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Fandom One Piece

"That one?" she asks and looks at it "It's that rather small?" she asks and sighs "Well I suppose that would work" she mumbles, as soon as people noticed her they move away "It's really time for me to leave" she mumbles, going with Zain could probably allow her to leave, but that would mean joining a crew.

"Who said I needed a rope?" Katrina turned the her attention away from L.G and towards her captain as Hitasuki approached her glaring. She peered back a bit not fazed by the glare but. She relaxed her hands knowing that Hitasuki could handle herself. "This man is the reason why you might've heard an explosion a while ago but I had the situation handled. I was just about to decide what to do with him." She said grinning his way then looking back at her captain waiting for her orders.

@National @TheHappyPikachu
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"Yeah, it IS small, but it's better then nothing." Zain replied, also slightly unsure. Despite this, he still stepped forward and brought the ship using all the money he had.

Now with the new boat tied to a nearby pole, Zain focused all his attention on Lily. "So, do you want to come? Admittedly, you can only stay here for so long, and that bounty of your's is rather interesting. I'd like it if you came, but the final call is down to you."

@Flame Demon

Hitsuki sighed at her first mate
"Sure!~... bodies everywhere is having everything under control...huh?..." she mumbled to herself 'why did I make this girl first mate again?...' she thought to herself weakly before bringing her attention back to the situation at hand "What to do?... hmm... how about this?~" she teased, turning her sword towards one of the half-dead men and slowly stabbing it into his stomach before turning her attention back too the guy "...noroi noroi..." she muttered, the words so quiet that only slight mouth-movements could be heard, she awaited to see the new found 'annoyance' suffer as she did so, her blue and purple eyes locked onto him (This is her devil fruit, your character should feel the same pain in his stomach as the guy who's getting stabbed @Kayzo[/size][/b][/right]

"How is my bounty interesting?" Lily asks and she sighs "But I'll join you, can't be worse than running into the Navy each time, but they do come in handy" she says and looks around, she hears the captain from before and she rolls her eyes "She's annoying" she mumbles and sighs "But we should probably go".


Grinning at Lily's answer, Zain stepped down into the boat and helped Lily in after him. He quickly untied the rope holding the boat to the pole, and kicked off, officially setting sail.

Sitting down, Zain couldn't help the smile on his face. "Since this is an offical crew now, I think we need to come up with a name. I had the idea of requiting another five members, and each of us being named after one of the seven deadly sins."

@Flame Demon
"Ai, agreed! Get us Mochi!" Kiki commanded the waitress, giving the girl a grin and leaning back in her seat and kicking her feet up onto the table. She didn't really care if she got in trouble for this.

@Peaceswore (sorry for the short post.)
Kat let out a sigh then began to drag the groaning man to the prison at the bottom of the ship. She didn't way her captain treated her as if she was effective. If she really was an excuse the ship would've been destroyed by now. She put shackles on him to make sure he couldn't get out that easily. She leaned forward towards him brushing her hand across his cheek as she said "Hope you enjoy the ride. I promise I'll make the waves smoother for you." She said flirtatiously as she walked back up to deck. "Should I go receive new crew members? Honestly I think if they could face him than they weren't good pirates to begin with. Maybe I could look for men more built and skilled." She suggested putting her hands on her hips.

L.G looks down at the shackles, and he sighs. The blue flames start to cover the shackles, and after a few seconds, they melt off. He looks at the captain and girl, and sighs.

"You guys are really underestimating me. Those shackles wouldn't have done anything. And I am no prisoner, I am free to do what I want."

Suddenly, he starts to feel a pain in his stomach. His blue flames flicker, but there are no wounds showing up. The healing process was going to be much slower, and he grimaces at the pain.

@Robyn Banks @TheHappyPikachu
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"Which one would I be?" Lily asks putting her swords next to her as she sits down "And where are we going?" she asks, unsheathing one of her swords and she starts to polish it, she kept them in good state since she made them herself "I'd say pride" she says and takes her other sword after finishing the other one, a name for the crew would have to come first "Also, where are you going to find 5 others?"


Hitsuki's hat was pulled down over her face
"I used it again..." she mumbled, staring down at her hands now that her sword had been re-sheathed and smirking as she put a hand on her face, as her first mate came back up she took it off and looked up at her "Nah. this ship... was beginning to get crowded." she replied smugly, walking to the edge of the ship and briefly raising an eyebrow at the boy as he stirred before sighing "You know... I really will be, one day..." she let out in almost a whisper, it wasn't clear who exactly she was talking too, but it was fairly obvious she was referring to her previous statement.

She soon twirled around on her feet to face them again with her usual egotistical smirk plastered on her face
"Set sail!~ head to new islands! I'm bored of this town." she then called out, the few men still moving scrambling to their positions and un-hooking the ship, tossing the others who were lost in battle off the ship "Lets take our time for once..." she smirked, "Yes Captian!" they all called back in response.

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Takeo hummed happily before he turned his gaze to the window where he heard a women exclaim about her being the first pirate queen. A grin once more appeared on his face. "hehe Look like I have competition~ Once I get a crew... I'll be the next pirate king." He said as he rested his chin on his hand while his elbow was on the table. Soon the mochi arrived and it had all of Takeo's attention. Not wasting a moment he took his share and started to gobble of the food.

L.G looks around at the crew. Sounds like they were heading off to the New Islands. And it seems as though the girl didn't need the crewmates in the first place. L.G sighs again, resheathing his sword. He looks down at his own ship, and gets ready to jump onto it, sailing off to who knows where.

@TheHappyPikachu @Robyn Banks
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"You're the pirate King yet you don't have a crew?" Kiki said in bewilderment, her eyes wide with a curious look. "Tell me then, how do you plan on becoming such an adventurer? Are you trying to recruit a crew?" She asked, leaning forward and hinting that she might join his cause.


Hitsuki appears behind L.G suddenly, grabbing his collar
"And just where do you think you're going?..." she asked, trowing him back against the deck "You caused quite a mess here, and in return you're staying with us for a while... Don't worry, someone'll take car of your ship for ya'. We'll drop you off somewhere along the way~" she said shrugging, by the time she had finished talking they were past the point of being able to jump to his, she then placed a boot on top of his foot "And I doubt you'll be swimming... Devil fruit user." she finished speaking, her smirk remaining.

Takeo stuffed his face with a bit more food before crossing his arms and chewing once he swallowed he thought about it. "Well I'm going to recruit people of course! Let's see... I need a navigator, a swordsman, a chef, a doctor, a musician...and some others would be nice.." He said not getting her hint despite how obvious it was. "I'm not sure where to start looking but if I look hard enough when I start sailing I'm sure to find someone!"

L.G grimaces as he gets thrown back. He may be a very skilled swordsman from the great kingdom of Wano, but a Water Devil Fruit User, and what seems to be a pain devil fruit user? It seems as though his chances of winning would be small, even if he uses his Devil Fruit powers. He kicks up, getting her boot off his feet as he jumps back.

"And what would stop me from flying away? You know I am a devil fruit user, right? So then you probably know which one I have."

"How are you going to get the money for a bigger ship?" Lily asks while she finishes polishing her swords "And I suppose you're going to be the captain of the crew, once we have one of course I mean" she says.


Hitsuki nodded "Of course I know, and I also know that the moment you tried to fly away all I would need to do is stab one of my crew in the back and you would be in the ocean and drowned before you got an inch away~" she added teasingly "I guess you worked out that I'm one too? well let me introduce myself then, The names Hitsuki or 'The Bloody Rose' Noroi Noroi fruit user, better known as the 'curse curse fruit'." she replied, smirking still.

L.G grits his teeth. So there was no way for him to escape her, other than defeating her. And since she has a ship on her side, and L.G by himself, this would be a very disadvantaged fight on his side. He resheathes his sword, and he sits back down.

"My name is L.G Hardy of the Flames, and I come from the Wano Kingdom. I'm also known for my bounty hunter name, L.G "Blue Heart", because of my blue flames."

He looks over at the water girl, and then remembers that these are pirates, like him after all. He holds his sword ever closer to him, prepared to fight if they tried to strip him down.

@Robyn Banks @TheHappyPikachu
Kat knew the man was escaping but didn't really do anything. She watch Hitsuki talk to the man with a smirk on her face as always. Kat just had her feet on the railing and one hand on the net. Watching the waves go by. Kat wasn't afraid of falling over since she had great balance and was a water user. She heard the last couple of things Hitsuki said then scoffed at it. 'Of course he knows your a user, you used it on him not to long ago.' She thought.

@National @TheHappyPikachu
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"True, we should probably go then, who knows, we might find a ship that has enough gold, I'm a pretty good fighter" she says and leans back "So... where are we going? I mean there are enough islands to go first"


Hitsuki nodded at the boy, pacing up and down
"Calm it, we ain't gonna strip ya'." she then added at the notice of his grip tightening around the sword "Never heard of ya' by the way... well, if you hang around with us for a bit your names sure to get out there, see? we're even doing you a little 'favour'~" she teased.


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