One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Iggy went to find a food market which was simply located directly down the street and to the left. "That's good I want get lost" he sees a few marines and walks past them knowing that he wasn't being looked for. He walks down the street.
A woman ran through the food market screaming and crying,"Keke!Where is Keke!Keke!"The woman's words were filled with sorrow,and all of the towns people started to rush over to her asking her whats wrong.She started to shake her head in disbelief as she explained that her and her husband were out picking berries in the woods,when he was bitten by a mysterious bug and ever since then he has had a high fever.
"Suit yourself." Valir said, shrugging. "I guess I'll do the shopping then." He walked off towards the harbor, looking for a shipwright's shop. The sun shone strongly and a slight breeze drifted through the trees that hid their cove. "Couldn't have picked a better day in Loguetown." He said to himself.
After circling the island Keke finally returned to the Loguetown harbor,"That was fun.See you later Genie!"She yelled as she waved to the pure white sea serpent.Loguetown was not the hometown for Keke,but it was like a rest stop here while she trained a few doctors so that when she left they wouldn't be totally lost.Keke brushed past Valir without noticing since a few of the fishermen were rushing past her.Making her way into town Keke found the screaming woman in the middle of the food market and calmed her nerves as she walked with her to her husband.Keke told the villagers to get certain items to help her so she wouldn't have to move the man from his house.Asking a few questions about the bug Keke deduced that it was in fact a poison batchee,which is just flying centipede with poison in it's stinger,walking the woman back into the food market Keke began to instruct the woman,"Give him a lot of fruit,they will boost immune system,and also give him a mixture of lilly nectur,honey,and milk.That should help him fight off the poison,which is not life threatening."
Iggy reaches a market and buys everything from vegetables to meats he had enough food for several weeks so he returned with all the groceries and notices a paper with a familiar face on it. He walks over in wonderment "hmm this looks like me 10,000,000 belly" he notices some approaching marines though they weren't approaching him they where just walking past, he moved quickly to the ship without any problems but he knew he had to find Valir. "Shiv I saw that I have a bounty on my head so you probably do to as well as Valir and this ship look out for any marines" he places everything in the fridge then heads to were a Shipwright would go.
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Valir turned as she passed. It's that girl again, he thought, watching her white hair disappear into the crowd. He shook his aching head, then continued down the harbor street. I might just be seeing things in this heat, he considered.

"There's got to be a shipwright shop somewhere..." Valir said to himself, absentmindedly touching his right hand. He recoiled as pain shot up his arm. He looked down at the cut he got in their escape, remembering only now that it was there. It was larger than he first thought, and the skin around it was swollen and red. Well that isn't good, Valir thought, frowning. He rolled his sleeves down to cover the wound and winced when the sleeve touched the cut. "Definitely not... good." He muttered, his head swimming. He moved into an alleyway, working his way inwards towards the town proper.
After helping the older man with his poisoning Keke started wondering around town. She noticed the marines had arrived on the island which ment her time was up for this island. Keke noticed that their was a small trail of blood leading into an alleyway. Walking down the small path Keke's lab coat was pushed forward by a breeze,but her hair stayed in place since it was in a low ponytail over shoulder,"Hey,you are bleeding. "Keke announced the obvious as she pushed up her glass and studied Valir's body,while her face held a blank look.
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Her again? Valir thought, looking down at his blood soaked sleeve then back up at Keke. "Yeah, I, uh, think that's the least of my worries right now." He said, his flushed face dotted with sweat. He was having trouble focusing, but it was hard to miss her white hair. "You don't happen to know where a doctor is, miss," He smiled weakly. "Then again, maybe you wouldn't. You don't seem like you're from here." He tried to stand up straight but immediately slumped against the wall of the alley, letting out a groan. "This is what I get for not cleaning the wound..." Valir muttered under his breath.
"I don't know if I should let you suffer for being an idiot or hold my doctor integrity and help you....."Keke gave him the 'you're an idiot',while still pondering his situation. His arm was cut all the way up,it had already been infected,and had puffed it. If he waited long enough he would have to amputate it,"Should I help you?"
Valir laughed weakly. "You've got a dry sense of humor. If you're a doctor then I'd say yes. It's your... job, right?" He said, taking time between some of his words. He unrolled the cuff of his sleeve, ignoring the blood, and frowned. His whole arm was swollen and an angry red. "So," He said, wincing again as the wound touched the salty air, "Are you going to help me? Because if not I need to find someone... To treat this."
"Technically speaking,I don't have a job, it isn't. Now I shall berate you for being idiot. Reason number one you are an idiot is that you came to an alleyway to worry about a huge cut that had been infected."Keke walked over to Valir and tossed him over her shoulder like he was a rag doll. Keke walked out of the alleyway looking around to make sure no marines had seen her,"Try not to get blood on this lab coat. Would you prefer to go to the inn or to your ship?"
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"Yeah... because I wanted to stop here." Valir said sarcastically. "It's hard to find... doctor on the harbor side... so I came- wait, ouch!" He said, a stab of pain running through his arm as she hoisted him up. Strong too huh? He thought. He could see the ground below his face, spots of dark blood from his arm only blurs of crimson against a faint backdrop. "Inn's... dangerous for... please, take... ship." He said, the sudden rush of blood to his head causing his headache to return with a vengeance. "Behind... trees... East..." He managed before passing out. His face was still spotted with sweat, but he was turning pale.
Iggy walks hastily through the town and it seems like marines are everywhere and things weren't looking good he hadn't been in disguise and this was the obvious stop for him and his crew. He sees a large shop where they sold tools and other supplies a man in his middle ages owned it along with a few workers Iggy walked into the shop and approaches the counter "Have you seen a kinda tall blond man wearing a brown vest?" the man thinks about the man puting his hand on his chin "no I don't think I have but I will lookout for him" Iggy thanks him and begins to walk away until a thought wen't through his head and he turns around "excuse me sir do you deliver? if so no question asked?" the man smiles and says in a low tone gesturing Iggy to walk close "I've done plenty of delivers for pirates whatcha need" Iggy smirks "three canons with gun powder,a few wood planks and a sail" the man rights down the order "it's going to take till noon tomorrow by the way I'm Latao" "thank you the ship should be around were the end street of the forest you will be payed then" Latao gives a stern look "The usual agreement then" Latao walks to the back and Iggy walks out checking both ways before leaving. 
Iggy headed into a near by clothes shop grabbing a hat and some sunglasses and removing his jacket until he returned.
Keke quickly forgot what had Valir,but she did noticed that their was a trail of blood,"Readon number two you are an idiot is you left a blood directly to your pirate ship. "Keke said loudly as she reached the ship. Climbing aboard she looked around and headed inside to the captain's room,which was the room that usually had the most resources,"Wake up!"She roared pressing hard into a pressure point in his leg.
" medium rare steak with vegetables for table 12!" A waiter yelled into the the kitchen. " fried rice for table 4!" Another yelled. "Coming right up!"white haired women wearing a red dress, black combat boots and white apron yelled. After about 20 minutes thr fried rice was ready " fried rice ready for table 4!" She yelled the waiter took the food and served it to the table. Then about 30 after the fried rice the steak and with vegetables were ready

She drizzled a sauce on them and put them on the counter. She yelled " steak with vegetables for table 12 is ready!" She yelled and it was served to table 12. Luka gla ce over shoulder and smiled when she saw the customers smiling and wow over the food. " luka quit day dreaming and take the next order" Edward the owner of the restaurant told her. " sorry sir!" And she started making the next order. Edward smiled at her ' she grew up so fast...'

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Valir sat upright, letting out a yelp of pain. "WHAT THE F-" He stopped himself, slumping back down as his vision swam again. "Where are we? And why... the hell did you do that?" He asked irritably. The room slowly came into focus. "The captain's cabin..?" He wondered aloud, his thoughts scattered. He couldn't remember where he was before, until the throbbing in his arm brought it all back. Painfully.

Valir looked over at Keke again after he had regained his senses a little. "So you didn't just... dump me somewhere huh? That's good news for me. I... think." He smiled weakly. "I don't suppose you could... actually help clean me up? I would pay." He gave up on the attitude. It's not like it'll help me in this situation, He reflected.
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Iggy search seemed useless there was no trail that lead to Valir even if he searcen another hed the whole town he risked being caught but a feeling in his gut told him he was already found and the tall man who watched him from the shadows. He was very weird he could have captured Iggy at anytime but he never did and it seemed as if he was playing hot or cold the closer he got to the ship the more tension was put on Iggy but as he moved away from the ship he grew less ready to strike but Iggy attempted to walk on to the ship. Slowly Iggy took one step on to the boat and then another but he could feel the the large hands grip his body ripping the life out of him he lays down were he stands.
Keke pulled out a few syringes with different colored liquids inside of them,"Reason number three you are an idiot:You asked two idiotic questions. "Keke searched the cabin for a needle and thread,finding a needle but not a thread.Keke started to feel on Valir's infected arm and pressed another pressure point that would temporary numb it,"I'm going to inject you with this poison,but don't worry. It will be a small dose that neutralizes the infection. I can't call you an idiot and save your life without knowing your name. "Keke said ripping her skirt to get thread.
Valir winced and then relaxed as she went to work on his arm. "I'm Valir. And not knowing me didn't... really stop you, did it? Even earlier." He said. Even talking was becoming a chore. "And you are?" He asked, fighting to stay awake. "And what's this about... poisoning me?"
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Keke got a small bowl and started to soak the thread,from her skirt,in alcohol to sterilize it. Laying the syringes next to him she picked up the purple one,"This one will numb you so your arm can't feel pain. You might feel a little sting from me sewing your arm shut. "Keke warning him knowing the pressure point numbing would ware off. She quickly injected him with it,then threaded the sterilized needle with the sterilized thread. Keke quickly started to sew his arm up,"After this,I will rub the poison around the wound and also inject into your arm. "
Valir laid his head back, feeling the pain in his arm subside. It went numb, but he could still feel the tug of the needle on his skin. "And you're sure that the poison isn't going to do me in?" He asked, worried over the word 'poison'. His thoughts were still muddled, but speaking was getting easier without the pain present. "It'd be a shame to avoid losing my arm only to die over it." He said, managing a friendly smile. "And you never told me your name."
Iggy stands slowly and finally takes a look at the man.


He seemed to be unfazed by Iggy's curious eyes and he wasn't hostile anymore so Iggy just walks down into the kitchen to grab a drink and when he returned the man was sitting on the boat and he immediately spoke "You are captain Iggy correct? I would like to give you the chance to make it off this island. If anyone in your crew can impress me you can leave if not you get a 3 minute head start and then I will kill you all" he then laughs "Gloglogloglo" "see you tomorrow have some food on me at our finest restaurant". He runs off into the town on to roof tops "well I guess it fair" Iggy hears a Lady voice on the ship and inspects peaking his head into the captains room. "hey it's you did you decide to join us then?" Iggy already knew she was being affiliated with them due to the captain but he didn't want to worry or anger her so he kept that to himself.
Luka just ducked out of the way from an incoming knife. She sighed " guys how many time have I told you no fighting in the restaurant!!!!" She yelled at them. The two looked at luka " he said my food taste like sand paper!" ricky a 20 year old blond chef said. " and he said my taste luke poison!!" Logan a 30 year old ched said. " well maybe it is since your so old!!" "What was that brat!? I dare you to say it again!" Luka sighed " Enough!!!! Get back to work or ill kick both of you out!!" The two stopped and looked at her and immediately went back to work. Luka huffed and walked outside " sorry for the ruckus guys. You know things csn get crazy in this restaurant" she said with a cheerful smile. The customer laughed thats a regular customer said " no problem luka it just makes that it more fun to come here" luka smiled amd went back to work and the customers went back to eating.

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"Oh,it's Keke.Reason number four you are an idiot:You let an unknown person operate on your arm. "Keke was half down his arm as she looked at the poison sitting next to him. Iggy walked and wondered about her status,shaking her head no she turned to him slyly ignoring Valir's question about the poison,"Nope. I'm not a pirate and I don't plan on leaving this island until the marines find me. I just brought Valir back since his arm was infected and if he would have waited a little longer he have to cut it off. "Keke stopped and put on a mask to keep the smell of blood from her nose.

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