?" she asks and sighs "We should find a bigger ship first, maybe steal one".

Takeo nodded at this and grinned. "I got enough for a ship don't worry! And okay let's do it!" He exclaimed in a happy tone before suddenly running off toward the dock his grin not leaving his face.


Hitsuki kept mumbling to herself in her bedroom as the pain got more intense, curling up on the bed "al-..almost... over..." she muttered out, the glow dulling again as she lay there, her eyes tightly closed.

@Robyn Banks @National
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Kiki nodded and bolted off towards the market. She assumed that they would need at least one week rations for around 10 people. About two or three barrels of food. That shouldn't be too much money. She thought as she began to shop, grabbing anything that looked good.
L.G watches her beckon him over, so he follows. His sword stays on his belt as he follows the girl, his eyes scanning everything. He could hear the captain shouting, as if she was in pain. Suddenly, it got even worse and worse, until...

"Shouldn't we help out the captain? She sounds like she's in a lot of pain right now."

@Robyn Banks @TheHappyPikachu
Tristan had been in the nameless islands local inn, making out to be old enough to drink so he could be served although the owner felt there was something 'fishy'. He wasn't the first person to do it and he probably wouldn't have been the last, so the man chose to let it slide and give Tristan what he wanted, hoping that the boy would end up throwing up at the back by the end of it and learn his lesson.

"Thankyou kind sir!" he said with a cheesy smile on his face as he glared down at the mug; The owner of inn filled his mug up just as Tristan wanted him to sliding the mug over to him "There you go." his eyes rolling at the sight of the boy. Tristan lowered his head down level the bench glaring into the mug with a few eye blinks. Taking it and drinking the whole thing down in one swig, it probably wasn't the greatest idea. Wiping his mouth he swayed his head back slightly before bringing it back to a steady stop in it's normal place. "That was...Amazing!!" getting out of his seat he left the inn. "That tasted like crap." spitting out to the ground, his once expression of awe and wonder turned back to his natural monotoned expression.
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Takeo looked at the ships an thought about what he would need. There were only two, do a huge and completely awesome ship was out of the question.... But to him that's fine! He found one that was perfect for the time being. It was a medium size ship, with two sials. This ship couldn't hold more than...ten people, and really at least three may be needed to use it. However Takeo was confident he could handle it. So with that he opened up a portal and pulled out an arm full of jewels heading straight to the owner of the ship. "Is this enough for the boat?" He asked as he looked at the man. The man starred at the treasure in shock before nodding and snatching it all up. "Without a doubt kid!" He exclaimed in a merry ton. Unknown to Takeo that half of that treasure was still really generous for the ship but he didn't care as he rushed over to the boat with a grin on his face evidently proud of his purchase.

Kiki had just finished buying the food for the crew and began to head back towards the docks. She was carrying a large cart around with three big barrels in it. One full of different vegetables and fruits, (mainly lemons), another full of meat and bread, and the final barrel filled with alcohol. It was a hefty purchase but damn was it worth it. The walk o the docks took a little longer than planned do to crowds of people in the street but she eventually made it. And as planned, Takeo was standing by a fair sized ship which she had to assume was hers. "Ai, Takeo! Did you get the ship?" She called out, picking up the pace and halting in front of him. "I got the food..."

After leaving the inn, without much reason besides for the sake of seeing the view of the ships that came in he walked over towards the docks. Walking passed dozens of people at every corner, the place was fairly crowded people nudging into him from almost every direction he started getting pissed off. Shoving everyone out of HIS way he began storming through the crowd and backhanding anyone that got in his way, one grumpy man. He was large and fairly buff, steam rolled out of his nose as he gave Tristan a deadly glare. Tristan spotted this out and stopped in his tracks, giving the man the same glare and tilting his head to the side slightly when the man called out to him "Oi! Silver haired punk! Get back here I want to have a word with you." after a few moments of having what looked like a staring contest, the man had lost and blinked. In Tristan's head he felt as if he'd already won for some reason but instead the man chose to walk up and tower over him instead "You think you can just push me out of the way like that? Little boy?". In the large man's defense, he was at least over 6'4" tall. However Tristan didn't take kindly to either of the names the man called him "Then maybe you should move out of the way before I get the chance, or are you that slow?" a cocky smirk on his face, little did he know the man didn't like speaking much instead, bringing both of his fists down together like a hammer on top of Tristan.

Although he wasn't expecting the man to react like that, his size obviously costed him speed and Tristan was easily able to move back and sending back one large side kick to the head, sending the man flying over towards the docks. The man would have rolled right near where the two pirates Kiki & Takeo had been.

(Oh and just to clarify, the light green is used for Tristan's speech, bold writing is used for his thoughts and the brown writing are just random NPC's most likely.)

Takeo looked over his shoulder and nodded. "Yups! I just got it! I think it will be great until we get a bigger crew! When we do... Then we'll get a huuuuuuuuuuuuge ship!" He said as he held out his arms showing how huge he was talking about. "Did you get everything?" He asked before his attention was taken by some shouting not to far from the two.

Raising a brow he looked behind Kiki and saw a huge man come straight for her about to land on the barrels. Not wanting the food to be destroyed his hands glowed and he made two portals. One on top of the barrels, another on the side of a nearby ship. With this the man entered through the first portal before shooting out of the second one where he landed in the ocean. "IS THE FOOD OKAY!!?!?" Takeo exclaimed in a worried tone as he looked at the barrels before letting out a sigh of relief. "Good... They aren't damaged." He said in a merry tone.
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"Could you imagine having such a big crew? That'd be so great!" Kiki said happily, clapping her hands together and jumping up and down in joy. Being second in command of such a large fleet was a dream of hers for a long time. Captain was too much work, but First Mate was the perfect job. Before she could carry on the conversation, sudden yelling caught her attention and she turned to see what it was. Two guys seemed to be fighting, and before she knew it one was rolling down towards their food. Not the food! She thought and watched in horror as the rolling body came closer and closer, but before he could collide he disappeared! "Witchcraft! Where the hell did he go?"

@Peaceswore @Sinister Clown
Kat paused for a bit. She knew that Hitsuki wouldn't want her to inform the new comer of the reason so she spun around to face him."No She's alright. She does this constantly, this is one of the ways she takes her frustration out without killing anyone." She was good at hiding her sadness and even better at lying. She smiled. She realized that she already shown him everything from the kitchen to the armory room. "Well since the tour is finished, I guess I should give you your first task." She grabbed a mop and a bucket then handed it to him." I need you to clean the deck that you ruined. I want all the bodies off this ship and I want this floor so clean that I want to see my own reflection. Have fun Darling." She said giving him a pat on the back as she walked off to the captain's bedroom. Seeing Hitsuki in fertile position on the floor, made her heart sink. She slowly walked up to to her and knelt down, lift her up gently. It was obvious that they was sorrow in her eyes and she hugged Suki tight not letting go." I told you. I had everything under control... I thought you wasn't going to use it again..." Kat knew that she had to be strong for her Cap. So She would do the same.

@National @TheHappyPikachu
"...And that's when I said..." Sinju looked around shocked to see that everyone was gone even the bartender who left a note was gone. "Where's everyone run off to?" Sinju muttered to himself before looking around and finally reading the note. "Didn't want to kick you out..sorry left you keys under the letter please lock up and slip it under the mat thanks." Sinju smiled before nodding his head slightly with a smile on his face what a nice guy he thought before picking up the said keys and exiting the bar before placing the keys along with a bag of belly as a thank you gift. Sinju smiled as he looked outside he guessed that he must have drank a little too much last night as usual and passed out it was a good thing he was unknown and wasn't wearing his jacket or else that wouldn't look good. All well that was a good thing with being a rather new admiral.

Sinju scratched his chin before looking around, he had no idea where he was nor how he got here another thing that happens when he drinks to much he uses his devil fruit to get around and about. Well now he was stuck and would need a ship since well he probably didn't bring a marine ship with him nor does he want to get yelled at by the fleet admiral again...so he would have to ask a random person for a lift maybe even a pirate since that would the easier to explain. He was right near a small store once which was selling a large black jacket that would fit a man of Sinju's size. Walking over he purchased it before putting it on and hiding his sword just to make sure no one can tell what it is and give away who he was.

The first place Sinju looked at was the towns dock and well they was a few boats there none of which seemed to be going soon, however a boat could be seen head the other way that would be the best way that Sinju could get off this island still that would mean he would have to use his devil fruit and right now Sinju was too tired to really want to, but he did it anyway. "Room" Sinju said before flicking his wrist and making the room a massive distance just reaching the ships mask. "Shambles" Sinju muttered he switched himself and the person on the crows nest. Sinju simply jumped down off the crows nest and let out a loud yawn as if he hadn't already made his presence known especially with him greeting himself to everyone. "Good morning."


He is on @TheHappyPikachu @National @Robyn Banks ship

Also I feel bad for that one NPC now that I have done that he has just been ditched.

Also keep in mind this person is unknown as an admiral as he is basically brand new only people who knew him from when he was a vice admiral have a chance to recognize him.
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Fin had been swimming around for a while now trying to find some sign of his ship. He was on it until there was massive storm and he was knocked off it. He had been searching for a while now but had given up all hope. He swam through the dark cold waters lost In thought. "Geez this always happens I can never seem to keep anything, I wonder where it went." All of a sudden Fin came crashing into something big, hitting his head hard.His eyes widened as the object shook violently."Dear god what was that!" He thought to himself before leaping out of the water and onto the object."Hey why don't you put a warning sign on this thing!" Fin roared at the members of the ship. @TheHappyPikachu @National @Robyn Banks
Kat felt the ship shake violently. She gently put Hisuki in a safe position and then went upstairs. The rest of the crewmen seemed to be aiming their guns and weapons at the new 'guests'. Her heels clacking at she drew out her cutlass. "You men better have a reason to shake this Vessel. So explain youself before I cut your throats out." She started to observed them waiting for them to respond. One of them seemed drunk and the other was just a fishman. Today was going to be amusing, she could admit that.

@Tylor guillory @NekoChanBo
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Fin was rubbing his head not paying them any attention."It was in my way that's why I hit it dammit!" Fin made a baby face and pouted."And it hurt like hell.Why don't you watch were your going!" Fin roared waving his fist at the woman before going back to rubbing his head." @Robyn Banks

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