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Fandom One Piece

L.G turns around, sheathing his sword as if his work here was done. He looks over at her, his eyes scanning her.

"My name is L.G Hardy. I am a lone Pirate, and I work for money, just like any other lone Pirate and Bounty Hunter. Do I get a name back?"

@Robyn Banks
"Ai, such a boring day." Kiki said out loud as she casually strolled through a small alley-market. Yes, it was a beautiful day, and yes she could easily do just about anything at the moment, but it wouldn't be exciting. She was riding solo right now and that wasn't fun one bit. But no one she met had met her expectations. Letting out a small sigh she proceeded to purchase a fruit from a stand, Kiki walked to a wall and leaned against it. She needed a captain, or even a friend!

Just as all hope seemed lost, the fruit stand she was eating at just had a young boy fall onto it and destroy it.
Ah, poor kid. He's gotta pay for the stand. She thought with a snicker, walking over to the two. "Ai, I'll pay for him!"

Since the fight was over, she had a chance to actaully get a good look at him.She checked him out observing up and down then began to say."Katrina Douglass. First mate on this fine vessel, But friends call me Kat." she clenched to her sword examining the damage which wasn't much but a couple of dead pirates then turned back to him. " Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tie you up and hand you over to my captain."

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L.G looks over at the girl, and he slowly starts to unsheathe his katana, the blade making the metal sound.

"Probably because you wouldn't be able to get the ropes around my hands."

He watches her, and he carefully checks his surroundings once in a while, making sure that she couldn't sneak attack him.

@Robyn Banks

Hitsuki continued pacing down the harbour, catching the scythe boys glance before feeling a sudden thud against her back, she swiftly turned around with a raised eyebrow and unimpressed scowl, hand still resting on her swords helm from before, her purple and blue eyes captivating in their gaze at the boy "Ain't ya' gonna apologise.... kid?~" she asked in a smug voice, the suns-light highlighting the four small scars on the edges of her face but apart from that her skin looked completely free from imperfections... that was in saying her face and a bit of her thighs was all you could actually see un-covered.

Her black gloves standing out amongst the pastel blue and white colours of the rest of her outfit, she adjusted her hat once again with her free hand, pushing some of her long, white hair back behind her head as it strayed onto her shoulder in a completely casual manner, every inch of her screamed to the heavens 'pirate'.

Her attention was quickly drawn away from this boy though as she heard a commotion going on a short distance away at her ship, she clicked her tongue once as she turned on her heels and began to walk towards it
'I'll make him pay later...' she thought to herself as she went, her pace increasing as she heard an explosion, she quickly jumped on-board and glared at both her first mate and the scoundrel that managed to get aboard, the bodies of a few of her crew scattered around her didn't even seem to make her flinch as she kicked one away from her on her way towards them, some looked dead where others looked 'fairly'... fine.

It was then that her mouth curled back into a smirk
"Hey! I don't appreciate it when someone comes onto my ship and starts beating up my men... that's my job." she yelled at him, unsheathing her blade and pointing it towards him, her eyes locking on, the men that appeared beaten down slowly rose "They're used to 'at least' this much.... you're gonna have to try harder if ya' want to beat em' mate. Or haven't you heard of me before?~" she asked mischievously, her boots making the wood of the deck creak under each step.

Lily looks at him "Oh me? Don't belong to one, no one wants a pirate with a bounty" she says and sighs "I'm just sitting here, waitin' for the navy to be done checking all the hiding places before headin' of" she says and smirks "But why do you wanna know what crew I belong to?" she asks.

"Depends how any people you have" Lily says and she adds "And if you have a ship", she looks at him while getting up "Alright, I'll be off, the navy decided to check here" she says and runs of jumping to a roof and she runs on, she needed a boat really fast, or they would catch her.

The girl turned and ran saying something about the Navy. As if on cue, marines ran past.

"Hey!" Zain yelled to the group. They stopped and turned. "Are you going after her?"

A marine nodded in reply.

"Sorry, can't let you do that." Zain continued. An orange mist rises from Zain's body and latches onto the heads of the marines. When each member takes a breath, they inhale the orange mist and collapse to the ground. "Kõsui Kõsui Knockout."

Now with the group of unconscious marines, Zain walked away after looting their pockets for coins. "Hope it's enough for a boat, I really want her to join."

@Flame Demon
Lily smiles slightly and she smirks she had seen what happened, after figuring out which was was the leader she digs her nails in him and she smirks, seeing he aged quite a big, she walks of again, those guys were gonna be so surprised when they woke up and she could use the power of her fruit again "Yo" she says catching up with Zain "Thanks for helping me out" she says and smiles slightly.

"Let me think about it, kay?" Lily asks and she looks back at the Marine before turning her gaze back to Zain "You are the devil's fruit?" she asks and smiles slightly "That's awesome, well for me it's awesome to meet another one, but most wouldn't think like that."

Kayzo said:
"Ai, such a boring day." Kiki said out loud as she casually strolled through a small alley-market. Yes, it was a beautiful day, and yes she could easily do just about anything at the moment, but it wouldn't be exciting. She was riding solo right now and that wasn't fun one bit. But no one she met had met her expectations. Letting out a small sigh she proceeded to purchase a fruit from a stand, Kiki walked to a wall and leaned against it. She needed a captain, or even a friend!
Just as all hope seemed lost, the fruit stand she was eating at just had a young boy fall onto it and destroy it.
Ah, poor kid. He's gotta pay for the stand. She thought with a snicker, walking over to the two. "Ai, I'll pay for him!"

"You really should get a boat" Lily says and she smiles "Those Navy guys are sure to be surprised when they wake up and see their leader" she says mentioning to the group unconscious guys.

Flame Demon] [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#ff0000]"You really should get a boat" Lily says and she smiles "Those Navy guys are sure to be surprised when they wake up and see their leader" she says mentioning to the group unconscious guys.[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#ff0000] [/COLOR][/FONT][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17978-zamice/ said:
"Yeah, that's what this money is for." Zain replied, grinning as he tapped his pocket. "Who knows, it might buy even a small boat. Just gotta get lucky." With that, Zain began walking down the street, looking for someone selling ships.

@Flame Demon
"Doubt it, oh boats and ship are normally sold at the docks" Lily points out and she smiles slightly "Why not make your own boat?" she asks and thinks for a while "I'm sure that there's somewhere where they still have spare wood"

"I'm Lily" the pink haired girl says with a smile as she follows him "If they don't have spare wood I can give you some of my money, not everything since I still need to buy some food for myself" she says.

The next pirate King? How cute. Kiki thought as she firmly took his hand and shook it. "My name is Tsukiki Fox. But you can call me Kiki." She said with a big grin, releasing his hand and putting her own on her hips. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Takeo the Pirate King!" Kiki really liked this kid. He gad goals, ambitions, and a certain flare to him that she was drawn to like moths and light. Plus he was cute in personality and looks. Perfect man to hang around with.

Takeo scratched his head and laughed a bit. "Thanks for the help! Heahaha! I really got myself in a pickle. Don't worry when I score big I'll pay you back. Pirates word." He said as he let his hand fall to his side. "Oh! Nice name Fox.... Hmmmm" He placed his hand on his chin and thought about something. "I know I said I will pay you back....but I feel like I should d-...." Before he finished his sentence he sniffed the air and a grin as well as a twinkle in his eyes decorated his face. "Foood." He said in a happy tone as his stomach growled loudly. He hadn't eaten in a good two days now and he was starving beyond belief! He was actually impressed that he had yet to collapse! He starred in that direction as more growls and rumbles left his gut as starred in the direction of a restaurant.
"Ai boy! That's the perfect way to repay me! Food!" Kiki said happily, her grin not going away. Food to her was like currency, buy her enough and she'd work for you. Unless of course you give her real money too. But either works.

"Really? Thanks!" Zain answered cheerfully as he lightly tapped his hand on Lily's shoulder. As they passed a dock with people mingling around it and exchanging many from hand to hand, Zain caught his eye on a particular small, wooden ship. It was slightly cheep for its size, but appeared to do its job well.

Noting the price, Zain quickly counted the money in his pocket and was relived to find he had enough, even if it were to cost all of the money. "Lily, that ship." Zain said quietly as he pointed.


@Flame Demon
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Takeo smiled and grabbed her hand before running to the restaurant. Barging in he went straight to a table with her. When he got to one he let go of her hand and sat down hopping up and down just a bit as he waited for someone to get his order. When a person did come he barely opened his mouth before Takeo said something first. "Mochi!! I want a table full of mochi!!" He exclaimed with a small laugh as he looked up at the waiter.


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